This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

I neither accept not reject that the election was stolen in 2020. Biden holds the office of president now, and rehashing the 2020 election will not change that. Many states allowed changes to their voting procedures without going through the legislatures which could be unconstitutional. Also, news about how Hunter Biden's laptop was either squashed or misrepresented as being planted by the Russians by the MSN. The big social media companies cut Trump off from putting out his message which would have allowed him to go around the MSM. So there were some shenanigans going on.
Biden was legitimately elected.
Bullshit. You conservatives don’t think it’s legitimate because your fuhrer lost. Conservatives don’t believe in democracy.
Like I give a fuck what a brainwashed **** like you thinks.

Conservatives believe in one man, one vote. This is why they believe in voter integrity.

Losers like you believe that we shouldn't verify who votes or if they are legal to do so.

The courts never looked at the facts of the voter fraud of the last election.

It won't matter because the gatekeepers in power will never overturn what they stole.

That does NOT mean that the GOP should not go on the attack and ensure that every vote counted is a vote above board and a mail-in vote is NOT above the board unless it can be verified.

So go fuck off. All the way off you lying piece of shit.
Like I give a fuck what a brainwashed **** like you thinks.

Conservatives believe in one man, one vote. This is why they believe in voter integrity.

Losers like you believe that we shouldn't verify who votes or if they are legal to do so.

The courts never looked at the facts of the voter fraud of the last election.

It won't matter because the gatekeepers in power will never overturn what they stole.

That does NOT mean that the GOP should not go on the attack and ensure that every vote counted is a vote above board and a mail-in vote is NOT above the board unless it can be verified.

So go fuck off. All the way off you lying piece of shit.
Conservatives have been the only ones caught committing fraud.

The courts looked at the "facts."

And found none existed

This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?​

The absence of proof of guilt does not translate to innocence. At this point, more than a year later from that election there is as yet no definitive proof of illegal voter fraud that shows the election was stolen. Nothing that has been accepted by a federal judge in a court of law according to the rules of evidence. But that does not mean the election was not stolen, only that it hasn't been proved. Yet.
Judges can be very corrupt
Ok, so we can say the same about 2016, right?
The Democrats are unable to accept the reality that many voters don't trust them or their party anymore. That has been true for years before 2020. It started with Clinton lying under oath and got worse with Obama's lies about so many things.
The Democrats are unable to accept the reality that many voters don't trust them or their party anymore. That has been true for years before 2020. It started with Clinton lying under oath and got worse with Obama's lies about so many things.
all politicians lie, but what matters is lying about consequential things, and the ratio of truths to lies.

and the FBI says that hillary didnt lie under oath.
If not stolen outright it was certainly rigged/manipulated by the dems for a Tater win.

That said I've moved on, and we used the tools/lessons the dems handed to us to help defeat them in my state.

I just hope the right-leaning in other states do the same, installing gop governors is the best way to thwart dem voting manipulation further and it will pay huge dividends in 2024.

A state like PA is the best current example with it's governorship up for grabs in 2022. Take it from the dems by running up the percentages in red and swing counties using a small army of poll watchers with lawyers on speed-dial.

It's time the dems reap the whirlwind for their shabby behavior.
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No where near the images of molester-groper Joe.
Oh? There are plenty more. I mean all it takes is a photo with implied context to convict right? And most pedos victimize some one close to them like a family member. Such a shame.
Conservative, stop making excuses for Trumps defeat. Move on. Biden is your president.
No, he isn't. He will never be my president---election was stolen and the guy is a corrupt immoral inept turd-----I have a moral compass unlike the idiots who support Biden---you don't put corrupt bribe taking senile pedos as your leader--you have to be stupid and immoral to do so.
True, as a negative cannot be proven.
They could, however, open up the source code of the machines. Yet? This manipulation of who counts the vote, was something that was initiated by a government agency for the benefit of a private firm and private parties.

So they won't. It might be corrupt, or it might not. Gas-lighting the public just won't work, and expecting them to, just believe because, the experts and ruling class establishment journalists "say so?" Is a load of crap.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

"ES&S must sell the divestiture assets to a buyer approved by the department."

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