This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

Not a deflection, since trump keeps himself in the mix, and his divisive rhetoric needs to be challenged, as does yours.
yes it is,, proven by your constantly avoiding talking about anything biden has done or plans on doing,,

you arent fooling anyone,,
Not a deflection, since trump keeps himself in the mix, and his divisive rhetoric needs to be challenged, as does yours. Biden's policies are still developing and I like, for the most part, what I see.

then you're blind.
LOL, the hell he isn't. Are you serious? Have you seen the Biden agenda? Everything he wants to do is way more liberal progressive than Trump's plans.

That is like arguing that Ted Bundy was not a bad as Jeffery Dahamer since he did not eat his victims
Yeah, I do too. I want to believe that their motives are pure and constructive (if incredibly simplistic and ham-handed), and then I'll be called "evil Hitler Commie scum" and threatened with violence.

So I really don't know.
No need to worry snowflake, this is an anonymous board...No one knows you, where you are, or cares.
Trump was never “my president” and the trail of corruption and institutional wreckage he left behind will haunt us for decades if not forever.

The institutional wreckage that the democrats want to accomplish right now will haunt us way longer than anything Trump did.
yes it is,, proven by your constantly avoiding talking about anything biden has done or plans on doing,,

you arent fooling anyone,,
You don't know what Biden's plans are until they begin to evolve. You are flapping just to flap, without having any knowledge. You aren't fooling anyone, and I don't have to tout anybody's anything. I am
letting Biden's policies evolve, and I have confidence. You and the other magrats tout the failed policies of trump.
I disagree. Every claim of fraud has been debunked or shown to be an innocent activity misinterpreted or based on a snippet of video. If there is not enough evidence to even make a charge, you can’t simply claim massive fraud anyway. At what point do say, ok, no fraud?

I brought up 2016 because, like 2020, it had narrow margins and it too was an upset. AND like 2020, one candidate, when down in tbe polls, began laying the groundwork for allegations of fraud. Since he won, he never needed to play that card. His opponent didn’t claim massive fraud because, regardless of any flaws she respected our institutions, the process of addressing contested elections and the importance to our democracy of adhering to those unspoken rules. 2020, no evidence of fraud, but a completely different loser. If we have no evidence to stand up to a charge of massive fraud, not just fraud, BUT MASSIVE fraud, then we have no evidence, just wishful thinking that is damnably dangerous to our entire form of government.
Horsedung. Lots of us saw the evidence of fraud on Utube before it was removed. Judges are crooked and can be bribed. If you actually believe what Democrats tell you, take out your checkbook cause I got a bridge for sale. HAHA!
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You don't know what Biden's plans are until they begin to evolve. You are flapping just to flap, without having any knowledge. You aren't fooling anyone, and I don't have to tout anybody's anything. I am
letting Biden's policies evolve, and I have confidence. You and the other magrats tout the failed policies of trump.
now thats some funny shit right there,,
That is a really stupid analogy. Why don't you try a little harder to show how Trump is no more conservative than Biden, I'd like to see that.

Other than his tariffs which are anti-conservative and his anti-gun EO which is anti-conservative and his out of control spending and adding to the debt which is also anti-conservative.
All it takes is a loyal base willing to believe anything except that their candidate lost, a politician running on four years of grievance politics and anger, and a base already susceptible to Conspiracy Theories and a ready made social media system that evolved enough to broadcast anything and everything with few guardrails to sort fact from fiction.

Sounds more like the democrats during Trump's 4 years in office.
Other than his tariffs which are anti-conservative and his anti-gun EO which is anti-conservative and his out of control spending and adding to the debt which is also anti-conservative.
Don't know about that anti-gun EO, I kinda doubt that. There have been many presidents on both sides that have tried protectionist policies like tariffs, that is not particularly a Left policy or action. And the out of control spending is certainly less than what the democrats wanted while he was president, a lot less.

Let's not kid ourselves here, the Left vigorously opposed every fucking thing Trump did or wanted to do. I can't think of one damn thing they agreed with him on, and you want to tell me Trump was no more conservative Biden? Joe fucking Biden? That's bullshit.
Let's not kid ourselves here, the Left vigorously opposed every fucking thing Trump did or wanted to do.

That is called politics, and it is mostly make believe and no more real than the WWE.
I'll give you a hint. Trump spent months telling his supporters not to vote by mail.

So they didn't.
In this state that's the only way you can vote, since ballots come in the mail.
Like most of the loonie Left, you are either ignorant or deliberately lie. Or both.
Don't know about that anti-gun EO, I kinda doubt that. There have been many presidents on both sides that have tried protectionist policies like tariffs, that is not particularly a Left policy or action. And the out of control spending is certainly less than what the democrats wanted while he was president, a lot less.

Let's not kid ourselves here, the Left vigorously opposed every fucking thing Trump did or wanted to do. I can't think of one damn thing they agreed with him on, and you want to tell me Trump was no more conservative Biden? Joe fucking Biden? That's bullshit.
I remember when Trump floated the idea of a DACA bill that gave the dems everything that they claimed to want a mere six months prior, and they turned it down out-of-hand because Trump brought it to them.....Though it caused "conservatives" emotionally invested in Trump to lose their minds, it was easy to see what he was demonstrating the knee-jerk reticence of democrats to anything he proposed, as one stepped back from the emotional attachment.

Such is also the case with never-Trumper lolbertarian poseurs like the Golfing Goober...Too invested in their blind hatred to see the forest for the trees.
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My reply to Stephanopoulos would have been to ask him on what does he base his claim that an unstolen 2020 election is now a "fact?" When did it become one? How? By what standard of proof? Before you can proceed in answering a question, you must first establish the veracity of the QUESTION, and had Paul just asked him that, he could have shot down the entire question because anytime you ask anyone the basis of considering the 2020 election a "closed case"--- factually debunked in every regard, they CAN'T. The presumption is always based on assumed truths rather than actual proof.
Get Socratic.....

"So, George, you really believe that dozens of statistical improbabilities, any single one of them less likely than winning a lotto jackpot, all turned to favor the same person?....Really?"

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