This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

I neither accept not reject that the election was stolen in 2020. Biden holds the office of president now, and rehashing the 2020 election will not change that. Many states allowed changes to their voting procedures without going through the legislatures which could be unconstitutional. Also, news about how Hunter Biden's laptop was either squashed or misrepresented as being planted by the Russians by the MSN. The big social media companies cut Trump off from putting out his message which would have allowed him to go around the MSM. So there were some shenanigans going on.
What many states? As far as I can find only one state made an election rule change without going through the legislature, that was challenged as unconstitutional, and that was Pennsylvania. They extended the deadline to accept absentee ballots by three days, a change that would benefit both candidates equally. Meanwhile, Trump’s appointee in charge of the Post Office was doing his best to destroy the postal ahead of an election which anticipated a higher than normal number of mail in ballets due to the pandemic. All the ballots received during that extended time were segregated and when counted were not enough to affect the results.

In addition, these nine states made rules or passed laws designed to disadvantage presumed Dem voters.
Does George Stephanopoulos consider himself a "journalist"? Sure seems desperate to get Rand Paul to play along

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Correct. The facts and history show that even if it wasn't a stolen election, there were far to many questionable actions to consider it a legitimate election.
One could just as easily create far too many questions about 2016 or 2012, or…..

All it takes is a loyal base willing to believe anything except that their candidate lost, a politician running on four years of grievance politics and anger, and a base already susceptible to Conspiracy Theories and a ready made social media system that evolved enough to broadcast anything and everything with few guardrails to sort fact from fiction.
One could just as easily create far too many questions about 2016 or 2012, or…..

All it takes is a loyal base willing to believe anything except that their candidate lost, a politician running on four years of grievance politics and anger, and a base already susceptible to Conspiracy Theories and a ready made social media system that evolved enough to broadcast anything and everything with few guardrails to sort fact from fiction.
You could provide a list of every single complaint and conspiracy that has been claimed, along with how it has been debunked, and it would be called fake news.

I was actually going to do that a while back, but quickly realized it would be an exercise in futility. Why bother.

This just has to be a process, where the madness slowly peels from the onion so that it fits back on the fringe, where it came from.
You could provide a list of every single complaint and conspiracy that has been claimed, along with how it has been debunked, and it would be called fake news.

I was actually going to do that a while back, but quickly realized it would be an exercise in futility. Why bother.

This just has to be a process, where the madness slowly peels from the onion so that it fits back on the fringe, where it came from.
I wonder anymore…social media has allowed tbe fringe to claim mainstream status, even if it means destroying our country, our civil society and institutions, and our electoral process.

The far right Republicans are so desperate to keep power they would destroy our ability to vote for the highest office by having state legislatures select the president.

I wonder what kind of society they invasion for us?
Biden is your President. Trump lost. It may be time to see a psychiatrist.
Biden is NOT and never will be my president nor will he be millions of others------

Haven't you figured out why the first thing his corrupt people did was build a wall around the white house to keep Americans out? They know they will never be accepted as leader by millions...
Biden is NOT and never will be my president nor will he be millions of others------

Haven't you figured out why the first thing his corrupt people did was build a wall around the white house to keep Americans out? They know they will never be accepted as leader by millions...
Hey, that is your right to choose. Trump was never “my president” and the trail of corruption and institutional wreckage he left behind will haunt us for decades if not forever.
Like I give a fuck what a brainwashed **** like you thinks.

Conservatives believe in one man, one vote. This is why they believe in voter integrity.

Losers like you believe that we shouldn't verify who votes or if they are legal to do so.

The courts never looked at the facts of the voter fraud of the last election.

It won't matter because the gatekeepers in power will never overturn what they stole.

That does NOT mean that the GOP should not go on the attack and ensure that every vote counted is a vote above board and a mail-in vote is NOT above the board unless it can be verified.

So go fuck off. All the way off you lying piece of shit.
This is all of course bullshit. What’s really going on here is that you guys want to throw out legally cast ballots of people whom you’ve decided voted wrong.

You’ll tell yourself it’s about protecting voter integrity, but really that’s just the lie to make yourself feel better.
I wonder anymore…social media has allowed tbe fringe to claim mainstream status, even if it means destroying our country, our civil society and institutions, and our electoral process.

The far right Republicans are so desperate to keep power they would destroy our ability to vote for the highest office by having state legislatures select the president.

I wonder what kind of society they invasion for us?
Yeah, I do too. I want to believe that their motives are pure and constructive (if incredibly simplistic and ham-handed), and then I'll be called "evil Hitler Commie scum" and threatened with violence.

So I really don't know.
Plenty of right wingers know trump lost fair and square.

They just won't admit it because they don't want to bring down the wrath of the trump supporters.

There is plenty of evidence, both circumstantial and direct that 2020 elections were manipulated, which can be broken down into six basic categories (6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election – OffGuardian)

  1. Precedent – It has happened before.
  2. Motive – Deep State/Military dislike of Trump’s policies is widely known.
  3. Foreknowledge – Establishment voices predicted this exact situation and conduction games on how to deal with it
  4. Opportunity – The voting system is highly susceptible to fraud. Especially with main-in ballots option (mail-in ballots are to a certain extent equivalent to vote fraud, as they represent a perfect instrument to abuse.) How otherwise can Biden get most votes in the history of the U.S.? Semi-senile Biden?? Have you heard how Biden speaks? He has difficulties even with teleprompter. Let me quote Dmitry Orlov: “… Biden is as fit to lead as a pig is kosher after rubbing its side against a corner of a synagogue.” In no way borderline senile Biden appeals to the committed Sanders base.
  5. Voting Irregularities – Known software “glitches” & irregularities in the reporting of the results, strange midnight injections of mail-in ballots; strange pause in counting votes in battleground states, blocking observers, etc.
    Everyone should look at this forensic analysis of the big ballot dumps in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia in the wee hours of Nov. 4. The chances of getting these one-sided dumps in legitimate elections are less than 0.001, on several metrics. All three state results could and should be overturned on this one finding.
    Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020 Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020
  6. Cover-up
    • PA Data Scientist- I Saw USB Cards Being Uploaded to Voting Machines
      I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions.
      ...So I personally witnessed that happen over 24 times. We have multiple other witnesses who saw it, including Democrat poll watchers.
      Stenstrom said he had been told by U.S. Attorney William McSwain such conduct with USBs and voting machines is unusual.
      As of today, 47 USB cards are missing, and they are nowhere to be found,” added Stenstrom. “I was told personally that these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded weren’t there.”
    • Early calls of MSM for Biden and the upper dishonesty in the reporting of the situation after the elections both in MSM. Strange and inconsistent, if not outright funny behaviour of Dem party executives in battleground states (yesterday Russia easily had stolen the USA lection; now election somehow can't be stolen and anybody who suggest that is a "conspiracy theorist"). What bothers and shocks me, is how the MSM just plays "see no evil - hear not evil - speak no evil” with its reporting. It’s like watching the version 2 of Operation Mockingbird in action.
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if that were true you would be defending bidens policies and not deflecting to trump,,
Not a deflection, since trump keeps himself in the mix, and his divisive rhetoric needs to be challenged, as does yours. Biden's policies are still developing and I like, for the most part, what I see.
Hey, that is your right to choose. Trump was never “my president” and the trail of corruption and institutional wreckage he left behind will haunt us for decades if not forever.
That's crazy talk....Corruption? You mean like weaponizing the CIA, and FBI against American citizens based solely on ideological stances? Or wanting to pack the SC based on nothing more than butthurt of not getting to appoint a single justice?

Remember Coyote, when you point your boney finger, you have three more pointing back at you....
The far right Republicans are so desperate to keep power they would destroy our ability to vote for the highest office by having state legislatures select the president.

A little too much hyperbole there IMHO. There are no state legislatures that are or will be selecting future presidents. No one's ability to vote is being denied, but here's the thing: we have nearly half the people saying that they have some doubt that the 2020 election was legit. There were so many allegations of misconduct, statistical abnormalities, etc., that it would be malfeasance if the states didn't try to reduce the opportunities for voter fraud in response. There's nothing wrong with trying to ensure every ballot cast and counted is legit.

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