This Is Bad, Real Bad: Hillary And Bernie Support Aborting Babies At 9 Months In The Womb

I sure did he is 19 years old, still lives with me. You jealous?

Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.
Yea welfare roles prove you wrong.
It's murder, pure barbaric murder. Can you imagine the pain a baby would suffer in the womb being aborted at 9 months?

BARBARIC! Bernie and Hillary Support Late Term Abortion of Babies Up to 9 Months (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit


so you do support murder?

I support people not thinking they can tell me what is or isn't murder.

You apparently don't support practicing what you preach.

You ask me if I support murder under the assumption that abortion is murder. That's begging the question. It's a logical fallacy and loses you the debate.

I asked you "do you support murder?" You ASSumed other things. It's typical of your kind which proves you are a born loser.
I sure did he is 19 years old, still lives with me. You jealous?

Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.
Liberals thinks a man should have the right to use a woman's locker room just because he thinks he is a woman. You call me a but? Lol
Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.
Yea welfare roles prove you wrong.

You people need to stop obsessing on the poor. That is what your puppetmasters want you to do.
No, he didn't.

Yeah, he did....

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
Anti-abortion activists accuse Obama of "supporting infanticide," and the National Right to Life Committee says he’s conducted a "four-year effort to cover up his full role in killing legislation to protect born-alive survivors of abortions." Obama says they’re "lying."

Fact Check says OBAMA is lying because he DID vote against the Bills and said these bills could lead to granting fetuses / babies with rights that could eventually lead to an end to abortions:

"Obama, Senate floor, 2001: Number one, whenever we define a previable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a – a child, a nine-month-old – child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute."
6 years old and supported choice. A 6 year old is more intelligent and open minded than you've ever been. This must be a proud moment for you.
6 years old and already raised as being a whore. Bill taught her well. A 6 year old should be playing and having a good time, not being taught about sex and killing a child. Liberals are sick.

Calling a 6 year old a whore. Good for you.
Calling it as it is, I guess she supported it because she didn't want any step sisters.

That warrants calling a 6 year old a whore. Did you teach your son to do that too, or will he figure out that one all by himself?
You got a six year old girl already thinking about having sex and having an abortion. Calling a spade a spade. My gosh she would've been in k-5 or first grade already made that decision. Like I said ole Bill must if made an impression on her by his messing around. Poor kid, almost feel sorry for her.

It's funny to watch an asshole try to justify the fact that they just called a 6 Year old child, a whore. In one breath you pretend to care about the well being of an unborn child, and then in the next breath that child is now a whore to you.

Like I said earlier, you're a raging hypocrite and just prove it every time you open that filthy trailer park mouth.
I sure did he is 19 years old, still lives with me. You jealous?

Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

so you do support murder?

I support people not thinking they can tell me what is or isn't murder.

You apparently don't support practicing what you preach.

You ask me if I support murder under the assumption that abortion is murder. That's begging the question. It's a logical fallacy and loses you the debate.

I asked you "do you support murder?" You ASSumed other things. It's typical of your kind which proves you are a born loser.

If you want to lie and tell us you weren't talking about abortion, go ahead. Remind us you have no integrity.
Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

No. Normal Americans support aid to the poor. Starting with public education. And healthcare. And food. And shelter.
I sure did he is 19 years old, still lives with me. You jealous?

Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

Newsflash. American conservatives are the laughing stock of the planet. Literally. I mean outside of Iran NO ONE shares the base principles that The American Regressive party touts.
You keep thinking that, before Obama when we drew a red line nobody crossed it. Then the joke Obama got elected and started to draw it with a crayon out of his box.
so you do support murder?

I support people not thinking they can tell me what is or isn't murder.

You apparently don't support practicing what you preach.

You ask me if I support murder under the assumption that abortion is murder. That's begging the question. It's a logical fallacy and loses you the debate.

I asked you "do you support murder?" You ASSumed other things. It's typical of your kind which proves you are a born loser.

If you want to lie and tell us you weren't talking about abortion, go ahead. Remind us you have no integrity.

If you want to assume things that weren't asked, go ahead. Show me where my question said anything about abortion. You can't but you will continue to say I asked about it.
No, he didn't.

Yeah, he did....

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
Anti-abortion activists accuse Obama of "supporting infanticide," and the National Right to Life Committee says he’s conducted a "four-year effort to cover up his full role in killing legislation to protect born-alive survivors of abortions." Obama says they’re "lying."

He said Sanders, try and keep up.
Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

So all the conservatives who can't shut up about how much they donate to the poor are the abnormal ones?

lol. oops.
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

No. Normal Americans support aid to the poor. Starting with public education. And healthcare. And food. And shelter.

Normal Americans provide for themselves. Bleeding hearts use your excuse because they are unwilling to voluntarily do what they say the rest of us should be forced to do.
I support people not thinking they can tell me what is or isn't murder.

You apparently don't support practicing what you preach.

You ask me if I support murder under the assumption that abortion is murder. That's begging the question. It's a logical fallacy and loses you the debate.

I asked you "do you support murder?" You ASSumed other things. It's typical of your kind which proves you are a born loser.

If you want to lie and tell us you weren't talking about abortion, go ahead. Remind us you have no integrity.

If you want to assume things that weren't asked, go ahead. Show me where my question said anything about abortion. You can't but you will continue to say I asked about it.

Okay, now that you are pretending your question had nothing to do with abortion,

no, I don't support murder.

Happy now?
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

No. Normal Americans support aid to the poor. Starting with public education. And healthcare. And food. And shelter.
Education? You keep minorities uneducated for a vote. That way they depend on welfare keeping them poor all for a vote. Discusting.
Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

Who are you kidding? You live off the government tit as much if not more than the average person.
Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

No. Normal Americans support aid to the poor. Starting with public education. And healthcare. And food. And shelter.

Normal Americans provide for themselves. Bleeding hearts use your excuse because they are unwilling to voluntarily do what they say the rest of us should be forced to do.

So you reject democratic government. What would you replace it with?
Very. I wish I could live with a hypocritical asshole too!
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.
Liberals thinks a man should have the right to use a woman's locker room just because he thinks he is a woman. You call me a but? Lol
You speak for me, do you?
He also will never vote democrat, I taught him well. He made the choice himself.

Great! You "taught" your son to pick his candidate based upon the Letter next to his name. I'm sure he'll go far like his mother.
The way the liberals are going you are ruining this country. If you come back around to normal ideas he would vote Democrat, but right now your party is fucked up and he realizes it. Smart kid.

We're only ruining it for rightwing nuts like you. Normal Americans will be better off.

Normal Americans? Normal Americans provide for themselves and don't expect others to subsidize their healthcare, feed them, clothe them, house them, and support their damn kids. Liberals believe all those things are a right that someone else should provide people.

So all the conservatives who can't shut up about how much they donate to the poor are the abnormal ones?

lol. oops.

No, those demanding the government force taxpayers to do it for them are abnormal. I didn't say those doing the voluntary donating are abnormal. I said those demanding government mandates are.

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