This is both funny and

Of course we're listening to different speeches and reading different tweets. Everything you think you know about Donald J. Trump is being filtered and distorted through your obviously-tainted left-wing globalist media sources, or second-hand information from your peers.

In other words, you only believe what they want you to believe. You only know what they want you to know.

Geez, for a bunch of people who proclaim themselves to be "open-minded" and tolerant, you liberals sure are a bunch of stubborn, intolerant, and stodgy bunch of fuckers. Try to step outside of your own little sphere sometime, and look at the world as others do. The sun is shining brightly, the air is fresh and clean, and the future has no bounds in my world.

Well unless somebody has their hand up his arse, it's his voice and words. And unless somebody is writing his tweets, it's him. No filtration or distortion as far as I can see.

Intolerant??? You have the balls to call me intolerant??? Ha!!
More than enough of us have died to give you the freedom to make fun of us, so fuck off.

You make it sound like we weren't in the fight.
What freedom did you give us that we weren't fighting for ourselves?
As I said, we joined the fight a good two years before you, Johnny Come Lately.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Most of those are nuisance suits anyone can file.

The tax evasion one is bizarre. The IRS audits him every year. Funny how they are suddenly going to realize he evaded taxes after he left office. Just sounds like wishful thinking.

And considering the southern NY court's case is for paying off a porn star for silence, which isn't illegal, it doesn't even make sense. If he deducted the payment somehow, they'd already know that.

No, you're just another Democrat suffering from butt hurt. You won, get relief

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fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

I hope they leave him alone and we move on. This is the BS that causes a divide and will lead to retaliation.

Yes, I hope that President Biden (who claims he wants to unite the country) will have the mental and physical strength to tell his Attorney General NOT to prosecute former President Trump.

And I hope that he will also pass the word to state authorities (such as the Attorney General of New York state) to refrain from prosecuting him.

As far as the alleged rapes are concerned, I hope that all parties can come to a financial settlement that satisfies everyone.

These four years and especially 2020 because of COVID-19 have been traumatic. Millions of Americans have suffered mentally, physically, and financially. When I take a walk, it makes me sick to my stomach to pass all the closed businesses, with so many people unemployed.

President Biden will hopefully have the family jewels to make sure that former President Trump is not harassed. It would only make reconciliation more difficult & make this country appear to be a banana republic.
Most of those are nuisance suits anyone can file.

The tax evasion one is bizarre. The IRS audits him every year. Funny how they are suddenly going to realize he evaded taxes after he left office. Just sounds like wishful thinking.

And considering the southern NY court's case is for paying off a porn star for silence, which isn't illegal, it doesn't even make sense. If he deducted the payment somehow, they'd already know that.

No, you're just another Democrat suffering from butt hurt. You won, get relief

We'll see with regard to the nuisance suits.

What am I butt hurt from? He just got his arse kicked in the election. Nothing but a good time...

And I'm a Democrat, like you're a Commie...
Normal Americans are not like you are. In fact, we view you as quite abnormal: Folks whose homeland you never had to defend with your own blood and toil, and who had to rely on great countries such as mine in order to keep your own descendants from being bayonet prectice for invading Japanese Imperialists.

You're very welcome.

But don't expect us to pull your asses out of the fire next time because frankly, you're not worth it.

Um. No, in fact you are abnormal. Five million more Americans voted for Biden over Trump - and no, there were no stuffed ballots and all the other wet dream fantasies you have.

And the likes of you and your Deplorable whiners only make up about 1/3 of Trump voters. The other 2/3s are GoP platform voters. They can't stand Trump but they're conservatives.

You never defended my homeland. My homeland was never invaded. Japan attacked YOU remember, not us. Oh, BTW, thanks for joining WWII more than two years after we did.
No you're abnormal.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

More than anything else, I just want him gone.

There could certainly be some comedic value if ends up in hot water, but that's a secondary priority. Plus, he's spent so much time in court already that he probably knows how to drag this stuff out for decades.

What a great guy, huh?
fantastic at the same time.

Ho Hum. Just more proof how much the left piss their pants at the mere mention of Trump. Now they hope to put him in jail so he can't run in 2024 before he even loses reelection in 2020. :auiqs.jpg:
1) He lost the election
2) I hope he runs in 2024. He'll be an independent and he'll split the conservative vote.
3) I piss my pants laughing at him, sure.
Because I'm on the board advocating commies all the time like you advocate Democrats.

Are all Kiwis that terrible at analogies or is it just you?

I have many posts criticising Dems. I think Pelosi and Schumer are fucking idiots. You forget, you live in a society where there are only two political parties and ideologies. I live in a society where there are between 5-7 different parties in our parliament. l have supported and voted for most of them one time or another, depending on their policies. I don't think like you. I don't think in black and white terms.

When it comes to Trump, I don't despise him and ridicule him because he is a conservative (and he's not BTW), but because he is a low-life piece of shit. I have thought that of him LONG before he entered politics. If he had been voted in by the Dems, I would be saying the exact same thing about him. THAT is the difference between you and I. I see a scummy piece of shit and call him out. You lick his boots. Shrug.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Democrats want to finish what Obama started with his failed coup attempt....and with talk starting about him running again in 2024 they know they have to DESTROY him now to prevent him from becoming the next President.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Democrats want to finish what Obama started with his failed coup attempt....and with talk starting about him running again in 2024 they know they have to DESTROY him now to prevent him from becoming the next President.

As I said, he will have to run as an independent. The GoP will never allow him to run again. And if he runs as an independent it will split the conservative vote and Biden/Harris will be a shoe-in in 2024. I hope he does run. I really do.
Trump lost. End of story. Willing to bet you anything you like. Name your price. Put up of shut up.

Hate to take money from a fool. The head of the General Accounting Office just refused to give the Biden campaign any computer access or funding for his transition team telling them no official winner has been decided from the election yet.

That pretty much ends your bet.
Because I'm on the board advocating commies all the time like you advocate Democrats.

Are all Kiwis that terrible at analogies or is it just you?

I have many posts criticising Dems. I think Pelosi and Schumer are fucking idiots. You forget, you live in a society where there are only two political parties and ideologies. I live in a society where there are between 5-7 different parties in our parliament. l have supported and voted for most of them one time or another, depending on their policies. I don't think like you. I don't think in black and white terms.

When it comes to Trump, I don't despise him and ridicule him because he is a conservative (and he's not BTW), but because he is a low-life piece of shit. I have thought that of him LONG before he entered politics. If he had been voted in by the Dems, I would be saying the exact same thing about him. THAT is the difference between you and I. I see a scummy piece of shit and call him out. You lick his boots. Shrug.

Nice story. Doesn't match your posting history, not at all

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