This is both funny and

Normal Americans are not like you are. In fact, we view you as quite abnormal: Folks whose homeland you never had to defend with your own blood and toil, and who had to rely on great countries such as mine in order to keep your own descendants from being bayonet prectice for invading Japanese Imperialists.

You're very welcome.

But don't expect us to pull your asses out of the fire next time because frankly, you're not worth it.

Um. No, in fact you are abnormal. Five million more Americans voted for Biden over Trump - and no, there were no stuffed ballots and all the other wet dream fantasies you have.

And the likes of you and your Deplorable whiners only make up about 1/3 of Trump voters. The other 2/3s are GoP platform voters. They can't stand Trump but they're conservatives.

You never defended my homeland. My homeland was never invaded. Japan attacked YOU remember, not us. Oh, BTW, thanks for joining WWII more than two years after we did.

So set me straight then. Aren't you that asshole from New Zealand, or am I mistaken? Or was it Australia?

Thailand who is a ex-pat if I am correct...
Nice story. Doesn't match your posting history, not at all

I don't see the majority of right-wing posters on here as normal conservatives. I think guys like you are neocons. IOW, at the extreme right. AThis site attracts like-minded people from the same spheres of thought.

At the end of the day, there are what, maybe 150-200 posters on here? About 80 per cent of them are conservative. Of that 80 per cent, about 90 per cent are extreme right wing conservatives. And because you are all in a cabal, and bounce ideas off each other in this forum, you think that your version of conservatism is normal. It's not. You enable each other. A huge number of people voted for Trump, not because they are Deplorables, but because they are GoP/conservative voters.

All you neocons on here have a lot of things in common.
You are ALL white. Vast majority over 50 - I'd even say over 60.
You all blame immigration, black people, gay people for all the ills in the world
You are all strict constitutionalists, even though your FF's deliberately put in an amendment clause AND the USSC to interpret and amend the constitution.
You are a minority in your own country but BELIEVE you are the majority. Heck, you're even a minority amongst conservatives.
A huge number of you are conspiracy theorists.
I am pretty sure (and this is totally irrelevant but I'll say it anyway) are fat arses and lazy bums who've had shit lives and blame others for their lot in life.
Nice story. Doesn't match your posting history, not at all

I don't see the majority of right-wing posters on here as normal conservatives. I think guys like you are neocons. IOW, at the extreme right. At the end of the day, this site attracts like-minded people from different spheres.

At the end of the day, there are what, maybe 150-200 posters on here? About 80 per cent of them are conservative. Of that 80 per cent, about 90 per cent are extreme right wing conservatives. And because you are all in a cabal, and bounce ideas off each other in this forum, you think that your version of conservatism is normal. It's not. You enable each other. A huge number of people voted for Trump, not because they are Deplorables, but because they are GoP/conservative voters.

All you neocons on here have a lot of things in common.
You are ALL white. Vast majority over 50 - I'd even say over 60.
You all blame immigration, black people, gay people for all the ills in the world
You are all strict constitutionalists, even though your FF's deliberately put in an amendment clause AND the USSC to interpret and amend the constitution.
You are a minority in your own country but BELIEVE you are the majority. Heck, you're even a minority amongst conservatives.
A huge number of you are conspiracy theorists.
I am pretty sure (and this is totally irrelevant but I'll say it anyway) are fat arses and lazy bums who've had shit lives and blame others for their lot in life.

Obviously you don't know what a neocon is if you think I am one.

It's a term with a definition, simpleton, it's not just an insult.

Duh, dar, you're a neocon kaz! Drool. What a retard.

I don't know why since you post your endless love for Democrats it bothers you then to be one.

But go ahead, Skippy. Name some of my "neocon" polies that I support. I say you literally don't know what the word means
I live here and know what's happening on the ground; you don't.

Well, unless you are an accountant and have seen the books of state, county and federal legislators and the IRS, you know as much as I do in terms of finding the info.
Which has what to do with what?
Dunno. You're the one claiming I need to be living there to know what is going on. I don't agree. I get CNN and Fox over here. Read the online US newspapers. What information are you getting that I'm not? And from where?
CNN and Fox
That's all I need to know!!!
The two most ideological bullshitters on American TV!
CNN and Fox
That's all I need to know!!!
The two most ideological bullshitters on American TV!

I didn't say I listen to them. In fact, I can't remember the last time I watched either of them. I watch very little television. Get most of my info online and via public radio. Where do you get your info from?
I live here and know what's happening on the ground; you don't.

Well, unless you are an accountant and have seen the books of state, county and federal legislators and the IRS, you know as much as I do in terms of finding the info.
Which has what to do with what?
Dunno. You're the one claiming I need to be living there to know what is going on. I don't agree. I get CNN and Fox over here. Read the online US newspapers. What information are you getting that I'm not? And from where?
CNN and Fox
That's all I need to know!!!
The two most ideological bullshitters on American TV!

Dr Grump: I like to watch ...

Only a true New Zealand elitist would think they know all about us from watching TV and reading the papers
Thailand who is a ex-pat if I am correct...

Never been to Thailand. NZer living in Aust.

With your nose looking down at America and a big old Kiwi ego

Nope, only neocon, whackadoodle Americans. There are plenty of great Americans. 75+ million of them voted for Joe.

But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?
By definition, it's what makes you a New Zealand elitist. You know all about us, more than we do. I mean you read the papers, right?

Dunno. In my 50+ years, when I watch television news (which is rare these days) there are at least 2/3 stories about the US on it. The US election has been headline news in our newspapers for the past week. That has been my life for 50 years. How many NZ stories do you get? One every five years maybe? If that. I don't know MORE. Never claimed that. But I sure as shit know a lot.
Nice story. Doesn't match your posting history, not at all

I don't see the majority of right-wing posters on here as normal conservatives. I think guys like you are neocons. IOW, at the extreme right. AThis site attracts like-minded people from the same spheres of thought.

At the end of the day, there are what, maybe 150-200 posters on here? About 80 per cent of them are conservative. Of that 80 per cent, about 90 per cent are extreme right wing conservatives. And because you are all in a cabal, and bounce ideas off each other in this forum, you think that your version of conservatism is normal. It's not. You enable each other. A huge number of people voted for Trump, not because they are Deplorables, but because they are GoP/conservative voters.

All you neocons on here have a lot of things in common.
You are ALL white. Vast majority over 50 - I'd even say over 60.
You all blame immigration, black people, gay people for all the ills in the world
You are all strict constitutionalists, even though your FF's deliberately put in an amendment clause AND the USSC to interpret and amend the constitution.
You are a minority in your own country but BELIEVE you are the majority. Heck, you're even a minority amongst conservatives.
A huge number of you are conspiracy theorists.
I am pretty sure (and this is totally irrelevant but I'll say it anyway) are fat arses and lazy bums who've had shit lives and blame others for their lot in life.
The TrumpBots here want US citizens to succeed by having jobs and careers.
Neo-Cons, such as yourself, want wars, US Tax Dollars to go anywhere but to the US and want us to take care of everyone except US citizens.
So take your Mentally Deranged manipulation of how you think we see things and shove it up your non-US citizen ass.
By definition, it's what makes you a New Zealand elitist. You know all about us, more than we do. I mean you read the papers, right?

Dunno. In my 50+ years, when I watch television news (which is rare these days) there are at least 2/3 stories about the US on it. The US election has been headline news in our newspapers for the past week. That has been my life for 50 years. How many NZ stories do you get? One every five years maybe? If that. I don't know MORE. Never claimed that. But I sure as shit know a lot.
The fact that you believe the US media outlets, owned by neo-Cons, are painting the truth about the US shows what a dumb piece of shit you are.
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By definition, it's what makes you a New Zealand elitist. You know all about us, more than we do. I mean you read the papers, right?

Dunno. In my 50+ years, when I watch television news (which is rare these days) there are at least 2/3 stories about the US on it. The US election has been headline news in our newspapers for the past week. That has been my life for 50 years. How many NZ stories do you get? One every five years maybe? If that. I don't know MORE. Never claimed that. But I sure as shit know a lot.

I don't know shit about New Zealand. Never said I did. What I said is you don't know shit about America.

So you really think reading the NZ papers and watching TV means I'd understand it like a Kiwi? That's just stupid.

As stupid as you calling me a neocon when you obviously don't know what the term means
But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?

Wolfowitz. Neocon. Rusmfeld. Neocon. Cheney. Neocon. Pearle. Neocon. Now, being the ELITIST neocon you are, this is where you laugh and claim I don't know the meaning of the term (always happens). It has evolved since Harrington first coined it. YOU are a neocon chickenhawk.
But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?

Wolfowitz. Neocon. Rusmfeld. Neocon. Cheney. Neocon. Pearle. Neocon. Now, being the ELITIST neocon you are, this is where you laugh and claim I don't know the meaning of the term (always happens). It has evolved since Harrington first coined it. YOU are a neocon chickenhawk.

I didn't ask you who are neocons, I asked you what the term means. Again you don't know.

Now you call me a chickenhawk? What view of mine does that even make sense for? The Kiwi massive ego is just name calling, it's all you have.

You're just digging deeper in it. Your hole is so deep at this point that only your ego is big enough to stand on to get out

But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?

Wolfowitz. Neocon. Rusmfeld. Neocon. Cheney. Neocon. Pearle. Neocon. Now, being the ELITIST neocon you are, this is where you laugh and claim I don't know the meaning of the term (always happens). It has evolved since Harrington first coined it. YOU are a neocon chickenhawk.
WTF are you babbling about?
GW is the biggest neo-Con scumbag on earth and you're comparing a Trump supporter to GW's gang?
You're a fucking retard.

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