This is both funny and

The TrumpBots here want US citizens to succeed by having jobs and careers.
Neo-Cons, such as yourself, want wars, US Tax Dollars to go anywhere but to the US and want us to take care of everyone except US citizens.
So take your Mentally Deranged manipulation of how you think we see things and shove it up your non-US citizen ass.

And Dems DON'T want people to succeed or have jobs? Really?
What wars do I want? I was very much against Iraq/Afghanistan and Vietnam...
I don't want, nor do we get, any US dollars.

I KNOW how you see things. It's written on this board every day.
But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?

Wolfowitz. Neocon. Rusmfeld. Neocon. Cheney. Neocon. Pearle. Neocon. Now, being the ELITIST neocon you are, this is where you laugh and claim I don't know the meaning of the term (always happens). It has evolved since Harrington first coined it. YOU are a neocon chickenhawk.
WTF are you babbling about?
GW is the biggest neo-Con scumbag on earth and you're comparing a Trump supporter to GW's gang?
You're a fucking retard.

Yep. Neocons are big government and big military pushing their foreign agenda though the mailitary. W and Obama were both classic neocons.

Trump is a big spender, but he's clearly not been a neocon with the military, he's pulled us out and drawn us out of Obama's endless wars.

The brainless egomaniac from New Zealand is just name calling, he doesn't even know what the words he's saying mean. He heard them on New Zealand playgrounds.

But he knows all about the United States. He reads the papers and watches cable news for Pete's sake. LOL
The TrumpBots here want US citizens to succeed by having jobs and careers.
Neo-Cons, such as yourself, want wars, US Tax Dollars to go anywhere but to the US and want us to take care of everyone except US citizens.
So take your Mentally Deranged manipulation of how you think we see things and shove it up your non-US citizen ass.

And Dems DON'T want people to succeed or have jobs? Really?
What wars do I want? I was very much against Iraq/Afghanistan and Vietnam...
I don't want, nor do we get, any US dollars.

I KNOW how you see things. It's written on this board every day.

So you're with Trump on that, not Biden, huh?
The TrumpBots here want US citizens to succeed by having jobs and careers.
Neo-Cons, such as yourself, want wars, US Tax Dollars to go anywhere but to the US and want us to take care of everyone except US citizens.
So take your Mentally Deranged manipulation of how you think we see things and shove it up your non-US citizen ass.

And Dems DON'T want people to succeed or have jobs? Really?
What wars do I want? I was very much against Iraq/Afghanistan and Vietnam...
I don't want, nor do we get, any US dollars.

I KNOW how you see things. It's written on this board every day.
The Dems need needy people; it's their whole platform.
The fact that you believe the US media outlets, owned by neo-Cons, are painting the truth about the US shows what a dumb piece of shit you are.

Ok, Brains. Where do you get your information from?

Now I'm just laughing at you.

The guy who doesn't know what a neocon is or what makes me a chickenhawk but doesn't know why

C'mon. Where do you get your info from? Oh, that's right, the same sources as you. How fucking dumb are you? Really?
Thailand who is a ex-pat if I am correct...

Never been to Thailand. NZer living in Aust.

With your nose looking down at America and a big old Kiwi ego

Nope, only neocon, whackadoodle Americans. There are plenty of great Americans. 75+ million of them voted for Joe.

But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?
Where did I say YOU were a neocon?
You said anyone who supports Trump is a neo-Con.
Do you actually pay attention to what you post?
WTF are you babbling about?
GW is the biggest neo-Con scumbag on earth and you're comparing a Trump supporter to GW's gang?
You're a fucking retard.

If the shoe fits...the same Trump supporters on here supported Bush. Go figure.

I never voted for W. Fail. Trump in fact brought a lot of people into the Republican party. You're blowing smoke out of your ass again.

You loved Democrats though then too. Mondale, Dukakis, Slick, Slick, The lunatic Al Gore, John F'ing Kerry, Obama, Obama, Hillary, Biden, you loved them all
Thailand who is a ex-pat if I am correct...

Never been to Thailand. NZer living in Aust.

With your nose looking down at America and a big old Kiwi ego

Nope, only neocon, whackadoodle Americans. There are plenty of great Americans. 75+ million of them voted for Joe.

But you're not a Democrat ... Just how stupid are you?

And how am I a neocon? You were just name calling, you have no idea what it means, do you?
Where did I say YOU were a neocon?
You said anyone who supports Trump is a neo-Con.
Do you actually pay attention to what you post?

He also said he's not a Democrat then defined sane as voting for Biden
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Imagine how quickly these fake cases will dry up once Trump becomes a private citizen again.
Agreed. I think most people will just be content with getting him out of the White House.
WTF are you babbling about?
GW is the biggest neo-Con scumbag on earth and you're comparing a Trump supporter to GW's gang?
You're a fucking retard.

If the shoe fits...the same Trump supporters on here supported Bush. Go figure.

I never voted for W. Fail. Trump in fact brought a lot of people into the Republican party. You're blowing smoke out of your ass again.

You loved Democrats though then too. Mondale, Dukakis, Slick, Slick, The lunatic Al Gore, John F'ing Kerry, Obama, Obama, Hillary, Biden, you loved them all

I liked Clinton as a president. As a person he sucked. Never liked Mondale or Dukakis. Gore was okay. Didn't like Kerry. Ambivalent about Obama. Biden was a terrible choice. Have said that many times. Just how often can you be wrong? Lots it seems.
The fact that you believe the US media outlets, owned by neo-Cons, are painting the truth about the US shows what a dumb piece of shit you are.

Ok, Brains. Where do you get your information from?
Define a neo-Con.
I live in the US, you don't; I don't have to defend myself against someone who doesn't live here.

Yeah you do.

Getting through doorways has to be a hell of an experience for you with that giant head
WTF are you babbling about?
GW is the biggest neo-Con scumbag on earth and you're comparing a Trump supporter to GW's gang?
You're a fucking retard.

If the shoe fits...the same Trump supporters on here supported Bush. Go figure.

I never voted for W. Fail. Trump in fact brought a lot of people into the Republican party. You're blowing smoke out of your ass again.

You loved Democrats though then too. Mondale, Dukakis, Slick, Slick, The lunatic Al Gore, John F'ing Kerry, Obama, Obama, Hillary, Biden, you loved them all

I liked Clinton as a president. As a person he sucked. Never liked Mondale or Dukakis. Gore was okay. Didn't like Kerry. Ambivalent about Obama. Biden was a terrible choice. Have said that many times. Just how often can you be wrong? Lots it seems.

Define a neocon

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