This is both funny and

fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Imagine how quickly these fake cases will dry up once Trump becomes a private citizen again.
Agreed. I think most people will just be content with getting him out of the White House.
Liberals will be happy being screwed by a Democrat.
He also said he's not a Democrat then defined sane as voting for Biden

Considering the choices you had, it was.

For a Democrat, sure. LOL. Biden actually is a neocon. Not that you know that since you literally don't know what it means.

Trump is fiscally, but not militarily. But then you were just name calling, LOL
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Imagine how quickly these fake cases will dry up once Trump becomes a private citizen again.
Agreed. I think most people will just be content with getting him out of the White House.
Liberals will be happy being screwed by a Democrat.
No doubt.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

Imagine how quickly these fake cases will dry up once Trump becomes a private citizen again.
Agreed. I think most people will just be content with getting him out of the White House.
Liberals will be happy being screwed by a Democrat.
No doubt.

I know this one. Wait. Wait. Just a Girl?
Define a neo-Con.

I have defined it many times on this board. I don't answer to you. I've already mentioned Harrington. Look up Irving Kristol too if you wish. I have also given many examples of well-known people who I consider neocons. If you are half as smart as you think you are you'll know those people and their politics. That is MY definition of neocon. And I am not going to answer this question yet again.
Define a neo-Con.

I have defined it many times on this board. I don't answer to you. I've already mentioned Harrington. Look up Irving Kristol too if you wish. I have also given many examples of well-known people who I consider neocons. If you are half as smart as you think you are you'll know those people and their politics. That is MY definition of neocon. And I am not going to answer this question yet again.
Then you know Trump is not a neo-Con; end of discussion.
Define a neo-Con.

I have defined it many times on this board. I don't answer to you. I've already mentioned Harrington. Look up Irving Kristol too if you wish. I have also given many examples of well-known people who I consider neocons. If you are half as smart as you think you are you'll know those people and their politics. That is MY definition of neocon. And I am not going to answer this question yet again.
Then you know Trump is not a neo-Con; end of discussion.

Did I say he was? Where?
Define a neo-Con.

I have defined it many times on this board. I don't answer to you. I've already mentioned Harrington. Look up Irving Kristol too if you wish. I have also given many examples of well-known people who I consider neocons. If you are half as smart as you think you are you'll know those people and their politics. That is MY definition of neocon. And I am not going to answer this question yet again.
Then you know Trump is not a neo-Con; end of discussion.

Did I say he was? Where?
Then you must hate people who love their own nation.
Define a neo-Con.

I have defined it many times on this board. I don't answer to you. I've already mentioned Harrington. Look up Irving Kristol too if you wish. I have also given many examples of well-known people who I consider neocons. If you are half as smart as you think you are you'll know those people and their politics. That is MY definition of neocon. And I am not going to answer this question yet again.

You haven't answered it once. You just ducked and hid.

And you called Trump a neocon and me and Indeependent, when we all were for LESS military involvement. That while you support the neocon Biden who never met a war he didn't like and was #2 to America's #1 neocon in the two thousand and naughts.

I'm against Trump's spending and said so repeatedly, again fail on the neocon. I want to slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2. Which you think is a chicken hawk.

So no, you don't know what a neocon is. You're trying to hide.

Suggestion. Hide behind your ego. Even if we know where you are, it'll take days to find you
You haven't answered it once. You just ducked and bobbed like Joe Frazier.

And you called Trump a neocon and me and Indeependent, when we all were for LESS military involvement. That while you support the neocon Biden who never met a war he didn't like and was #2 to America's #1 neocon in the two thousand and naughts.

I'm against Trump's spending and said so repeatedly, again fail on the neocon. I want to slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2. Which you think is a chicken hawk.

So no, you don't know what a neocon is. You're trying to hide.

Suggestion. Hide behind your ego. Even if we know where you are, it'll take days to find you

Maybe you aren't a neocon, but you sure seem to like defending them.
Did I call Trump a neocon? Did I? Or Independent?
You haven't answered it once. You just ducked and bobbed like Joe Frazier.

And you called Trump a neocon and me and Indeependent, when we all were for LESS military involvement. That while you support the neocon Biden who never met a war he didn't like and was #2 to America's #1 neocon in the two thousand and naughts.

I'm against Trump's spending and said so repeatedly, again fail on the neocon. I want to slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2. Which you think is a chicken hawk.

So no, you don't know what a neocon is. You're trying to hide.

Suggestion. Hide behind your ego. Even if we know where you are, it'll take days to find you

Maybe you aren't a neocon, but you sure seem to like defending them.
Did I call Trump a neocon? Did I? Or Independent?
All we know is that you hate Trump because he has the backbone to tell the media outlets you love to go to hell.
Getting through doorways has to be a hell of an experience for you with that giant head

Kaz, you have the ego the size of Africa. The irony in your post....

Dr Grump: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. You are kaz! Bam!

The New Zealand playgrounds are strong in this one.

I'm not the one on a foreign message board being a total dick telling them what they think and that I know as much about their country as they do because I watch cable news and read newspapers, that's you, Home Boy
Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.
Normal Americans are not like you are. In fact, we view you as quite abnormal: Folks whose homeland you never had to defend with your own blood and toil, and who had to rely on great countries such as mine in order to keep your own descendants from being bayonet practice for invading Japanese Imperialists, or sent to the gas chambers by invading Nazi troops.

You're very welcome.

But don't expect us to pull your asses out of the fire next time because frankly, you're not worth it. More than enough of us have died to give you the freedom to make fun of us, so fuck off.
Hilarious. After all, Australia was actually bombed by Japanese aircraft. Not to mention stopping them on the Kokoda Trail. But that's deplorables for you...if they didn't have their ignorance and bombast to flaunt they'd have nothing. Oh well.

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