This is both funny and

Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.

All you said was no you didn't. That isn't shredding a list, giant ego. You'd have to give reasons and support alternatives. You kept saying no you're not a Democrat then said sane Americans voted for Biden. You're a constant contradiction
Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.

You brought up watching CNN, liar. That was how you know all about being an American
Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.
Trump is the first pro-US President since at least Reagan.
So why you tell us what makes a US President great in your opinion?
Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.

You brought up watching CNN, liar. That was how you know all about being an American
He's irrational and can't keep a track of what he's posting.
Dr Grump: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. You are kaz! Bam!

The New Zealand playgrounds are strong in this one.

I'm not the one on a foreign message board being a total dick telling them what they think and that I know as much about their country as they do because I watch cable news and read newspapers, that's you, Home Boy

If you knew Jimmy, the extreme right-winger who started this board, he was inclusive of all. He didn't care where you were from. We didn't like each other. Gunny and I didn't like each other's politics. But we just debated.

I never said I know as much as you, but I find it funny that both you and Indie Boy won't tell me where you get your info from. I know where you get it from. The same sources I do. And it pisses you off. Good. For the umpteenth time, I don't watch cable news.
All we know is that you hate Trump because he has the backbone to tell the media outlets you love to go to hell.

No, I hate Trump because he is a purveyor of Fake News, a Charlatan, liar, and misogynistic piece of shit. I don't even CARE what he says about the media.
Be precise because you don't know squat about how politicians have been lying to us for 30 years.
Trump tells the truth and you shit in your pants.
Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.

You brought up watching CNN, liar. That was how you know all about being an American

yeah, well, I was making a point of where people get their info from, and my point was, my sources are pretty much the same as yours.
Dr Grump: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. You are kaz! Bam!

The New Zealand playgrounds are strong in this one.

I'm not the one on a foreign message board being a total dick telling them what they think and that I know as much about their country as they do because I watch cable news and read newspapers, that's you, Home Boy

If you knew Jimmy, the extreme right-winger who started this board, he was inclusive of all. He didn't care where you were from. We didn't like each other. Gunny and I didn't like each other's politics. But we just debated.

I never said I know as much as you, but I find it funny that both you and Indie Boy won't tell me where you get your info from. I know where you get it from. The same sources I do. And it pisses you off. Good. For the umpteenth time, I don't watch cable news.
I watch news every day and I meet people every day and I belong to a tremendous religious community that spans the globe.
I know how every piece of garbage legislation passed in the last 30 years has affected the average American.
The media outlets, owned by Wall Street, couldn't give a fuck about anybody but themselves.
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Oh, BTW, thanks for joining WWII more than two years after we did.
Yeah, after we spent two years spending blood and treasure in pitched battles defending the US from the fascist hordes ignorant boasting is the thanks we get. Oh well, that's what we deserve I guess.

Look in the mirror, Mr. CNN.

You guys talk about me being wrong. Yet, I have said repeatedly I don't watch CNN. Last time I watched it would have been in the 2000s. Good 10+ years ago. I have also stated, many times, that Biden was a terrible choice for president. Much better than Trump, but better. I just took Kaz's list of Dems presidents and nominees and shredded it. How many times can you guys be wrong in one thread. Lots, it seems.

You brought up watching CNN, liar. That was how you know all about being an American

yeah, well, I was making a point of where people get their info from, and my point was, my sources are pretty much the same as yours.
When CNN or Fox lies, I know it because I live it.
More than enough of us have died to give you the freedom to make fun of us, so fuck off.

You make it sound like we weren't in the fight.
What freedom did you give us that we weren't fighting for ourselves?
As I said, we joined the fight a good two years before you, Johnny Come Lately.

You would have been overrun if it weren't for our Navy, USAAF, Army, and USMC being in the Pacific. We would have had to have taken your floating turd of an island back from the Japanese, just like we did Guam, the Marshall Islands, Okinawa, the Philippines, and New Guinea.

Neither Australia nor New Zealand had the necessary military strength to stop the Imperialist Japanese from merely walking in and owning them. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that you probably would have even been born. Japanese troops would have used your ancestors for bayonet practice, just like they did the Chinese at Nanjing.

Once again, you're welcome.
You would have been overrun if it weren't for our Navy, USAAF, Army, and USMC being in the Pacific. We would have had to have taken your floating turd of an island back from the Japanese, just like we did Guam, the Marshall Islands, Okinawa, the Philippines, and New Guinea.

Neither Australia nor New Zealand had the necessary military strength to stop the Imperialist Japanese from merely walking in and owning them. You probably would have even been born, because Japanese troops would have used your ancestors for bayonet practice, just like they did the Chinese at Nanjing.

Once again, you're welcome.

Actually, you are dead wrong. The Japanese Imperial Army was stretched to the max in the Pacific. They never had any intentions towards Australia or NZ. That aside, you do realise that we were allies and that Japan attacked YOU. They declared war on you first. NOTHING to do with us. And yet, when they bombed Pearl Harbor we, along with the UK and Australia, declared war on them, even though they did nothing to us. It's called being an ally. It's called doing the right thing. Unlike the US who it took a full two years to join the war after it started.

Why do you want me to thank you? You had absolutely NOTHING to do with WWII. Again, you stand on the shoulders of your forebears who did a great job.
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You would have been overrun if it weren't for our Navy, USAAF, Army, and USMC being in the Pacific. We would have had to have taken your floating turd of an island back from the Japanese, just like we did Guam, the Marshall Islands, Okinawa, the Philippines, and New Guinea.

Neither Australia nor New Zealand had the necessary military strength to stop the Imperialist Japanese from merely walking in and owning them. You probably would have even been born, because Japanese troops would have used your ancestors for bayonet practice, just like they did the Chinese at Nanjing.

Once again, you're welcome.

Actually, you are dead wrong. The Japanese Imperial Army was stretched to the max in the Pacific. They never had any intentions towards Australia or NZ. That aside, you do realise that we were allies and that Japan attacked YOU. They declared war on you first. NOTHING to do with us. And yet, when the bombed Pearl Harbor we, along with the UK and Australia, declared war on them, even though they did nothing to us. It's called being an ally. It's called doing the right thing. Unlike the US who it took a full two years to join the war after it started.

Why do you want me to thank you? You had absolutely NOTHING to do with WWII. Again, you stand on the shoulders of your forebears who did a great job.

Dumb sheep-fucker. If your grandparents had survived, you'd be speaking Japanese, eating sushi, and watching scat porn right now.


Once again, you're very welcome.
You would have been overrun if it weren't for our Navy, USAAF, Army, and USMC being in the Pacific.
After the US provoked Japan to war Japan had no plans to invade Oz or NZ. It planned to cut off Oz.
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It's almost like there's a version of history bearing no relation to reality especially made for deplorables.


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