This is breaking speculation maybe? Trump to announce.

Promoting fear is not a good policy. Promoting awareness is what I think you're trying to do. It's a case of the kettle calling the pot black. There is a little difference between the two. They're both arrogant, ignorant men who see the world through the eyes of an idealized fifties scenario. There is nothing ideal about the 50s, it was full of injustices and paranoia.
Americans aren't in the least aware that they're both arrogant and ignorant men.

Your country should be running Noam Chomsky, even at his age. Your system is fkd compared to China's system that allows them to choose the best and the brightest.


Guess you forgot about all the tariffs He stuck them with.
Trump didn't sell out His country for profit.
By the way, I don’t even agree with tariffs in general because the other side doesn’t pay it. Our consumers do in the form of higher prices for materials. This gets passed along to us.

On the other hand, tariffs against hostile foreign governments’ raw goods, etc., makes sense if it costs them profits.

And the bottom line? Trump imposed them on China. Good for Trump.
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So the trade war that cost Americans short term money losses offset all those years of American manufacturing jobs that had been shipped to China, devastating local economies, reducing our own tax revue to the fed, was bad? Jobs shipped out of the country by both parties for profit at the expense of Americans?

Trump was the one who started to bring back chip manufacturing to the US......not 'Barton'.

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump and Chip Makers Including Intel Seek Semiconductor Self-Sufficiency

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump and Chip Makers Including Intel Seek Semiconductor Self-Sufficiency
Both trump and Biden have promoted made in America, Trump's action was just the talk. Biden's action was to provide incentives for American companies to build and manufacture in the United States. That is why he's much more successful returning jobs here that were long gone. All the jobs won't be coming back, that is why Biden is supporting bills that look to the Future and build on new technologies rather than the old. As we all know oil is going to run out in 40 years or less. The time to switch to renewables was 25 years ago but of course it was blocked by Republicans and their partners in Big oil.
Americans aren't in the least aware that they're both arrogant and ignorant men.

Your country should be running Noam Chomsky, even at his age. Your system is fkd compared to China's system that allows them to choose the best and the brightest.


Funny you should mention that. Biden's stance on China is much more severe than Trump's ever was. Publicly Trump criticized China but he never challenged them in any way.
Trump was smart enough to be more diplomatic, instead of being a knee jerk pandering nut case that makes moves in which endangers live's and our national security like Biden has... One day you people will learn the differences, but how many innocents are going to die before you realize the Democrat's have those people's blood on their hands ?
Americans aren't in the least aware that they're both arrogant and ignorant men.

Your country should be running Noam Chomsky, even at his age. Your system is fkd compared to China's system that allows them to choose the best and the brightest.


Douchebag Canuck fucking Duck says what?
Think it through foxfyre! Hardly any Republicans will say they want DeSantis to run for president when Trump is still alive.
That's the reason why DeSantis understands that he can't announce his intention to run for pres.

But the minute Trump folds his hand or gets himself dead, then DeSantis is a certainty for the R's choice. I would go even further and say he's the next president.

DeSantis can covertly claim to be the anti-Trump and at the same time push the fascist agenda that won't die with Trump leaving!
I am registered Republican so I can vote in my state's primary election, but I have not identified as Republican for awhile now. Therefore I cannot speak as a Republican and I try not to speak for anybody but myself anyway.

But my sense is that the far right extremists are as polarized in their views and attitudes as are the far left extremists and we can pretty well write off both groups as having any common sense or being open to any kind of compromise or anything other than what they want to believe.

As for everybody else, Democrats outnumber Republicans in most states, and Democrats are better at ignoring their differences and presenting a united from than are Republicans. (We can debate whether intellectual honesty factors in here, but that's a subject for another thread.) But that gives Democrats a strong advantage at the polls.

What Republicans need most right now and what they are sorely lacking is that united front. In my opinion, what I'm seeing and hearing most from Republicans is the desire for DeSantis and Trump to be friends and work together for the common good. DeSantis tends to be much more of a GOP party guy than Trump though, and that is at least giving the illusion of a widening divide.
I am registered Republican so I can vote in my state's primary election, but I have not identified as Republican for awhile now. Therefore I cannot speak as a Republican and I try not to speak for anybody but myself anyway.

But my sense is that the far right extremists are as polarized in their views and attitudes as are the far left extremists and we can pretty well write off both groups as having any common sense or being open to any kind of compromise or anything other than what they want to believe.

As for everybody else, Democrats outnumber Republicans in most states, and Democrats are better at ignoring their differences and presenting a united from than are Republicans. (We can debate whether intellectual honesty factors in here, but that's a subject for another thread.) But that gives Democrats a strong advantage at the polls.

What Republicans need most right now and what they are sorely lacking is that united front. In my opinion, what I'm seeing and hearing most from Republicans is the desire for DeSantis and Trump to be friends and work together for the common good. DeSantis tends to be much more of a GOP party guy than Trump though, and that is at least giving the illusion of a widening divide.
Your stats could be way off on the differing of opinion's amongst the two sides, because the numbers are badly skewed and leaned towards the leftist currently because of their swamp they've created. If the left wasn't so good at skewing the numbers by way of their swamp, then you could get a far better read on what the majorities mindset and pulse actually is.

As soon as the majority raises it's head, Biden and his minion's try to call them domestic terrorist and such.

One day this nation will get free of these swamp creature's grip, and it's going to be an amazing thing to look back in disbelief that these people actually held power ovee this nation like they did. Head scratching will go on for year's.
Prove your claim or the shut the fuck up, crybaby.
It's been proven over and over and over, but your party has suppressed the claim's and evidence, just like was done in the quid pro quo story, and with the Hunter Biden story.
Your stats could be way off on the differing of opinion's amongst the two sides, because the numbers are badly skewed and leaned towards the leftist currently because of their swamp they've created. If the left wasn't so good at skewing the numbers by way of their swamp, then you could get a far better read on what the majorities mindset and pulse actually is.

As soon as the majority raises it's head, Biden and his minion's try to call them domestic terrorist and such.

One day this nation will get free of these swamp creature's grip, and it's going to be an amazing thing to look back in disbelief that these people actually held power of this nation like they did. Head scratching will go on for year's.
My sense is it may be too late. Obviously the left controls most of the MSM, government, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, and has strongly infiltrated many religious denominations. And holding a majority in voter registrations in many, if not most, states, an ununified GOP doesn't have a lot of opportunity.

You would think as absolutely horribly as the Democrats have governed and the damage they caused, that red wave would have been a tsunami. Didn't happen. A house divided cannot stand. Once totalitarians have it all, political parties will vanish for awhile and, should at some time they re-emerge, will be very different from what they are now.

I hope I'm wrong about it being too late. But I am not optimistic.
I am registered Republican so I can vote in my state's primary election, but I have not identified as Republican for awhile now. Therefore I cannot speak as a Republican and I try not to speak for anybody but myself anyway.

But my sense is that the far right extremists are as polarized in their views and attitudes as are the far left extremists and we can pretty well write off both groups as having any common sense or being open to any kind of compromise or anything other than what they want to believe.

As for everybody else, Democrats outnumber Republicans in most states, and Democrats are better at ignoring their differences and presenting a united from than are Republicans. (We can debate whether intellectual honesty factors in here, but that's a subject for another thread.) But that gives Democrats a strong advantage at the polls.

What Republicans need most right now and what they are sorely lacking is that united front. In my opinion, what I'm seeing and hearing most from Republicans is the desire for DeSantis and Trump to be friends and work together for the common good. DeSantis tends to be much more of a GOP party guy than Trump though, and that is at least giving the illusion of a widening divide.
Thanks for the valuable information! I didn't think it was possible on this forum.
I think you're suggesting too, that the R's want Trump and DeSantis to make friends?

That would have to be on Trump's terms exclusively and it would then have to cause DeSantis to drop out of the running for the crown. Do you really think those two conditions could be fulfilled?

For now at least, I think DeSantis would be a fool to quit. Trump could be finished.

The possibilities for Trump and DeSantis to peacefully coexist within the party could be interesting!
In the courts? Has it been proven in the courts, crybaby?
Your party cut the feed to the court's by way of these mock panels or hearings that were created to stop the push. They have one woman official on record making threat's if the information wasn't destroyed during the hearings. She made a call in a code form that basically said " you know what to do", otherwise it was a threat that they ended up calling her out for. I think she got fired for it, I think.
My sense is it may be too late. Obviously the left controls most of the MSM, government, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, and has strongly infiltrated many religious denominations. And holding a majority in voter registrations in many, if not most, states, an ununified GOP doesn't have a lot of opportunity.

You would think as absolutely horribly as the Democrats have governed and the damage they caused, that red wave would have been a tsunami. Didn't happen. A house divided cannot stand. Once totalitarians have it all, political parties will vanish for awhile and, should at some time they re-emerge, will be very different from what they are now.

I hope I'm wrong about it being too late. But I am not optimistic.
Just as everyone believed and rightly so, that the red wave should have happened, I think that their beliefs should have materialized. Something is very wrong, especially when you see zombie's being elected that have terrible record's, and have been extremist that served no one but their close allies, otherwise to hell with the majority of the working class citizen's in this country.
Your party cut the feed to the court's by way of these mock panels or hearings that were created to stop the push. They have one woman official on record making threat's if the information wasn't destroyed during the hearings. She made a call in a code form that basically said " you know what to do", otherwise it was a threat that they ended up calling her out for. I think she got fired for it, I think.
You can answer the question this time.

In the courts? Has it been proven in the courts, crybaby?
In Comey directly referred to what was classified, if they were declassified, Comey wouldn't have mentioned it.

He didn't know Obama declassified them at that time.

They didn't know Obama had declassified them.

That's not quite what He said.

Are you saying that the president is not the ultimate classification authority?

That would be a matter of interpretation.
Yeah, sure. The suboeona may have been for just a small few documents that were returned but all the rest? The Archives were like, nah, who needs all those documents subject to the Presidential Records Act that are illegal to keep? He can keep those fourteen boxes.

Really? That's the hill you want to die on?
You can answer the question this time.

In the courts? Has it been proven in the courts, crybaby?
So that's your final stand, otherwise that's your out even though you know the truth in it all, but as I see it you just don't want to admit to it.

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