This is Debbie Calling, Is Joe There?


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Debbie's getting itchy fingers. She keeps glancing at her cell phone.
Another five points for Trump and Debbie will have Biden and Warren packing their bags headed to the convention to replace Hillary.
Debbie should have known better when he told Biden and Pocahonta to get lost last fall.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hilly is having message problems. She has chosen the wrong one. She is going to tell white people that they must listen to the complaints of blacks. Now she us trying to convince the public that only she can unite the nation and heal the divides.

No one believes this. It's the wrong message for someone who already has credibility issues.
From your link
"Trump now has the support of 80% of Republicans and 13% of Democrats. Clinton earns just 72% of the Democratic vote and picks up five percent (5%) of Republicans. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads by 13 points, but 27% of these voters either like another candidate or are undecided.

Trump is taking almost three democrats for every republican Clinton gets.

"Clinton was endorsed this week by her primary rival, Senator Bernie Sanders. Forty-four percent (44%) of Likely Democratic Voters told Rasmussen Reports late last month that they would vote for Sanders if he was on the ballot this November, but just 24% said they were more likely to vote for Clinton because of Sanders’ endorsement."

Only 24% of Sanders supporters will vote Clinton. That is a big loss of base.

"An ABC News survey this week confirmed what Rasmussen Reports first reported a week ago:Most voters disagree with the FBI’s decision not to seek a felony indictment of Clinton for mishandling classified information while serving as secretary of State."

The emails ARE convicting her in the court of public opinion.
Throughout Hillary's career it's always....

She's sorry that people are listening to right wing propaganda and
were misled into thinking that Hillary did something wrong.....

Not that she DID anything wrong....
it's that the evil Republican party is going around saying it.
That's what she feels bad about.

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