This is disgusting

I would say most teachers feel trapped with an ideology and curriculum they may or may not feel they should teach.
I would disagree with the statement (Most teachers)
I taught math.
I was never told how to teach and the curriculum guided what to teach.
That's awesome.
When you said parents, I was unsure if you meant ANY parent.
I'm glad you have a great relationship with your parents.

You can, or possibly can't, imagine some of the parents that teachers have to deal with.
There are a lot of painfully disturbing parents out there.

Blacks are now about 90% born to "single" mothers. Many with 5 or more kids from 5 different bums! There is very little "parenting" going on. DEM policy created this mess. America has millions of 30 yr old Grandmas floating around. Let that sink in you commie stooge.
We are trying but the right has generated so much outrage about trans community, there’s very little hope that we will be able to convince parents that they’re attitude is misguided.
Great, explain how exactly you ass-wipes are doing that.
I thought that education was all about learning the fundamentals of the basics and gradually increased. Moral and ethical issues were mostly taught at home, and it is clear that the education system is becoming more transparent about being an indoctrination centre for children. Brainwashing them to be woke and leaning heavily to the left, which should be their choice, not one to be persuaded into. When a programmer (teacher) tells the system to "fuck you Dale", Cudos to you! :clap2:

I was a history major in college. It's too bad you never got past that GED.
Then it seems like you should have been smart enough to debate with me instead of dodging and just pointing out my spelling error. Guess not. You must have agreed with me since you couldn't actually debate my post. In that case, all you had to do is like my post. Still, I think there is something to the fact that you knew how to spell it right away. Years of training from the left, I assume.
It's prejudice to view being trans as something that needs to be fixed.

"Parental rights". Like I said, it's all about the parents. The kids don't matter.
What about anorexia? Should we play along and tell the person that they look fat?
What about anorexia? Should we play along and tell the person that they look fat?
Because anorexia is delusional. Transgenderism isn't.

When an anorexic sees their thin body in a mirror, they see a fat body. When someone with transgender looks at their body in the mirror, they don't see another sex.
No one is "teaching" such a thing.
Then how are they learning it? 20 years ago, gender dysphoria was very rare and mainly happened to boys. Now, the US has 100's of gender clinics dealing with an "explosion" of this dysphoria.

It just didn't happen.

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