This is how you stop gun crime...arrest criminals with guns....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This was a drug bust...done with current police licensing of gun owners was required, no registration of guns was required and no universal background check was required....these guys were not allowed to have all these guns, never mind all the drugs, and they were arrested with current gun laws....

Now...for you anti gunners...

-do you think these drug dealers would register their rifles and pistols?

-Do you know that they are not required to register their illegal guns?

-Do you think these drug dealers went through current, federally mandated background checks?

-Do you think these drug dealers would go through any future universal background checks?

Do you think these drug dealers would only use 10 round magazines?

Here is the story....

SC warrants yield 19 arrests, 40 guns, 10 kilos of coke, $750K in cash

According to a press release published by the Department of Justice on Wednesday, altogether seventeen search warrants were executed this week, turning up 10 kilograms of cocaine, more than $750,000 in cash, numerous vehicles, a bulletproof vest, ammunition, and over forty firearms, including nearly a dozen assault rifles.
Gun deaths involving children are devastating. The NRA has no idea what to say about them.
The stories are endless and gruesome. A toddler shoots an infant while they are left alone in a car. A five-year-old boy shoots a three-year-old girl. And so on, ad infinitum. In Texas last month, the sheriff of Houston pleaded despairingly with the public after three children were shot dead in four days. And in widely reported Idaho incident, a two-year-old shot his mother to death in a Walmart after finding a gun in her handbag.

These cases change the terms of the gun control debate. Ordinarily whenever America’s extraordinary level of gun violence is brought up, usually after a mass killing of newly shocking savagery, the NRA offers its well-honed reply: For every bad guy with a gun, there should be a good guy with a gun. It’s the people, not the guns. These slogans, with their emphasis on personal responsibility, have been tremendously effective. But the child-involved shootings are much harder to explain away, since they don’t allow for such facile moral narratives. Talk of good guys and bad guys loses all meaning when a toddler has shot his baby brother.

I wonder why Luddly can't respond to the OP. If deflection is all you've got, you've lost.
When you can get bathtub deaths, and vehicular deaths down to the same number as gun deaths... Then we'll have something to discuss.
I wonder why Luddly can't respond to the OP. If deflection is all you've got, you've lost.

Op wrote
This is how you stop gun crime...arrest criminals with guns....

I answered with


I thought about searching and posting some of the many cases of mistaken identity, including a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun but really - why bother?

And then some dummie brings up bathtubs.

BATHTUBS?? Seriously?

Bottom line is very simple - law abiding guns owners, like me, are in favor of laws aimed at mitigating deaths and stupid shootings.

Criminals? Not so much.
I wonder why Luddly can't respond to the OP. If deflection is all you've got, you've lost.

Op wrote
This is how you stop gun crime...arrest criminals with guns....

I answered with


I thought about searching and posting some of the many cases of mistaken identity, including a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun but really - why bother?

And then some dummie brings up bathtubs.

BATHTUBS?? Seriously?

Bottom line is very simple - law abiding guns owners, like me, are in favor of laws aimed at mitigating deaths and stupid shootings.

Criminals? Not so much.

Yes I noted your diversion.

CAR deaths involving children are devastating. Liberals have no idea what to say about them.

Well then, why don't you start a thread?

You could make useful suggestions like ...

seat belts
roll bars
air bags
lower speed limits

You know - sensible, reasonable measures to mitigate damage and death.

IOW, the very things gun nutters are against.

Get it through your heads. Cars and bathtubs and swimming pools are not guns and they have nothing, NOTHING in common with guns.

Yes....lie by ommission to make things seem far worse than they are....

For example...we have over 320 million people in the country.

There are over 320 million guns in private hands.

Over 13 million people carry guns every day for self defense....

And how many children 14 and under are killed by guns both by murder or accidents?

Why don't we see....

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Soooo......out of a country of over 320 million people.....193 children are murdered with guns....

How many are killed by other methods.......703.

So any sane person would see that the tragedy of a child murdered with a gun is horrible.....but happens so rarely in this country that exploiting it for your own political ends makes you an asshole.....

CAR deaths involving children are devastating. Liberals have no idea what to say about them.

Well then, why don't you start a thread?

You could make useful suggestions like ...

seat belts
roll bars
air bags
lower speed limits

You know - sensible, reasonable measures to mitigate damage and death.

IOW, the very things gun nutters are against.

Get it through your heads. Cars and bathtubs and swimming pools are not guns and they have nothing, NOTHING in common with guns.

And here you go...something all you anit gun jihadis never show...perspective on the issue.....

in 2013 there were 69 accidental gun deaths of children.....

Compared to...

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....


Do you guys giggle like little girls when you post this stupid point....? You use traffice laws and then do it wrong.....we use traffice laws and arrest people who break morons want to punish people who didn't use a gun to break the law.....

See....this is the point you fail to grasp......we have gun laws is a crime to rape, rob, or murder someone.....are you getting it this far? It is also against the law to use a gun to commit rape, robbery or murder....still with me?

So when you use a gun to commit one of these get arrested....see?

So we aren't against laws....we want actual laws enforced and criminals who use guns put in jail for a long time.....
Guns aren't the problem. It's criminals who use those guns to commit crimes. Have you ever seen a gun get up off a table and shoot someone? Me neither. We don't need more gun control laws, which criminals will disobey anyway. We need to address the perps instead. Bring back the death penalty. Have public executions. Criminals are no longer afraid of the law. We need to make them afraid again.

When you were giggling like a little girl when you posted that point about laws....did it occur to you that the entire point of my post is that the cops used CURRENT laws to make these arrests and no new laws licensing gun owners, registering guns or for universal background checks was needed.....

I guess you missed that as you giggled and peed yourself....

CAR deaths involving children are devastating. Liberals have no idea what to say about them.

Well then, why don't you start a thread?

You could make useful suggestions like ...

seat belts
roll bars
air bags
lower speed limits

You know - sensible, reasonable measures to mitigate damage and death.

IOW, the very things gun nutters are against.

Get it through your heads. Cars and bathtubs and swimming pools are not guns and they have nothing, NOTHING in common with guns.

You are right, they have nothing in common.....bathtubs, swimming pools and cars are far deadlier to young children than guns are....and yet you obsess over guns....


Do you guys giggle like little girls when you post this stupid point....? You use traffice laws and then do it wrong.....we use traffice laws and arrest people who break morons want to punish people who didn't use a gun to break the law.....

See....this is the point you fail to grasp......we have gun laws is a crime to rape, rob, or murder someone.....are you getting it this far? It is also against the law to use a gun to commit rape, robbery or murder....still with me?

So when you use a gun to commit one of these get arrested....see?

So we aren't against laws....we want actual laws enforced and criminals who use guns put in jail for a long time.....

Bring back the death penalty. Put prison inmates to work. If someone steals, they make double restitution. If they can't, put them in prison and put then to work to pay it off.
Get it through your heads. Cars and bathtubs and swimming pools are not guns and they have nothing, NOTHING in common with guns.

BS - cars and guns are very similar and both should be addressed together. As long as no liberal cares about the very preventable 35,000 highway deaths we have every year, i don't want to hear you complaining about the 32,000 gun deaths (and half of them suicides) that nobody knows how to prevent. THINK

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