This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

Almost half of the people lynched in the US between 1882-1964 were white.

Lynching Statistics by Year

That chart was bubbled up before. Even using its out-of-date stats your own link says that 73% of lynching victims were black, in a country where blacks make up 10-12% of the population. And that doesn't include several hundred more that weren't yet counted, so it's even higher.
DemoKKKrats have always hated blacks and did most of the lynchings. They also hated Jews and Catholics and especially anti-slave Republicans. Does not include murders though.


Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.
Does that make using the term all better?
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.
You know, this is one place where I kinda agree with the conservatives.

Yes. Lynching has always had a connection with racism in this country. But, lynchings were also done in the Old West by vigilante groups.

In today's slang, lynching can refer to someone being unfairly treated by some other group.

Now, while I personally wouldn't use that term, it is one that has been used in slang to denote unfair treatment. Trump feels he's being treated unfairly, and used slang language to describe how he feels.

And, while I think the term "lynching" is a bit on the extreme side, I can understand why a narcissist like Trump would think it's appropriate.
but it wasn't extreme when biden used it for clinton?

just checking for a friend.
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.
and bed bath & beyond stopped selling black pumpkins cause...blackface.

lord we retarded ourselves.
Black democrat slave owners used to order the lynching of white republicans

Got any links to back up the bullshit you just spewed?

Something is VERY WRONG with leftists today. At the end of the day you people are cowards and intellectually dishonest. The links are available, all you have to do is look. Here's one from the NAACP. Course they don't say "white Republicans", that would mean admitting it was DEMOCRATS who supported slavery. Lynching white Republicans is implied, but that would require you exercise a useful brain.

NAACP | History of Lynchings
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

Almost half of the people lynched in the US between 1882-1964 were white.

Lynching Statistics by Year

That chart was bubbled up before. Even using its out-of-date stats your own link says that 73% of lynching victims were black, in a country where blacks make up 10-12% of the population. And that doesn't include several hundred more that weren't yet counted, so it's even higher.

DemoKKKrats have always hated blacks and did most of the lynchings. They also hated Jews and Catholics and especially anti-slave Republicans. Does not include murders though.



Yeah, that's complete bullshit. When you live halfway around the world it's kind of risky to run with mythologies from parts unknown. The fact is lynchings are an act of social terrorism, not an act of politics, and NO LYNCHING EVER anywhere has required a political party registration. It's simply not related, at all.

Interesting that you'd bring up Viola Liuzza (I know her name just from the picture of the car, no link needed, with or without a paywall -- I know my history, you clearly do not). As a result of that murder, LBJ became the first POTUS since Ulysses Grant to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan.

What he's referring to about "my father fought them many long years ago in Texas" is an event where his father Sam, on the Texas state house floor in Austin, had vigorously denounced the KKK, after which the Klan threatened the family. LBJ's father and uncles sat up all night with shotguns while the boy LBJ and his siblings were sequestered in the basement. The Klan never showed up. But later in the 1950s they burned a cross on LBJ's lawn.

That Klan opposed and persecuted Jews, Catholics, Blacks, labor unions, and immigrants, ALL of which were and still are constituents of the Democratic Party. Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class what a political party would be doing running a chapter beating up its own constituents.

Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class why that terror division would be running Republican political candidates against its own state and local candidates -- like Rice Means. Like Ed Jackson. Like Owen Brewster. Like Ben Paulen. Like Albert Johnson. Like Clarence Morley. Like George Luis Baker. For that matter perhaps you'd like to clear up why they'd be both killing Republicans and running them for office at the same time.

Perhaps you have an answer to why the KKK endorsed the Republicans Calvin Coolidge (the only candidate that year who refused to denounce them) and Herbert Hoover the next round, while running a national smear campaign against the Democrat Al Smith. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on why the Klan worked to drive out the Governor of Oklahoma -- a Democrat -- after he tried to drive them out of his state.

The KKK also opposed and persecuted drunks, deadbeats, gamblers, philanderers and people who "didn't go to church". All this is social stuff, not political. The closest political party to the agenda of the Klan was the Know Nothings, who preceded them by a couple of decades. Both the original Klan (1865) and the re-start (1915) specifically and pointedly described themselves as non-political. Simmons declared his Klan to be ""the most powerful, secret, non-political organization in existence" before he was maneuvered out of power

They suffered some setbacks from publicity, notably in 1925 when the political boss of Indiana, one D.C. Stephenson, brutally raped and murdered a schoolteacher and then again in the 1940s when a writer (who also ran for Governor of Florida) published an exposé after he infiltrated the local Klan, and then worked with the radio program "Superman" on a series called "The Clan of the Fiery Cross". His name was Stetson Kennedy. Fun facts: Stephenson was a Republican, Kennedy a Democrat.

Oh and you know who caused the KKK to officially cease to exist, as of April 23, 1944? Ellis Arnall, Governor of Georgia (a Democrat) when he ordered his AG to find a way to rescind the Klan's charter, and FDR's IRS, who slapped the KKK with a bill for 2/3 of a million bucks in back taxes, effectively crippling them.

I'll tell ya what Greg. You don't sit here and tell me what my own history is, and I won't sit here and tell you Australia's. And the reason I won't do that is because I'm not qualified. Don't just sit here and parrot bullshit that mythologists shit on the floor. QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Last edited:
"Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched" ..................One vote. ILMAO @ "today's world were".
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.

Anyone who thinks Nosebook is a source of info is a fucking moron.

Pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a response. Facebook demonstrates how people think, and in other terms, how leftists don't.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Trump is telling the truth. Also the word is not racially insensitive.
He's telling the truth? So he can be lynched for real now? Asking for a friend.

Ever notice how leftists are literal only when they figure it suits em'? That's a rhetorical question.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Trump is telling the truth. Also the word is not racially insensitive.
He's telling the truth? So he can be lynched for real now? Asking for a friend.

Ever notice how leftists are literal only when they figure it suits em'? That's a rhetorical question.
Notice that several CRCs are saying it IS a lynching? So, ok. Let's do this.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Trump is telling the truth. Also the word is not racially insensitive.
He's telling the truth? So he can be lynched for real now? Asking for a friend.

Ever notice how leftists are literal only when they figure it suits em'? That's a rhetorical question.
Notice that several CRCs are saying it IS a lynching? So, ok. Let's do this.

Ever notice how metaphors are well beyond leftist heads despite their claim they're on the side of intelligence? That's a rhetorical question.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics
Are you a Russian Ass or a Russian Asset?

Hillary Clinton said you are both.
Pretty funny, you bringing up Russian assets, Comrade.
why are the house demofks acting like they are in russia with the double secret meetings then? it appears old schitt's is the commie, and using their techniques to qualify himself to you comrade! eh? See in the US is a thing called due process. not in Russia, and the fact this isn't due process, but instead communist, it would seem you ate those words.

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