This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.

Anyone who thinks Nosebook is a source of info is a fucking moron.

Pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a response. Facebook demonstrates how people think, and in other terms, how leftists don't.

Pretty sure it does, because you made an ass-sertion about what's on Nosebook (which you didn't document) that claims mythical facts are being promulgated. Assuming they are indeed saying that, it just demonstrates that anybody can say anything they want, true or not. The point being, any idiot who reads that and takes it as fact without bothering to vet it, is a fucking moron, and that Nosebook IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE a source of factual anything.

But I already pointed this out, didn't I. I'll just wait while you figure it out.
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.

Anyone who thinks Nosebook is a source of info is a fucking moron.

Pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a response. Facebook demonstrates how people think, and in other terms, how leftists don't.

Pretty sure it does, because you made an ass-sertion about what's on Nosebook (which you didn't document) that claims mythical facts are being promulgated. Assuming they are indeed saying that, it just demonstrates that anybody can say anything they want, true or not. The point being, any idiot who reads that and takes it as fact without bothering to vet it, is a fucking moron, and that Nosebook IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE a source of factual anything.

But I already pointed this out, didn't I. I'll just wait while you figure it out.

Fuck-off Pogo, you're just too fucking dumb for words. At least I can reason with a dog.

Pogo "Facebook doesn't represent opinions, cuz it's Nosebook".............Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa...Dumbshit.
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.

Anyone who thinks Nosebook is a source of info is a fucking moron.

Pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a response. Facebook demonstrates how people think, and in other terms, how leftists don't.

Pretty sure it does, because you made an ass-sertion about what's on Nosebook (which you didn't document) that claims mythical facts are being promulgated. Assuming they are indeed saying that, it just demonstrates that anybody can say anything they want, true or not. The point being, any idiot who reads that and takes it as fact without bothering to vet it, is a fucking moron, and that Nosebook IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE a source of factual anything.

But I already pointed this out, didn't I. I'll just wait while you figure it out.

Fuck-off Pogo, you're just too fucking dumb for words. At least I can reason with a dog.

Pogo "Facebook doesn't represent opinions, cuz it's Nosebook".............Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa...Dumbshit.

You made NO REFERENCE to fucking OPINIONS, dickhead. ROLL TAPE.

Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched

Pick a letter...



  • upload_2019-10-23_12-13-59.png
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Apparently the liberal definition and act of imposing a maximum sentence without due process, presumption of innocence until proven guilty, in a court of law, reflects the total embracement of their manifesto, while at the same time only permits the use of the word Lynch as it relates to the Dim’s esteemed heritage of applying only to non Anglo Saxons. Call it what you may however a lynching is still a lynching and to say or report otherwise is a disgrace.
Apparently the liberal definition and act of imposing a maximum sentence without due process, presumption of innocence until proven guilty, in a court of law, reflects the total embracement of their manifesto, while at the same time only permits the use of the word Lynch as it relates to the Dim’s esteemed heritage of applying only to non Anglo Saxons. Call it what you may however a lynching is still a lynching and to say or report otherwise is a disgrace.
the demofks still lynching people go fking figure. gotta say, they'd know all there is about lynching eh? kkk'ers and all. love them a good lynching they do. the fact they're doing it again should bother our black brothers, I will tell you. I wonder will they set him on fire too? ew wie bubba's, them demofks got em now.
Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched, so the word must be racist.

SMH, I think we're tarded now.

Anyone who thinks Nosebook is a source of info is a fucking moron.

Pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a response. Facebook demonstrates how people think, and in other terms, how leftists don't.

Pretty sure it does, because you made an ass-sertion about what's on Nosebook (which you didn't document) that claims mythical facts are being promulgated. Assuming they are indeed saying that, it just demonstrates that anybody can say anything they want, true or not. The point being, any idiot who reads that and takes it as fact without bothering to vet it, is a fucking moron, and that Nosebook IS NOT and NEVER WILL BE a source of factual anything.

But I already pointed this out, didn't I. I'll just wait while you figure it out.

Fuck-off Pogo, you're just too fucking dumb for words. At least I can reason with a dog.

Pogo "Facebook doesn't represent opinions, cuz it's Nosebook".............Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa...Dumbshit.

You made NO REFERENCE to fucking OPINIONS, dickhead. ROLL TAPE.

Facebook is sharing posts that say white men have never been lynched

hey stupid fk, every post in facebook is an opinion post. that would be rhetorical.
Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.
This was an intentional attempt to redirect the conversation. Throwing out red meat is a strategy that works every time especially if it has a racist element to it.. Nothing motivates the presidents base more then seeing black people outraged. Trump supporters view it as black people complaining again and demanding white people acquiesce.

It should be mentioned but we should not linger on it.

People need to remain focused.
It is imperative to Trump's base that they feel both Trump and they are UNFAIRLY put upon by anyone not of the base. Trump represents their view of themselves both that he is unfairly treated but simultaneously Yuugely successful through his own efforts that overcome all that is put upon him. That's the key to Trumpism. It's anti-elitist, anti-immigrant and anti-intellectual. At it's base, Trumpism allows people to see whatever missed opportunity they perceive is someone else's fault, but they overcome that through Trump. "Only I can save you."

The racism aspect is simply that he's been blaming Blacks for everything since 1970. LOL

But when he told Pelosi "I'll see you at the polls," he really meant it. You're right that he's just giving his fans red meat. And you're also right that overemphasizing the racism aspect just misses the overall reason for his success with his base.

His base is about 30% of this nation.

They can't elect much alone. They have to have others voting with them.

When you alienate everyone but your base, you lose elections.
In case no one has mentioned it libs used the term lynching repeatedly during white boy Clinton's impeachment.
Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.

Excuse me, but the OP was created because the black folk on CNN that were absolutely outraged that Trump would use the word "lynching" to describe his impeachment plight and they were convinced that all lynchings were of po black folks. My point being that the word "lynching" is not just of black folks and Biden and Nadler in-fact used it to describe the Clinton impeachment, on videos.

So not sure why you object to my setting the record straight in the OP?
1. White folks were also lynched
2. Biden and Nadler used "lynching" to describe the Clinton impeachment
3. Black folks needs to stop tryin' to play that fucking race card every chance they get, we ain't buying it.
4. Trump has every right to use the word "lynching" if he feels like it.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

NAACP | History of Lynchings

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That still doesn't move the needle saying that lynchings were not just of blacks. Blacks can't play the race card and try to copyright the word "lynch". It simply doesn't work that way, especially after Biden and Nadler used it to describe the Clinton impeachment. Trump can use it to accurately describe the current House "partisan lynching".
Trump is not getting lynched. And the only people ever to play the race card have been white. Since 1776.
Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.

Excuse me, but the OP was created because the black folk on CNN that were absolutely outraged that Trump would use the word "lynching" to describe his impeachment plight and they were convinced that all lynchings were of po black folks. My point being that the word "lynching" is not just of black folks and Biden and Nadler in-fact used it to describe the Clinton impeachment, on videos.

So not sure why you object to my setting the record straight in the OP?
1. White folks were also lynched
2. Biden and Nadler used "lynching" to describe the Clinton impeachment
3. Black folks needs to stop tryin' to play that fucking race card every chance they get, we ain't buying it.
4. Trump has every right to use the word "lynching" if he feels like it.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.

Last edited:
Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.

Excuse me, but the OP was created because the black folk on CNN that were absolutely outraged that Trump would use the word "lynching" to describe his impeachment plight and they were convinced that all lynchings were of po black folks. My point being that the word "lynching" is not just of black folks and Biden and Nadler in-fact used it to describe the Clinton impeachment, on videos.

So not sure why you object to my setting the record straight in the OP?
1. White folks were also lynched
2. Biden and Nadler used "lynching" to describe the Clinton impeachment
3. Black folks needs to stop tryin' to play that fucking race card every chance they get, we ain't buying it.
4. Trump has every right to use the word "lynching" if he feels like it.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.


Were you related to any of those "lynched"?
There is nothng wrong with the word, he is free to use is despite your bizarre obsessions with his "whiteness".
This was an intentional attempt to redirect the conversation. Throwing out red meat is a strategy that works every time especially if it has a racist element to it.. Nothing motivates the presidents base more then seeing black people outraged. Trump supporters view it as black people complaining again and demanding white people acquiesce.

It should be mentioned but we should not linger on it.

People need to remain focused.
It is imperative to Trump's base that they feel both Trump and they are UNFAIRLY put upon by anyone not of the base. Trump represents their view of themselves both that he is unfairly treated but simultaneously Yuugely successful through his own efforts that overcome all that is put upon him. That's the key to Trumpism. It's anti-elitist, anti-immigrant and anti-intellectual. At it's base, Trumpism allows people to see whatever missed opportunity they perceive is someone else's fault, but they overcome that through Trump. "Only I can save you."

The racism aspect is simply that he's been blaming Blacks for everything since 1970. LOL

But when he told Pelosi "I'll see you at the polls," he really meant it. You're right that he's just giving his fans red meat. And you're also right that overemphasizing the racism aspect just misses the overall reason for his success with his base.

His base is about 30% of this nation.

They can't elect much alone. They have to have others voting with them.

When you alienate everyone but your base, you lose elections.

It all boils down to who can get their voters out to vote. Trump packs stadiums and arenas everywhere he goes. Ole Joe can't pack a high school basketball court. Because of the economy, and because Trump supporters are fired up as all hell with the constant phony attacks by the left, it will take a hurricane or tornado to stop us from getting to the polls.

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