This. Is. Not. A. Trade. War.

You can call it whatever but Trump is starting to make rich people lose money and make investors of all kinds very nervous. He's sowing the seeds of the next great recession. Oh well you can always blame it on democrats somehow.

However, good Americans won't let them get away w/them TRYING to cast the blame elsewhere when that time comes.
The market went up over 12,000 points under Obama. Go fuck yourself.

You are a lying scum-sucking piece of dimocrap shit.

The DJIA closed at 9,625 on Nov 4, 2008. Do the math, Liar.

Strongest Election Day Stock Rally in 24 Years

After the lying dick-sucking obama took office, it fell another multi-thousand points because he was THE most incompetent cocksucker in human history, so being the lying pile of shit you are, you count the the lowest number DURING HIS TERM instead of from the beginning of his term.

United States bear market of 2007–09 - Wikipedia

The DJIA hit a market low of 6,469.95 on March 6, 2009

In case you're too stupid to know this, that was over 4 Months AFTER the Lying Cocksucker won.

What brought the economy back was the Fed pouring TRILLIONS (yes, TRILLIONS) of printed money into the system...... NOT anything the Lying Cocksucker did.

I don't mind partisanship but I DETEST lying scum

You qualify.

As does every dimocrap on the planet

dimocraps are scum
The Dow was 7,550 when Obama entered office. It was 19,804 on his last day. So kindly go fuck yourself, retard.
You can call it whatever but Trump is starting to make rich people lose money and make investors of all kinds very nervous. He's sowing the seeds of the next great recession. Oh well you can always blame it on democrats somehow.
OMG! Trump is making rich people lose money! Damn him!
Rich people are the only thing standing between Trump and impeachment. They are the real "deep state" in our plutocracy.
So rich people control Democrats like puppets.
Nope, just the establishment republicans that control the senate.
The Dow was 7,550 when Obama entered office. It was 19,804 on his last day. So kindly go fuck yourself, retard.

Presidents own the Market the day they're elected.

Only someone as stupid as you doesn't know that
]all ya have to do to get mexico to roll over is hit remittances and turn up the pain with natural gas and gasoline
we refine practically all of mexicos crude and send even more back to them as refined product
i believe they also import a shitload of natural gas since they burn off most of their own
Yeah, Trump is driving us into recession.

This isn't a trade war, it's trade suicide.

The DJIA closed at 18,332 the day The Lying Cocksucker's heir-apparent was defeated by Trump.

Right now, this very moment, it is at 24,881

Which means we have to lose 6,550 points just to be back where we were when the Lying Cocksucker was removed from Office.

The problem with dimocraps is, they're not just scum --

They're fucking stupid

dimocraps are simply poo-flinging monkeys in a cage.

They can't get their way, so they start throwing their own shit around like monkeys in a cage.

They have NO idea what that will accomplish, they just like doing it because --

It's the only thing they know how to do.
The market went up over 12,000 points under Obama. Go fuck yourself.
One of the biggest gains in Wall Street history was the day after Trump got elected.

So what’s your point?
You can call it whatever but Trump is starting to make rich people lose money and make investors of all kinds very nervous. He's sowing the seeds of the next great recession. Oh well you can always blame it on democrats somehow.
OMG! Trump is making rich people lose money! Damn him!

I'm confused ... I thought they hated rich people?

I don't mind people taking insane positions ... I just wish they'd maintain the same insane position for a day or two.
Brandon seems bent on portraying China's economic goals as historically cloaked in the guise of political stripe, while conveinitenly leaving out the fact that ALL countries and/or consortiums of countries modus operandi is no different.

The facts are, any conflict is rooted in economic gain or loss.

That said, Trump is riding a donkey into battle ,wearing an orange turd for a helmet


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