This is one reason i love Trump

I hope that fat blowhard Orangutan gets the nomination, seriously Clinton will gut him like a dead fish and kick his ass in the election..
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.
Trump is a dickhead. It is what it is.

Oh, he's a Class A dickhead... a real smoking asshole! I think maybe that's what it takes to deal with lying ass scum liberals. I like his strategy because it's working for him. He relishes your unwarranted attention. When you try and turn the campaign into a reality show, he's right in his element buddy, he don't mind one little bit.. in fact, I think he was getting a little aggravated when you guys started focusing on Carson instead of him. As I said, the ONLY thing that seems to have had any effect on Trump was the few weeks you didn't focus on him.
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.
Never with the majority, only with the mindless minority.

Trump is swifting himself. We are going to continue to help him.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

Going to Ohio, home of one of the worst presidential candidates in history--Kasich. Can't debate, loves #ObamaCare--dummy!

He isnt part of the good ol buddy establishment club. He doesnt take crap from anyone and he doesnt give a damn what anyone thinks, especially the media.
me too ! he delegates, and finishes things, ahead of schedule and below costs.

"Mother of Presidents" is sometimes used to refer to Ohio. Seven United States Presidents were born in Ohio. They are Ulysses Simpson Grant (Point Pleasant), Rutherford Bichard Hayes (Delaware), James Abram Garfield (near Orange), Benjamin Harrison (North Bend), William McKinley (Niles), William Howard Taft (Cincinnati), and Warren Gamaliel Harding (Corsica, now Blooming Grove). William Henry Harrison, born in Virginia but settled in Ohio, is also claimed as one of Ohio's own.

stellar !
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The thing that amazes me with Trump is how he manages to turn the tables on unassuming liberal smear merchants. We've watched them spread their lies about Ben Carson for two weeks and we see his poll numbers decline because he doesn't have whatever Trump has in terms of dealing with these idiots and morons. They tried pulling that same crap with Trump and he gets a bump in the polls.

I haven't really figured out how he does it but somehow he manages to make them look like the idiots they are and turns it into a positive for his campaign. I love Carson, I love Ted Cruz, but I don't think either of them have the same gift for popping smart ass liberals in the kisser with their own stupidity. The more I watch how he man handles them, the more impressed I am and the more I think he may be the ideal candidate.

Currently, "The Donald" is getting about 25% of the Republican vote. This means he currently has the support of 10 to 15 percent of the total electorate. Winning the nomination with 25 to 30 percent support may not equate well in the general election.
I hope that fat blowhard Orangutan gets the nomination, seriously Clinton will gut him like a dead fish and kick his ass in the election..
You want the fat pig rubio to get the nomination?
Rubio and Kasich can easily beat HRC.

I have thought for a long time that a Kasich/Rubio or Rubio/Kasich ticket could give Hillary a difficult path to the White House. I'm really not seeing that so much anymore. Hillary is gaining strength despite "Benghazi" and "private E-mail servers". I just saw a poll that said Americans trust her more to deal with terrorism than any of the Republicans. Republicans can try to use the economy as an issue, but in the end that is going to be a massive fail as Hillary will point out over and over how bad the economy was the last time we had a Republican in office. Since she was SOS, she never really was involved with any economic policy, so she can create her own path outside of Obama economic policy to combat anything the Republicans try to use against her. She can also compare Bill's record, even though it has nothing to do with her, to that of the Republicans of late. She will end up winning on economic policy hands down when push comes to shove.
The thing that amazes me with Trump is how he manages to turn the tables on unassuming liberal smear merchants. We've watched them spread their lies about Ben Carson for two weeks and we see his poll numbers decline because he doesn't have whatever Trump has in terms of dealing with these idiots and morons. They tried pulling that same crap with Trump and he gets a bump in the polls.

I haven't really figured out how he does it but somehow he manages to make them look like the idiots they are and turns it into a positive for his campaign. I love Carson, I love Ted Cruz, but I don't think either of them have the same gift for popping smart ass liberals in the kisser with their own stupidity. The more I watch how he man handles them, the more impressed I am and the more I think he may be the ideal candidate.
a lifetime of experience, and a streak of showmanship. but mostly, he works really hard.
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.

Except those aren't lies, Trump actually said those things.

He stupidly said that he will depart all illegal immigrants (it's impossible, he can't)
He did say John McCain wasn't a war hero
Trump's Casinos did file for bankruptcy...many times.
He did make sexist remarks to female contestants
We've all heard what he said about Megyn Kelly. He was talking about her period.
Trump did compare Carson to a child molester. He said he's uncurable like a child molester (that's comparing his psychosis to that of child molester)...but it's okay. Carson has compared gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers so it's a wash.
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.

Except those aren't lies, Trump actually said those things.

He stupidly said that he will depart all illegal immigrants (it's impossible, he can't)
He did say John McCain wasn't a war hero
Trump's Casinos did file for bankruptcy...many times.
He did make sexist remarks to female contestants
We've all heard what he said about Megyn Kelly. He was talking about her period.
Trump did compare Carson to a child molester. He said he's uncurable like a child molester (that's comparing his psychosis to that of child molester)...but it's okay. Carson has compared gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers so it's a wash.

Well, regardless of whether you can make an argument about the lies or not... the polls are clear. Each time you attempt to smear the man he turns it into a political gain in support. I'm not defending anything he has said, just pointing out reality.

He started out with like 5% or something and now he leads comfortably. Each time you've thought that you had him dead-to-rights on something, (just like Palin, Bush, Cruz, Carson, etc.) he finds some magical Trump-like way to turn it into more support. So it's like, each time you're taking a wild left swing, he's popping you in the kisser with a right jab. You're not scoring, you're getting your ass kicked at your own game and you don't seem to realize it.
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.

Except those aren't lies, Trump actually said those things.

He stupidly said that he will depart all illegal immigrants (it's impossible, he can't)
He did say John McCain wasn't a war hero
Trump's Casinos did file for bankruptcy...many times.
He did make sexist remarks to female contestants
We've all heard what he said about Megyn Kelly. He was talking about her period.
Trump did compare Carson to a child molester. He said he's uncurable like a child molester (that's comparing his psychosis to that of child molester)...but it's okay. Carson has compared gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers so it's a wash.

Well, regardless of whether you can make an argument about the lies or not... the polls are clear. Each time you attempt to smear the man he turns it into a political gain in support. I'm not defending anything he has said, just pointing out reality.

He started out with like 5% or something and now he leads comfortably. Each time you've thought that you had him dead-to-rights on something, (just like Palin, Bush, Cruz, Carson, etc.) he finds some magical Trump-like way to turn it into more support. So it's like, each time you're taking a wild left swing, he's popping you in the kisser with a right jab. You're not scoring, you're getting your ass kicked at your own game and you don't seem to realize it.

I didn't "make an argument" about lies, I provided the actual things Donald Trump said. Yes, the polls are clear, the base of the GOP have lost their collective minds and you're helping to guarantee a Hillary win. Believe me, I'm happy about it. I support your support.
Trump did do all these things, and all Americans know it.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

And each time you morons tried to make those lies stick you got your asses handed to you in the polls. I don't know, he's like a Svengali with it... you trot out the smear campaign just like you did with Palin, just as you've done with Carson or Cruz and Trump thumps your ass and makes you look silly. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room for a week and improves his standing. I know this has to be frustrating to you guys. You're all like Ronda Rousey in UFC 193. I think you've met your match.

Except those aren't lies, Trump actually said those things.

He stupidly said that he will depart all illegal immigrants (it's impossible, he can't)
He did say John McCain wasn't a war hero
Trump's Casinos did file for bankruptcy...many times.
He did make sexist remarks to female contestants
We've all heard what he said about Megyn Kelly. He was talking about her period.
Trump did compare Carson to a child molester. He said he's uncurable like a child molester (that's comparing his psychosis to that of child molester)...but it's okay. Carson has compared gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers so it's a wash.

Well, regardless of whether you can make an argument about the lies or not... the polls are clear. Each time you attempt to smear the man he turns it into a political gain in support. I'm not defending anything he has said, just pointing out reality.

He started out with like 5% or something and now he leads comfortably. Each time you've thought that you had him dead-to-rights on something, (just like Palin, Bush, Cruz, Carson, etc.) he finds some magical Trump-like way to turn it into more support. So it's like, each time you're taking a wild left swing, he's popping you in the kisser with a right jab. You're not scoring, you're getting your ass kicked at your own game and you don't seem to realize it.

I didn't "make an argument" about lies, I provided the actual things Donald Trump said. Yes, the polls are clear, the base of the GOP have lost their collective minds and you're helping to guarantee a Hillary win. Believe me, I'm happy about it. I support your support.

You didn't prove anything to me and I doubt you proved much to your own side.

It really does seem like you are excited and happy about Trump... you sound overjoyed! :rofl:
Well said. He speaks his mind and the reason his poll numbers dont go down is because he has a loyal following.

I don't think that's it. Carson and Cruz have loyal followings as well. Again, when they attack Trump with this lying smearing nonsense, he somehow manages to turn it into a BOOST in his numbers. It's not JUST that he holds on to his supporters, he actually picks up NEW supporters the more they try and slime him. In fact, the ONLY thing they have found to work effectively on Trump is to shut the fuck up. Something they seem to have a really hard time doing.

What would you cite as a "smear" of Trump issuing from a "liberal" source?

Shut up and go away, retard.

That Trump wants to deport all Mexican immigrants.
That Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero.
That Trump filed bankruptcy four times.
That Trump made sexist remarks to a contestant on his show.
That Trump made crude remarks about Megyn Kelly's period.
That Trump compared Carson to a child molester.

Have you been under a fucking rock or something? No? Let me guess, you're a hack liberal who isn't going to ever be honest about anything because that's how you intend to get your crooked hag elected president?

Trump's comment about Kelly

"Blood coming out of her whatever"

He couldn't be referring to her eyes as he had already mentioned that.....the source is clearly singular....Proceeding on the assumption that Megyn exhibits the bilateral symmetry normally associated with hominids I guess it COULD be forehead....or's not a mammalian feature.

Forehead it is....

This, from the staunchly not liberal FORBES, citing the notoriously non-partisan Wall Street Journal...

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump finally offered some specifics as to how he would implement his controversial plan to deport the entire undocumented population in the U.S. if he is to become President. In a teleconference with Alabama Republicans last week, the real estate billionaire claimed it would take him 18 months to two years to get the estimated 11.3 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. to leave the country, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“We have to get them out. If we have wonderful cases, they can come back in, but they have to come back in legally,” Trump said in an audio clip posted on YouTube on September 10.

Trump's Deportation Plan 'Prohibitively Expensive'

Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. But he has filed four business bankruptcies, which says makes Trump the top filer in recent decades. All of them were centered around casinos he used to own in Atlantic City. They were all Chapter 11 restructurings, which lets a company stay in business while shedding debt it owes to banks, employees and suppliers.

Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

I would note that Trump avoided doing so personally on at least 2 sending emissaries to his multimillionaire siblings to mooch from their patrimonies.....

Here's what I'm guessing, "Boss" are a Two Time Scrub Voter who, surveying the wreckage resulting from enabling Babs' Mutant, concluded that Scrub had never been a "real conservative"......

Now you are about to take the plug again with The Donald........cause you ain't all that bright...

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