This is the thing about white people...

so the premis of this thread hate the whites because they are racist?

i see this all the time.a black dude at my work is EXTREMELY racist against white people..
ofcoarce he worships obama..

heres an example:

elements within this government "obama administration" they are SOOO racist.....that they plotted and planned...and carried out the "underwear bombing" to make obama look bad...

so he claims WHITE cia/fbi agents were sooooo racist against obama that they were actually trying to blow up airplanes to "make him look bad"

the other claims are

white people set up micheal jackson
white people set up OJ
white people set up our district manager who was caught stealing
white people set up kobe
he claims the KKK shot and killed a black co-worker we had....

he absolutley HATES white people.... but hes black so how could he possibly be considered racist!?!?
so the premis of this thread hate the whites because they are racist?

i see this all the time.a black dude at my work is EXTREMELY racist against white people..
ofcoarce he worships obama..

heres an example:

elements within this government "obama administration" they are SOOO racist.....that they plotted and planned...and carried out the "underwear bombing" to make obama look bad...

so he claims WHITE cia/fbi agents were sooooo racist against obama that they were actually trying to blow up airplanes to "make him look bad"

the other claims are

white people set up micheal jackson
white people set up OJ
white people set up our district manager who was caught stealing
white people set up kobe
he claims the KKK shot and killed a black co-worker we had....

he absolutley HATES white people.... but hes black so how could he possibly be considered racist!?!?

My brother in law <black> says with a straight face that blacks can't be racist only whites can be racist. And this is the guy who wouldn't let his daughters date whites when they were in highschool too bad for him, one of them married a white guy :lol:.
Once again RETARD, blacks have killed far more blacks then whites ever have. And they continue to attempt genocide on tribes they disagree with. If I were a black man in America I would be more worried about being robbed or murdered by a fellow black man. Why? Because the fact is Blacks are damned dangerous in this Country.

Ohh and it is not racist to realize you are more likely to be robbed or murdered by a black man then a white man. Even blacks realize it.

That's geographical. In my neighborhood, if there is a killing, shooting, robbery whatever, its a white person more so than blacks. If a black person gets killed who lives anywhere near me, its almost guaranteed to be a white person who did it.

If a black person gets killed in an impoverished black area, of course it will be a black person who did it. Who else would it be?

a typical white person?

Why bring grandmothers into this? AGist! :doubt:

Oh and way to respond to my post. Nice.
I do not intend to be a regular visitor here. I looked up a message board to express dismay of a particular opinion placed in what this generation of vipers call "NEWS". It is but more no less than what we will find right here...hateful and/or self serving and/or angry opinions and/or outright lies. Every "fact" we are given has at least one if not several counter "facts" to consider!!!!!!!!!! I am so sick of trying to sort out the lies from the lies and outright nonsense that I just consider where, who and why it is being fed to us and let cold hard first hand experiences make the final decisions.

What I know from many years of firsthand experience is that EVERY HUMAN I know(including myself and my loved ones) has an ugly side. I KNOW people of every RACE, CREED, NATIONALITY, CLASS, GENDER, and INTELLIGENCE. I also know that in THIS FRIGHTENING ERA, that this ugly side is not only acceptable but ADMIRED!! Every facet of society is defiled with the ugliness of humanity and few try anymore to rise above it...the religious realm is probably even more defiled than the rest because THEY should know better and DON'T or are not bothered by it.

SO, if you think you are GOOD, BETTER, or OK, because you belong to a particular race, creed, nationality, gender, political group, or any other are BLIND. One of the few things I know for sure is that God is real and we are ALL going to answer to Him one day... It won't matter how well or how many we manipulated and deceived into kissing our butts...He won't be mocked...deceived.. or manipulated by any strategy that may work for us in this twilight zone time...SO my man or woman, the trouble with White people is the same trouble with you, me and everybody else.. WAKE UP!! We all need to start working on rising above ourSELVES!!!
White people have superiority complexes. This is ingrained in their very being ever since they came in contact with blacks. Ever since the Early greeks like Herodotus referred to the Nubians and Egyptians as Gods. They have this infantile mindset of comparing. It started with the penis and expanded from there. Their whole mindset is based on division and comparisons. It is really a childish mindset.

The internet just magnifies it because bitter dissatisfied potbellied rednecks who look like Jared from subway can post anonymously, trolling , because this is the only real "power" they have. Only to log off and look around at their surroundings and accomplishments in a Western Kentucky outpost and realize " Damn. I ain't shit".

Once again RETARD, blacks have killed far more blacks then whites ever have. And they continue to attempt genocide on tribes they disagree with. If I were a black man in America I would be more worried about being robbed or murdered by a fellow black man. Why? Because the fact is Blacks are damned dangerous in this Country.

Ohh and it is not racist to realize you are more likely to be robbed or murdered by a black man then a white man. Even blacks realize it.

But even with that "fact" you would rather have a violent, murder prone black guy in your military unit than a patriotic homosexual....

The hypocrisy of the right never ceases to amaze me.

White people do have sexual hang ups, and are sexually jealous of blacks. They do have this false superiority complex. And this false superiority complex will lead to their ultimate destruction.They have created many enemies with many other races in the world other than black people. This is why I made a post a few weeks ago calling for black people to eventually separate from the trouble making homo marriage white race.
Once again RETARD, blacks have killed far more blacks then whites ever have. And they continue to attempt genocide on tribes they disagree with. If I were a black man in America I would be more worried about being robbed or murdered by a fellow black man. Why? Because the fact is Blacks are damned dangerous in this Country.

Ohh and it is not racist to realize you are more likely to be robbed or murdered by a black man then a white man. Even blacks realize it.

But even with that "fact" you would rather have a violent, murder prone black guy in your military unit than a patriotic homosexual....

The hypocrisy of the right never ceases to amaze me.

White people do have sexual hang ups, and are sexually jealous of blacks. They do have this false superiority complex. And this false superiority complex will lead to their ultimate destruction.They have created many enemies with many other races in the world other than black people. This is why I made a post a few weeks ago calling for black people to eventually separate from the trouble making homo marriage white race.
Documented proof please. Also I know that you are not stating that blacks have no sexual hangups.
White people have superiority complexes. This is ingrained in their very being ever since they came in contact with blacks. Ever since the Early greeks like Herodotus referred to the Nubians and Egyptians as Gods. They have this infantile mindset of comparing. It started with the penis and expanded from there. Their whole mindset is based on division and comparisons. It is really a childish mindset.

The internet just magnifies it because bitter dissatisfied potbellied rednecks who look like Jared from subway can post anonymously, trolling , because this is the only real "power" they have. Only to log off and look around at their surroundings and accomplishments in a Western Kentucky outpost and realize " Damn. I ain't shit".

Once again RETARD, blacks have killed far more blacks then whites ever have. And they continue to attempt genocide on tribes they disagree with. If I were a black man in America I would be more worried about being robbed or murdered by a fellow black man. Why? Because the fact is Blacks are damned dangerous in this Country.

Ohh and it is not racist to realize you are more likely to be robbed or murdered by a black man then a white man. Even blacks realize it.

That's geographical. In my neighborhood, if there is a killing, shooting, robbery whatever, its a white person more so than blacks. If a black person gets killed who lives anywhere near me, its almost guaranteed to be a white person who did it.

If a black person gets killed in an impoverished black area, of course it will be a black person who did it. Who else would it be?

In other words, you make a point to not live near black people?

[ame=""] The Race Card: White Guilt, Black Resentment, and the Assault on Truth and Justice (0086874509429): Peter Collier, David Horowitz: Books[/ame]
I've worked for over 30 yrs and have had to deal with all types of people both white and black and let me tell you neither one are easy to deal with, at times. There are those like me who are just nice people who at the workplace are there to just do their job and to hell with the rest of the shit. BUT then you have the BUTTHEADS (like many of you) who like to keep the pot stirring. The funny thing is though if all you get out of it is self-satisfaction in knowing that you riled someone up and can spend your time doing that instead of helping someone then you are a very small person in mind and in spirit. And I bet a lot of you are church goers too!!
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White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

Proof please and site your sources.
Thanks in advance.

We know for a fact that milions of black women were raped,during slavery by white men and are still being raped by white men in corporate offices.

And white women are always trying to breed with black men.
Is this prof enough for you?.
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

Proof please and site your sources.
Thanks in advance.

We know for a fact that milions of black women were raped,during slavery by white men and are still being raped by white men in corporate offices.

And white women are always trying to breed with black men.
Is this prof enough for you?.

Sorry but no.

Try again.
White people have superiority complexes. This is ingrained in their very being ever since they came in contact with blacks. Ever since the Early greeks like Herodotus referred to the Nubians and Egyptians as Gods. They have this infantile mindset of comparing. It started with the penis and expanded from there. Their whole mindset is based on division and comparisons. It is really a childish mindset.

The internet just magnifies it because bitter dissatisfied potbellied rednecks who look like Jared from subway can post anonymously, trolling , because this is the only real "power" they have. Only to log off and look around at their surroundings and accomplishments in a Western Kentucky outpost and realize " Damn. I ain't shit".

Then how to explain the recent emphasis on "diversity," which has turned out to be a new kind of separatist movement? White folks didn't invent that - they just find themselves in diversity training courses at work to learn what butts they are.
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

Proof please and site your sources.
Thanks in advance.

We know for a fact that milions of black women were raped,during slavery by white men and are still being raped by white men in corporate offices.

And white women are always trying to breed with black men.
Is this prof enough for you?.

Then shouldn't these men be arrested, are these women to afraid to come forward, or once again is this just your delusional imagination :cuckoo:
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

You assume to know a lot about how white people seemingly think, are you a white person? Are you afraid the stereotypes about black men are true? Did your wife run off with a negro?
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

You assume to know a lot about how white people seemingly think, are you a white person? Are you afraid the stereotypes about black men are true? Did your wife run off with a negro?

Sir , I am a Negro!, and no my wife did not runoff with a "Negro", she is a "Negro"!!
A fine Negress at that, if I may say so.
Didn't Cbass admit in the past to being a mutt?
&#9773;proletarian&#9773;;2017859 said:
white men have this fetish for black women
White men don't have a thing for monkeys, you idiot. They have a thing for asians. The B in lbfm doesn't stand for bonobo.

The white man seems to be after every other woman , except his own white women.!
I see it everyday.!!
This has been going on for hundreds of years.!!

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