This is the thing about white people...

We were trying to be nice and help you out, since you fell so far behind in the evolution game. We saw Africa and realized the only two ways to help you were to wipe your entire race out or impart upon you some superior DNA. Sometimes, we're kind to a fault like that. It comes from being God's people. We can't help our kind and caring ways any more than you can help your uncontrollable urges to steal and run a lot.
☭proletarian☭;2017921 said:
We were trying to be nice and help you out, since you fell so far behind in the evolution game. We saw Africa and realized the only two ways to help you were to wipe your entire race out or impart upon you some superior DNA. Sometimes, we're kind to a fault like that. It comes from being God's people. We can't help our kind and caring ways any more than you can help your uncontrollable urges to steal and run a lot.

What superior DNA?!, you white people are carriers of over 285 known genetic defects!!.
The white race is a genetic and biological disaster.
You must be joking.!!?
Not to mention the fact that you can't produce the vitamin D you need if you're somewhere with shade.

Funny how you've never cited a single source for your claims
☭proletarian☭;2017996 said:
IQ test prove nothing,
The white race has the worst genetic gene pool. There are over 285 known genetic defects!!
Do the research on this.!!
You white people are carriers of defective degenerative genes!!
This is all scientific fact!!

More baseless assertions.


I've given you facts.

Of course, I'd be willing to bet that the so-called 'flaws' you refer to were found in people of mixed race. Few true Nordics exist today, as Satan, the 'god of this world' continues to gain power and God's people are persecuted and the hoardes of the world seek to overrun the entire world.

All you really need is to look at one simple fact: There is not a single first-world country on Earth with a predominantly black population. In countries where you're allowed to live near people, you kill eachother, commit robberies, and use narcotics at a rate higher than any other race. Most of you can only get to a truly great school by begging for leniency on your scores because so many of you are truly retarded (average IQ for the subsaharan strain= 70) and you want to risk the lives of every single person in the city so you can say you're a firefighter when you couldn't pass the tests.
☭proletarian☭;2017996 said:
IQ test prove nothing,
The white race has the worst genetic gene pool. There are over 285 known genetic defects!!
Do the research on this.!!
You white people are carriers of defective degenerative genes!!
This is all scientific fact!!

Proof please and site your sources thanks. Also I would like to see side by side comparison of genetic defects between all races. (I am thinking about jumping ship and contaminating another race.)

BTW It is on you to provide sources as you are the one to make the assertions.
White people seem to also have a fixation about black sexuality. The White women have preconceived notions about black male sexuality, and white men have this fetish for black women. I see it everyday.!
This is a known fact.

You assume to know a lot about how white people seemingly think, are you a white person? Are you afraid the stereotypes about black men are true? Did your wife run off with a negro?

Sir , I am a Negro!, and no my wife did not runoff with a "Negro", she is a "Negro"!!
A fine Negress at that, if I may say so.

Oh so she ran off with a white dude. Now I understand your racist attitude.

This wealth map shows which territories have the greatest wealth when Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is compared using currency exchange rates. This indicates international purchasing power - what someone’s money would be worth if they wanted to spend it in another territory. For some their money will gain value when they move - others’ money will lose value. This facilitates the movement of some people, whilst severely limiting that of others.
Wealth, as reflected by GDP per person, is highest in Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland. It is lowest in Ethiopia, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before
☭proletarian☭;2017996 said:
IQ test prove nothing,
The white race has the worst genetic gene pool. There are over 285 known genetic defects!!
Do the research on this.!!
You white people are carriers of defective degenerative genes!!
This is all scientific fact!!

Proof please and site your sources thanks. Also I would like to see side by side comparison of genetic defects between all races. (I am thinking about jumping ship and contaminating another race.)

BTW It is on you to provide sources as you are the one to make the assertions.

Cystic fibrosis, amnitroyphic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, hodgekins disease, color blindness, Downs sydrome, tay sachs disease,parkinson disease, these are all diseases of your so called white master race, master of genetic defects!!, shall I continue??.There are 285 other known genetic defects !!!all belong to the caucasian race!!
IQ test prove nothing,
The white race has the worst genetic gene pool. There are over 285 known genetic defects!!
Do the research on this.!!
You white people are carriers of defective degenerative genes!!
This is all scientific fact!!

Proof please and site your sources thanks. Also I would like to see side by side comparison of genetic defects between all races. (I am thinking about jumping ship and contaminating another race.)

BTW It is on you to provide sources as you are the one to make the assertions.

Cystic fibrosis, amnitroyphic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, hodgekins disease, color blindness, Downs sydrome, tay sachs disease,parkinson disease, these are all diseases of your so called white master race, master of genetic defects!!, shall I continue??.There are 285 other known genetic defects !!!all belong to the caucasian race!!
You may continue when you have sources to back up you assertions. Please stop wasting our time till you do.
Proof please and site your sources thanks. Also I would like to see side by side comparison of genetic defects between all races. (I am thinking about jumping ship and contaminating another race.)

BTW It is on you to provide sources as you are the one to make the assertions.

Cystic fibrosis, amnitroyphic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, hodgekins disease, color blindness, Downs sydrome, tay sachs disease,parkinson disease, these are all diseases of your so called white master race, master of genetic defects!!, shall I continue??.There are 285 other known genetic defects !!!all belong to the caucasian race!!
You may continue when you have sources to back up you assertions. Please stop wasting our time till you do.

Just pick up any medical encyclopedia. Do you have Google.? Please do the research do I have to spoon feed everything to you white masters of Genetic ,degenerative defects!!?

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