This Is the Woman Responsible for Alec Baldwin’s Gun

Provide a link or be called out on your probable lie. It was a guy who was in charge of safety and handed Baldwin the gun, telling him it was "cold".

So what. Just because it's a movie set doesn't mean you ignore safety rules that have been developed for over a century.


That is rule number ONE.

Look it up.
The last person I blame is the actor, Baldwin. He was given a prop and told it was safe. Whom I blame is both this girl and the producer who hired her, and for setting up a system where not only live ammo was brought on set, but that there were no apparent checks and balances to assure that these props were safe and properly set up.
I blame them all.

Alec Baldwin is to blame because he actually handled the weapon. When taking possession of ANY firearm, it is a person's indispensable and unassignable duty to clear it, never point it at other humans unless intending to kill them, and to keep the finger way from the trigger until the foreground and background are clear.

He took a real firearm, pointed the muzzle in the direction of other humans he did not intend to kill, put his finger on the trigger while pointing it a other humans, and finally pulled the trigger.

There is no excuse for negligent discharge of a firearm. Any of us would have been blamed and probably prosecuted under similar circumstances.
“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.” – Michael Moore

So when is that video.from? I am sure that, if we.posted videos of you at 18 yanking into a sock to pictures of your neighbor, it wouldn't do much for your rep.
I blame Baldwin alone. NEVER point a gun at someone and pull the trigger without checking. This gun was called a "prop," but it was a real gun

Why on earth did he point it at this woman and pull the trigger?
Without checking... what? There was supposed to be a round in the gun.


A 10 year old hunting class graduate KNOWS, you don't point guns at PEOPLE.

FUCK, you people are fucking STOOOOOOOPID!

A 10 year old hunting class graduate KNOWS, you don't point guns at PEOPLE.

FUCK, you people are fucking STOOOOOOOPID!
That wasn't what he said. Finish your stroke, breathe into a paper bag.

I asked what Baldwin should have checked.
I am not blaming Baldwin.. but the shoot really had some safety issues.
I may very well blame Baldwin, in light of new information. I don't even know if he meant to discharge the weapon or even meant to point it at anyone.

As it stands now it appears he relied on his staff like every actor and stuntman has millions of times before.
It was just such a blank that Bruce Lee's son Brandon held up to his head on a movie set thinking it was safe and pulled the trigger.
No, that was Jon-Erik Hexum who shot himself in the head.

Brandon Lee died from a shot to the abdomen by Michael Massee.
The last person I blame is the actor, Baldwin. He was given a prop and told it was safe. Whom I blame is both this girl and the producer who hired her, and for setting up a system where not only live ammo was brought on set, but that there were no apparent checks and balances to assure that these props were safe and properly set up.
Baldwin was also a producer of the movie.

The girl should be banned from hollywood
Or investigated for 2rd degree manslaughter.

But the ultimate responsibility belonged to baldwin
I know that if I were handed a gun and told to point and fire it at people that I would take out the ammo, examine all to my satisfaction first. That said, we really have the Left to blame for this. Time was when children learned firearm safety growing up. Today, the Left has made people fear guns so much that they don't see them, touch them or use them anymore so really are ignorant of their use. By all rights, anyone shooting any type of firearm on a movie set even using blanks ought to have a firearms expert there to oversee everything. In the past, I would have said an expert from the NRA, but if they brought the NRA onto a Hollywood set these days, it would be almost as raucous as if it were Trump.

So I've resolved that this is just another victim of the Left's progressivism. Let them all shoot each other on the movie set for all I care.

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