This is what Christian schools in Florida doing to protect children from shootings

What a shame that we have to dress our children in flak jackets to protect them in school...
The new American normal, ladies and gentlemen....tho why they don't just sell backpacks with a lovely " thoughts and prayers" print all over a variety of colors and styles.
Limousine liberals and prominent Democrats are surrounded by armies of armed security but they don't want you, nor your children, to enjoy the same protection.
That didn't work for Reagan and Brady, did it?
First educate yourself. There are few assault weapons in the hands of your fellow citizens. Those who have them are licensed to own them.

Second, why should my weapons be considered a threat if they never leave my person, and I am not a threat?

Why do you want to take away my rights to satisfy your fear?
What is the virtue of an assault weapon. Let me preface that with, in the course of debate, an assault weapon is defined as a weapon equipped with a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high* capacity magazine. I know that gun lovers would like to take serious discussions down a primrose path of semantics. Face facts and employ the parlance of our times and agree that semantic differences do not and cannot advance discussion.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of an assault weapon? They are not designedfor hunting quail, grouse, pheasant or turkey. They were not designed to hunt deer or moose or mountain goat. They were not designed for for paper target or clay pigeons. They were, in fact, designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

Where's the nobility in that? Are people expecting hordes of criminals invading their homes? Are they living in a war torn area of the Middle East or southwest Asia or Central America? Do you see yourself as the hero gunslinger in the mold of Dirty Harry or some other cinematic character? What justifies the absolute need for such weapons?

After recognizing such weapons as the weapon of choice for mass murderers, can a reasonable argument be made for banning them?

*high capacity is defined as a magazine capable of loading ten or more rounds.

Your argument is irelvant all it takes is one bullet to kill some one.

Once they go over the edge and pull the trigger..9 times out of 10 the trigger man's life is over.
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?

I highlighted your error. Why do you make this mistake? That proves that you are merely a tool of your own ignorance.
What a shame that we have to dress our children in flak jackets to protect them in school...

You just erase from your mind the shootings that took place before Trump was elected? When Obama was making America a shit hole, and all of those children in Sandy Hook died on his watch, you blamed him by saying, " _______________."
Why say something now and remove all doubt about your anti-American bias?
I would rather take the chance of a toddler having one then not. Wouldn't you?
I think not. Even a cheap armored backpack costs $225.00, with the average price being $350.00.

$24.00 buys you an effective metal detector wand.

You can buy FOUR for under $100. NINE of them for the price of ONE armored backpack.
Some reason why a school can't buy a few of these and check kids for their AR-15's as they enter school property? Am I missing something here?

I never knew it was that hard to see a kid trying to bring a METER LONG piece of 7-pound steel to school with him!

Who said it is a meter long? You do know that these weapons basically come apart and are easily reassembled in a matter of seconds. Right?
Families had guns up the yinyang in the
1970's and
and we didn't have mass shootings or school serial killings every other week!
This crap didn't begin to become a serious problem until sometime in the 1990's with the Columbine shootings being one of the first big ones I remember!

IF GUNS WEREN'T A PROBLEM all those years and far before that, indeed, kids probably had a lot MORE exposure to guns years ago, why weren't guns the big problem then they are supposedly today? If guns weren't the cause of mass shootings all the time years ago, why are we blaming them now?

If you think guns are such an issue now, up to the mid-1930's people had real automatic weapons laying around, and hardly no one was running around like a nut killing people with them. The more we try to remove firearms from people's lives and make them an unfamiliar item, the more, not less they are getting abused.

I don't remember semi-automatic rifles being sold at Western you?

Yes. Next!

Western Auto-Revelation-Marlin Model 120 22 lr... for sale

Yes, .22lr do some damage, did Western Auto sell this with a Promag 30 Round Mag? These are definitely not the choice for school shooters. These nut bags want the big guns. NEXT!

Would you like to stand downrange 100 yards and catch .22LR bullets? Yeah, me either.

No I wouldn't, but let's ask the military why they won't issue this revolver.


Because revolvers suck?
What a shame that we have to dress our children in flak jackets to protect them in school...
The new American normal, ladies and gentlemen....tho why they don't just sell backpacks with a lovely " thoughts and prayers" print all over a variety of colors and styles.

Once again we just have to survive through liberalism, it will die out eventually... Just like nazisim did.
What good is a bullet proof backpack when it seems like anyone can walk into any school at any time?

That's because you are lying.

says the moron who doesn't think locking the doors of a building would stop a person from getting in and shooting the place up

Please provide a quote where I said anything of the sort. You may need to see a doctor for mental health issues.

I have repeatedly told you and anyone else reading my posts. The doors to every school I have worked at in the past ten years (and there are many) are either locked or monitored if the cannot be locked.

At my current school, when I enter, I have to be let in through an electronic lock to the front office. At 7:40 am, all students enter through one door with a staff member monitoring. At that time, I am at my station where I watch the literal back door of the school to ensure no one attempts to come in the locked door or let someone in, until after all students are admitted. After that time, they have to enter through the main office with an electronic lock and surveillance system.

We then have other steps to increase security that I cannot and will not discuss with anyone.

The doors are LOCKED or manned at all times. Now is that crystal clear?
What is the virtue of an assault weapon. Let me preface that with, in the course of debate, an assault weapon is defined as a weapon equipped with a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high* capacity magazine. I know that gun lovers would like to take serious discussions down a primrose path of semantics. Face facts and employ the parlance of our times and agree that semantic differences do not and cannot advance discussion.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of an assault weapon? They are not designedfor hunting quail, grouse, pheasant or turkey. They were not designed to hunt deer or moose or mountain goat. They were not designed for for paper target or clay pigeons. They were, in fact, designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

Where's the nobility in that? Are people expecting hordes of criminals invading their homes? Are they living in a war torn area of the Middle East or southwest Asia or Central America? Do you see yourself as the hero gunslinger in the mold of Dirty Harry or some other cinematic character? What justifies the absolute need for such weapons?

After recognizing such weapons as the weapon of choice for mass murderers, can a reasonable argument be made for banning them?

*high capacity is defined as a magazine capable of loading ten or more rounds.

Your argument is irelvant all it takes is one bullet to kill some one.

Once they go over the edge and pull the trigger..9 times out of 10 the trigger man's life is over.
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?

I highlighted your error. Why do you make this mistake? That proves that you are merely a tool of your own ignorance.
How is my statement in error? Some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Why else were such guns designed?
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Your argument is irelvant all it takes is one bullet to kill some one.

Once they go over the edge and pull the trigger..9 times out of 10 the trigger man's life is over.
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?

I highlighted your error. Why do you make this mistake? That proves that you are merely a tool of your own ignorance.
How I see my statement in error? Some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Why else were such guns designed?

They have been along for like over a hundred years...

What changed in society....
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?

I highlighted your error. Why do you make this mistake? That proves that you are merely a tool of your own ignorance.
How I see my statement in error? Some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Why else were such guns designed?

They have been along for like over a hundred years...

What changed in society....
No. The number of such guns has changed.

Are you suggesting Americans are more homocidal by nature?
What a shame that we have to dress our children in flak jackets to protect them in school...

You just erase from your mind the shootings that took place before Trump was elected? When Obama was making America a shit hole, and all of those children in Sandy Hook died on his watch, you blamed him by saying, " _______________."
Why say something now and remove all doubt about your anti-American bias?
The difference being, Obama implored Congress to act on gun control. Trump has not. Duh, dude.
You bet he wanted to take our guns. He was UN to the core, while running guns to Mexico. And personally I believe 4 Americans died in Benghazi to conceal the fact that he was gun running to ISIS.
Trump wants to preserve our rights. He is on our side...

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