This is what Christian schools in Florida doing to protect children from shootings

Me too

It is sick that any school would need to do something like this. Sick country.

Once again we can't stop your liberal modern day Sodom and gormorrah Utopia now can we? Just got to survive through it.
Accepting dead school kids as part of doing business is willfully simplistic at best, criminally negligent at worst.

There is a class of Americans who have had pleasurable experiences with guns. Bully for them. But there is a growing group of Americans who have had tragic experiences with guns. The former class tells the latter class to deal with it because they cannot fathom the havoc wrought by assault weapons in the hands of our fellow citizens.

In short the gun lovers are saying that there is no acceptable solution to gun violence and the lives of school children just aren't as cool as their personal arsenals.

And then they blanch at the suggestion that the tent pole ethos of the Right Wing is greed.

Teaching Marxist principles and lack of discipline in the schools is what changed. Semi-auto guns have been readily available since the early 1900s.

What is to be expected when you teach the children there is no God or absolute right or wrong, only societal mores? Furthermore compounded by lack of discipline?

A bunch of heathens running around crazy, duh!

Apparently, trying education the "liberal" way is a failure. I'm not trying to insult the liberals here, but damn, seriously.

It's the "liberal" indoctrination methods producing these types of monsters.
Why then is there such a large disparity between the incidents of school shooting, church shootings and mass shootings in general between America and the rest of the world? America surely is the most 'religious' nation in the advanced world. More Americans attend church regularly than any other advanced nation.

There are violent video games played all around the world. Yet other societies don't suffer the scourge of mass shootings at the rate America does.

Are we more homocidal by nature? Or does the real factor take the shape of assault weapons?

Blame everything but the fact nearly anyone can buy an assault weapon with the same ease they can buy a grande latte at Starbucks.


Religion isn't the answer...
Do you realize that the bible promotes genocide, slavery and every bad thing imaginable...Somehow I don't think reading that will stop the rage...
You are a stupid fuck… You’re thinking of Muslims.
I feel so bad for our children. :(

Me too

It is sick that any school would need to do something like this. Sick country.
It’s even sicker that you expect people to give up their second amendment rights because of your bleeding heart... dolt

Hopes and prayers to when your azz gets bit by the bullet.

Remember, these millennials that you despise will grab your guns.

The more you tell the more you know about a poster ...

Once again we can't stop your liberal modern day Sodom and gormorrah Utopia now can we? Just got to survive through it.
Accepting dead school kids as part of doing business is willfully simplistic at best, criminally negligent at worst.

There is a class of Americans who have had pleasurable experiences with guns. Bully for them. But there is a growing group of Americans who have had tragic experiences with guns. The former class tells the latter class to deal with it because they cannot fathom the havoc wrought by assault weapons in the hands of our fellow citizens.

In short the gun lovers are saying that there is no acceptable solution to gun violence and the lives of school children just aren't as cool as their personal arsenals.

And then they blanch at the suggestion that the tent pole ethos of the Right Wing is greed.

Teaching Marxist principles and lack of discipline in the schools is what changed. Semi-auto guns have been readily available since the early 1900s.

What is to be expected when you teach the children there is no God or absolute right or wrong, only societal mores? Furthermore compounded by lack of discipline?

A bunch of heathens running around crazy, duh!

Apparently, trying education the "liberal" way is a failure. I'm not trying to insult the liberals here, but damn, seriously.

It's the "liberal" indoctrination methods producing these types of monsters.
Why then is there such a large disparity between the incidents of school shooting, church shootings and mass shootings in general between America and the rest of the world? America surely is the most 'religious' nation in the advanced world. More Americans attend church regularly than any other advanced nation.

There are violent video games played all around the world. Yet other societies don't suffer the scourge of mass shootings at the rate America does.

Are we more homocidal by nature? Or does the real factor take the shape of assault weapons?

Blame everything but the fact nearly anyone can buy an assault weapon with the same ease they can buy a grande latte at Starbucks.

You really should expand your horizons more:

3 days in hell: Russia mourns Beslan school siege victims 10 years on

^School shooting

Attack on Cape Town Church Keeps a Rattled Nation Edgy

^Church shooting

Norway youth camp attack kills 85

^Mass murder in Norway
Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Colorado, Sutherland Springs, Texas, Charleston, South Carolina, Orlando, Florida, Parkland, Florida, Las Vegas. And those are the mass shootings that immediately spring to mind.

No law, no regulation, no legislation will completely eliminate the incidence of mass shootings. Stop blaming mass shootings on everything but the instrument that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting".
Blame the criminal first but you’re too fucking stupid to realize that, Then blame socialist society and fucked up progressives like yourself. You silly little fucker
First educate yourself. There are few assault weapons in the hands of your fellow citizens. Those who have them are licensed to own them.

Second, why should my weapons be considered a threat if they never leave my person, and I am not a threat?

Why do you want to take away my rights to satisfy your fear?
What is the virtue of an assault weapon. Let me preface that with, in the course of debate, an assault weapon is defined as a weapon equipped with a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high* capacity magazine. I know that gun lovers would like to take serious discussions down a primrose path of semantics. Face facts and employ the parlance of our times and agree that semantic differences do not and cannot advance discussion.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of an assault weapon? They are not designedfor hunting quail, grouse, pheasant or turkey. They were not designed to hunt deer or moose or mountain goat. They were not designed for for paper target or clay pigeons. They were, in fact, designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

Where's the nobility in that? Are people expecting hordes of criminals invading their homes? Are they living in a war torn area of the Middle East or southwest Asia or Central America? Do you see yourself as the hero gunslinger in the mold of Dirty Harry or some other cinematic character? What justifies the absolute need for such weapons?

After recognizing such weapons as the weapon of choice for mass murderers, can a reasonable argument be made for banning them?

*high capacity is defined as a magazine capable of loading ten or more rounds.

Your argument is irelvant all it takes is one bullet to kill some one.

Once they go over the edge and pull the trigger..9 times out of 10 the trigger man's life is over.
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?
People will kill with whatever means necessary. That’s what criminals do you silly little fucker
Your argument is irelvant all it takes is one bullet to kill some one.

Once they go over the edge and pull the trigger..9 times out of 10 the trigger man's life is over.
That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.
You're right. Guns are tools. Consider the design purpose of tools. Hammers are designed to drive and pull nails. Some hammers are designed to work metal. Screwdrivers are designed to tighten and loosen screws. Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen nits and bolts.

Some guns are designed to shoot fowl. Others are designed to hunt game. Some guns are designed to be concealable and are used in either self defense or armed robbery. Some guns are designed as sniper weapons accurately placing a shot fro a great distance.

But some guns are designed solely to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Those are the "tools" in question. What is the virtue of such a "tool"?
Weapons designed to kill enemy combatants are designed to project citizens of the nation being defended.

You are a stupid ass if you think misuse of a weapon of any type should be blamed on the availability of the weapon. The blame of the misuse is clearly the property of the USER!

Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people. and those bullets though!
People kill people firearms cannot, Firearms have no control over people you silly little fucker
Me too

It is sick that any school would need to do something like this. Sick country.

Once again we can't stop your liberal modern day Sodom and gormorrah Utopia now can we? Just got to survive through it.
Accepting dead school kids as part of doing business is willfully simplistic at best, criminally negligent at worst.

There is a class of Americans who have had pleasurable experiences with guns. Bully for them. But there is a growing group of Americans who have had tragic experiences with guns. The former class tells the latter class to deal with it because they cannot fathom the havoc wrought by assault weapons in the hands of our fellow citizens.

In short the gun lovers are saying that there is no acceptable solution to gun violence and the lives of school children just aren't as cool as their personal arsenals.

And then they blanch at the suggestion that the tent pole ethos of the Right Wing is greed.

First educate yourself. There are few assault weapons in the hands of your fellow citizens. Those who have them are licensed to own them.

Second, why should my weapons be considered a threat if they never leave my person, and I am not a threat?

Why do you want to take away my rights to satisfy your fear?
What is the virtue of an assault weapon. Let me preface that with, in the course of debate, an assault weapon is defined as a weapon equipped with a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high* capacity magazine. I know that gun lovers would like to take serious discussions down a primrose path of semantics. Face facts and employ the parlance of our times and agree that semantic differences do not and cannot advance discussion.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of an assault weapon? They are not designedfor hunting quail, grouse, pheasant or turkey. They were not designed to hunt deer or moose or mountain goat. They were not designed for for paper target or clay pigeons. They were, in fact, designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

Where's the nobility in that? Are people expecting hordes of criminals invading their homes? Are they living in a war torn area of the Middle East or southwest Asia or Central America? Do you see yourself as the hero gunslinger in the mold of Dirty Harry or some other cinematic character? What justifies the absolute need for such weapons?

After recognizing such weapons as the weapon of choice for mass murderers, can a reasonable argument be made for banning them?

*high capacity is defined as a magazine capable of loading ten or more rounds.
Cowardly motherfuckers like yourself have no idea what a so called “assault weapon” even is, Why don’t you educate yourself you sick fuck...


That was not the case in Parkland. And the Las Vegas shooter committed suicide after taking out nearly sixty.

What's your point? So long as the shooter is taken down it becomes an acceptable situation?

A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.

Families had guns up the yinyang in the
1970's and
and we didn't have mass shootings or school serial killings every other week!
This crap didn't begin to become a serious problem until sometime in the 1990's with the Columbine shootings being one of the first big ones I remember!

IF GUNS WEREN'T A PROBLEM all those years and far before that, indeed, kids probably had a lot MORE exposure to guns years ago, why weren't guns the big problem then they are supposedly today? If guns weren't the cause of mass shootings all the time years ago, why are we blaming them now?

If you think guns are such an issue now, up to the mid-1930's people had real automatic weapons laying around, and hardly no one was running around like a nut killing people with them. The more we try to remove firearms from people's lives and make them an unfamiliar item, the more, not less they are getting abused.

I don't remember semi-automatic rifles being sold at Western you?

Yes. Next!

Western Auto-Revelation-Marlin Model 120 22 lr... for sale

Yes, .22lr do some damage, did Western Auto sell this with a Promag 30 Round Mag? These are definitely not the choice for school shooters. These nut bags want the big guns. NEXT!
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Once again we can't stop your liberal modern day Sodom and gormorrah Utopia now can we? Just got to survive through it.
Accepting dead school kids as part of doing business is willfully simplistic at best, criminally negligent at worst.

There is a class of Americans who have had pleasurable experiences with guns. Bully for them. But there is a growing group of Americans who have had tragic experiences with guns. The former class tells the latter class to deal with it because they cannot fathom the havoc wrought by assault weapons in the hands of our fellow citizens.

In short the gun lovers are saying that there is no acceptable solution to gun violence and the lives of school children just aren't as cool as their personal arsenals.

And then they blanch at the suggestion that the tent pole ethos of the Right Wing is greed.

First educate yourself. There are few assault weapons in the hands of your fellow citizens. Those who have them are licensed to own them.

Second, why should my weapons be considered a threat if they never leave my person, and I am not a threat?

Why do you want to take away my rights to satisfy your fear?
What is the virtue of an assault weapon. Let me preface that with, in the course of debate, an assault weapon is defined as a weapon equipped with a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high* capacity magazine. I know that gun lovers would like to take serious discussions down a primrose path of semantics. Face facts and employ the parlance of our times and agree that semantic differences do not and cannot advance discussion.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of an assault weapon? They are not designedfor hunting quail, grouse, pheasant or turkey. They were not designed to hunt deer or moose or mountain goat. They were not designed for for paper target or clay pigeons. They were, in fact, designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

Where's the nobility in that? Are people expecting hordes of criminals invading their homes? Are they living in a war torn area of the Middle East or southwest Asia or Central America? Do you see yourself as the hero gunslinger in the mold of Dirty Harry or some other cinematic character? What justifies the absolute need for such weapons?

After recognizing such weapons as the weapon of choice for mass murderers, can a reasonable argument be made for banning them?

*high capacity is defined as a magazine capable of loading ten or more rounds.
Cowardly motherfuckers like yourself have no idea what a so called “assault weapon” even is, Why don’t you educate yourself you sick fuck...



Since the mods are a can't say mother fucker God damn it..

Its bringing family members into the conversation.

You are suggesting a guy is sleeping with his Mom
I feel so bad for our children. :(

Me too

It is sick that any school would need to do something like this. Sick country.
It’s even sicker that you expect people to give up their second amendment rights because of your bleeding heart... dolt

Hopes and prayers to when your azz gets bit by the bullet.

Remember, these millennials that you despise will grab your guns.
I certainly will not blame the firearm like you progressive little fuckers do...
A new amendment repealing the amendment in question. It must be done exactly the same way, because the repeal itself is an amendment.
An amendment to the Constitution legally becomes PART of the Constitution, and is therefore part of our national law, indivisible from it except by the Constitutional provision for changing the Constitution.
It cannot be minimized; to be removed, it must be repealed by a new amendment.
To begin, a proposed amendment must be voted approved by a 2/3 majority of both legislative bodies of the US Congress. The Proposed Amendment must then be sent ot every individual State's legislature for consideration. Each state follows its own parliamentary process to arrive at a yea or nay on the Proposed Amendment. For the Proposed Amendment to become a Constitutional Amendment, 3/4 of the individual American States must vote a final yea. With the current body of States numbering 50, the required number of State ratifications to adopt the new amendment is 38. Upon the confirmation of the 38th yea, the Amendment becomes part of the Constitution, amending, or changing, whatever the subject of the amendment covers--whether it be a new cause, or eliminating an old Amendment.
Incidentally, this is why there never going to be a repeal of the 2nd amendment--there will never be 38 States voting to take our guns.
So pretty much these people want us to accept this shit?

Pretty fucked up

We could start by sending all tranny's to mental hospitals....

The majority of the problem is progressives like the ACLU will sue anybody for anything and makes it impossible for public schools to do anything remotely sane to protect kids from anything, because some gimp or its parent will sooner or later claim to be offended or discriminated against or some other mindless idiotic 'right' , and the bureaucrats will wet themselves and do nothing at all rather than stand up to left wing bullies, and neither will school boards or local and state govts.

Indeed, the teachers are teaching with blind folds on and then when an obvious psycho starts unloading it's a surprise.

Of course, progressives are very happy about this, because each time they get to blame guns. They want to ban guns.

If any agency or authority, the school, the FBI, anybody, and done anything to pre-empt this loon ahead of time, they would be sued, and these same gimps and deviants would all be jumping up and down crying about his 'rights' being violated, or 'discrimination' against the mentally ill, or some other infantile 'cause' for outrage.

These strings of mass murders are on their heads, not the NRA's or anybody else's. Their 'Culture wars', silly inane lawsuits, sleazy lawyers, dope addled neurotic deviant followers are the rot in society.
Last edited:
Yup bring god back into classrooms and you get a common sense approach..

Bulletproof panels for students' backpacks being sold by Florida school - CNN

This Florida school is selling bulletproof panels for students' backpacks
By Laura Diaz-Zuniga, CNN
Updated 4:37 PM EST, Tue November 07, 2017

Story highlights

  • A Miami school is selling bulletproof panels that can be inserted into backpacks
  • Teachers would show students how to use the backpacks to shield themselves in the event of a shooting
(CNN)A Miami private school is offering parents an unusual item for sale: bulletproof panels for their kids' backpacks.

The Florida Christian School website has a list of items available for purchase. These include winter wear, red school logo T-shirts and ballistic panels.

George Gulla, dean of students and head of school security at Florida Christian School, told CNN the bulletproof panels would add "another level of protection" to students of the pre-K through grade 12 school "in the event of an active shooter."

Pathetic...while most countries don't have to worry about their kids.
Kids can't even walk by themselves in fear if getting kidnapped, now they have to fear being shot in school. America ??!!!
Yup bring god back into classrooms and you get a common sense approach..

Bulletproof panels for students' backpacks being sold by Florida school - CNN

This Florida school is selling bulletproof panels for students' backpacks
By Laura Diaz-Zuniga, CNN
Updated 4:37 PM EST, Tue November 07, 2017

Story highlights

  • A Miami school is selling bulletproof panels that can be inserted into backpacks
  • Teachers would show students how to use the backpacks to shield themselves in the event of a shooting
(CNN)A Miami private school is offering parents an unusual item for sale: bulletproof panels for their kids' backpacks.

The Florida Christian School website has a list of items available for purchase. These include winter wear, red school logo T-shirts and ballistic panels.

George Gulla, dean of students and head of school security at Florida Christian School, told CNN the bulletproof panels would add "another level of protection" to students of the pre-K through grade 12 school "in the event of an active shooter."

Pathetic...while most countries don't have to worry about their kids.
Kids can't even walk by themselves in fear if getting kidnapped, now they have to fear being shot in school. America ??!!!

I thought you said you live in palm springs California or a Mudd Hutt in the Congo?

It's hard to keep track of you, is your name Waldo?
So pretty much these people want us to accept this shit?

Pretty fucked up

We could start by sending all tranny's to mental hospitals....

The majority of the problem is progressives like the ACLU will sue anybody for anything and makes it impossible for public schools to do anything remotely sane to protect kids from anything, because some gimp or its parent will sooner or later claim to be offended or discriminated against or some other mindless idiotic 'right' , and the bureaucrats will wet themselves and do nothing at all rather than stand up to left wing bullies, and neither will school boards or local and state govts.

Indeed, the teachers are teaching with blind folds on and then when an obvious psycho starts unloading it's a surprise.

Of course, progressives are very happy about this, because each time they get to blame guns. They want to ban guns.

If any agency or authority, the school, the FBI, anybody, and done anything to pre-empt this loon ahead of time, they would be sued, and these same gimps and deviants would jumping up and down crying about his 'rights' being violated, or 'discrimination' against the mentally ill, or some other infantile 'cause' for outrage.

These strings of mass murders are on their heads, not the NRA's or anybody else's. Their 'Culture wars', silly inane lawsuits, sleazy lawyers, dope addled neurotic deviant followers are the rot in society.

The FBI and state DCF dropped the ball on this one.
Yup bring god back into classrooms and you get a common sense approach..

Bulletproof panels for students' backpacks being sold by Florida school - CNN

This Florida school is selling bulletproof panels for students' backpacks
By Laura Diaz-Zuniga, CNN
Updated 4:37 PM EST, Tue November 07, 2017

Story highlights

  • A Miami school is selling bulletproof panels that can be inserted into backpacks
  • Teachers would show students how to use the backpacks to shield themselves in the event of a shooting
(CNN)A Miami private school is offering parents an unusual item for sale: bulletproof panels for their kids' backpacks.

The Florida Christian School website has a list of items available for purchase. These include winter wear, red school logo T-shirts and ballistic panels.

George Gulla, dean of students and head of school security at Florida Christian School, told CNN the bulletproof panels would add "another level of protection" to students of the pre-K through grade 12 school "in the event of an active shooter."

Pathetic...while most countries don't have to worry about their kids.
Kids can't even walk by themselves in fear if getting kidnapped, now they have to fear being shot in school. America ??!!!

Muslim countries just do all their murdering in mass genocides, so quit trying to claim the U.S. is worse than your shithole dictatorships; we don't ban entire peoples like Muslims do, murder and expelling them en masse. Morrocco isn't some shining light of safety and enlightenment, it has merely already killed everybody who might disagree with your thug culture, and regularly arrests anybody who even looks like they might protest or cause problems, or for no reason at all..
Yup bring god back into classrooms and you get a common sense approach..
Huh? How many bottles you had hillbilly?

Bulletproof panels for students' backpacks being sold by Florida school - CNN

This Florida school is selling bulletproof panels for students' backpacks
By Laura Diaz-Zuniga, CNN
Updated 4:37 PM EST, Tue November 07, 2017

Story highlights

  • A Miami school is selling bulletproof panels that can be inserted into backpacks
  • Teachers would show students how to use the backpacks to shield themselves in the event of a shooting
(CNN)A Miami private school is offering parents an unusual item for sale: bulletproof panels for their kids' backpacks.

The Florida Christian School website has a list of items available for purchase. These include winter wear, red school logo T-shirts and ballistic panels.

George Gulla, dean of students and head of school security at Florida Christian School, told CNN the bulletproof panels would add "another level of protection" to students of the pre-K through grade 12 school "in the event of an active shooter."

Pathetic...while most countries don't have to worry about their kids.
Kids can't even walk by themselves in fear if getting kidnapped, now they have to fear being shot in school. America ??!!!

I thought you said you live in palm springs California or a Mudd Hutt in the Congo?

It's hard to keep track of you, is your name Waldo?
A gun is just an object, just a tool...we have to go after the root cause and it's surley not guns.

Families had guns up the yinyang in the
1970's and
and we didn't have mass shootings or school serial killings every other week!
This crap didn't begin to become a serious problem until sometime in the 1990's with the Columbine shootings being one of the first big ones I remember!

IF GUNS WEREN'T A PROBLEM all those years and far before that, indeed, kids probably had a lot MORE exposure to guns years ago, why weren't guns the big problem then they are supposedly today? If guns weren't the cause of mass shootings all the time years ago, why are we blaming them now?

If you think guns are such an issue now, up to the mid-1930's people had real automatic weapons laying around, and hardly no one was running around like a nut killing people with them. The more we try to remove firearms from people's lives and make them an unfamiliar item, the more, not less they are getting abused.

I don't remember semi-automatic rifles being sold at Western you?

Yes. Next!

Western Auto-Revelation-Marlin Model 120 22 lr... for sale

Yes, .22lr do some damage, did Western Auto sell this with a Promag 30 Round Mag? These are definitely not the choice for school shooters. These nut bags want the big guns. NEXT!
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

SO: Murder by gun, of which school shootings are but a small subset, is down to the TWENTY THIRD cause of death! Nothing against the kids but facts are facts. You are NINETY-FIVE (95X) or 9,500% more likely to die of an abortion in a Democrat-Sponsored Planned Parenthood than be shot by a gun. And the Dems and Left fight to protect Planned Parenthood. Hey, Libs! JUST A LITTLE HYPOCRITICAL to be crying about guns and school shootings, eh?
So pretty much these people want us to accept this shit?

Pretty fucked up

We could start by sending all tranny's to mental hospitals....

The majority of the problem is progressives like the ACLU will sue anybody for anything and makes it impossible for public schools to do anything remotely sane to protect kids from anything, because some gimp or its parent will sooner or later claim to be offended or discriminated against or some other mindless idiotic 'right' , and the bureaucrats will wet themselves and do nothing at all rather than stand up to left wing bullies, and neither will school boards or local and state govts.

Indeed, the teachers are teaching with blind folds on and then when an obvious psycho starts unloading it's a surprise.

Of course, progressives are very happy about this, because each time they get to blame guns. They want to ban guns.

If any agency or authority, the school, the FBI, anybody, and done anything to pre-empt this loon ahead of time, they would be sued, and these same gimps and deviants would jumping up and down crying about his 'rights' being violated, or 'discrimination' against the mentally ill, or some other infantile 'cause' for outrage.

These strings of mass murders are on their heads, not the NRA's or anybody else's. Their 'Culture wars', silly inane lawsuits, sleazy lawyers, dope addled neurotic deviant followers are the rot in society.

The FBI and state DCF dropped the ball on this one.

Agree all we are realizing now how incompetent the government really is ...from the IRS to the FBI...

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