This is what Christian schools in Florida doing to protect children from shootings

We could start by sending all tranny's to mental hospitals....

The majority of the problem is progressives like the ACLU will sue anybody for anything and makes it impossible for public schools to do anything remotely sane to protect kids from anything, because some gimp or its parent will sooner or later claim to be offended or discriminated against or some other mindless idiotic 'right' , and the bureaucrats will wet themselves and do nothing at all rather than stand up to left wing bullies, and neither will school boards or local and state govts.

Indeed, the teachers are teaching with blind folds on and then when an obvious psycho starts unloading it's a surprise.

Of course, progressives are very happy about this, because each time they get to blame guns. They want to ban guns.

If any agency or authority, the school, the FBI, anybody, and done anything to pre-empt this loon ahead of time, they would be sued, and these same gimps and deviants would jumping up and down crying about his 'rights' being violated, or 'discrimination' against the mentally ill, or some other infantile 'cause' for outrage.

These strings of mass murders are on their heads, not the NRA's or anybody else's. Their 'Culture wars', silly inane lawsuits, sleazy lawyers, dope addled neurotic deviant followers are the rot in society.

The FBI and state DCF dropped the ball on this one.

Agree all we are realizing now how incompetent the government really is ...from the IRS to the FBI...

We spend millions of tax payer dollars on the FBI and IRS for what?

We need a special prosecutor to catch them?

And when they do they say the Russians created socks on the internet that we do every day?

It's insane .
The majority of the problem is progressives like the ACLU will sue anybody for anything and makes it impossible for public schools to do anything remotely sane to protect kids from anything, because some gimp or its parent will sooner or later claim to be offended or discriminated against or some other mindless idiotic 'right' , and the bureaucrats will wet themselves and do nothing at all rather than stand up to left wing bullies, and neither will school boards or local and state govts.

Indeed, the teachers are teaching with blind folds on and then when an obvious psycho starts unloading it's a surprise.

Of course, progressives are very happy about this, because each time they get to blame guns. They want to ban guns.

If any agency or authority, the school, the FBI, anybody, and done anything to pre-empt this loon ahead of time, they would be sued, and these same gimps and deviants would jumping up and down crying about his 'rights' being violated, or 'discrimination' against the mentally ill, or some other infantile 'cause' for outrage.

These strings of mass murders are on their heads, not the NRA's or anybody else's. Their 'Culture wars', silly inane lawsuits, sleazy lawyers, dope addled neurotic deviant followers are the rot in society.

The FBI and state DCF dropped the ball on this one.

Agree all we are realizing now how incompetent the government really is ...from the IRS to the FBI...

We spend millions of tax payer dollars on the FBI and IRS for what?

We need a special prosecutor to catch them?

And when they do they say the Russians created socks on the internet that we do every day?

It's insane .

It's embarrassing.. a damn meme generator is free from Google...
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. Especially since the issue is far greater than mere school shootings. But of course, to some morons such would constitute discrimination.
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. But to some morons such would constitute discrimination.

Plenty of people right on this forum support selling guns to minors?

Which ones? Those who claim there is no such restriction in the 2nd amendment. Those who are opposed to all background checks, hell, one guy just posted that a few minutes ago.
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Remind me when a law abiding citizen with a gun wanted to kill innocent people?
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. But to some morons such would constitute discrimination.

Plenty of people right on this forum support selling guns to minors?

Which ones? Those who claim there is no such restriction in the 2nd amendment. Those who are opposed to all background checks, hell, one guy just posted that a few minutes ago.

Guns are irelvant here...which do you choose a bullet or acid to your face?
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. But to some morons such would constitute discrimination.

Plenty of people right on this forum support selling guns to minors?

Which ones? Those who claim there is no such restriction in the 2nd amendment. Those who are opposed to all background checks, hell, one guy just posted that a few minutes ago.

Guns are irelvant here...which do you choose a bullet or acid to your face?

Why can't you comprehend the root cause to these shootings is liberalism .

Once we identify the real problem it's easy to solve..
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. Especially since the issue is far greater than mere school shootings. But of course, to some morons such would constitute discrimination.

Not one, but 2 heavily-funded government agencies failed to protect the citizens with this latest shooting.

The FBI and State of FL DCF failed to do their jobs miserably. If anything, it should inspire more people to arm themselves and not rely on big government to protect them.
Ah yes, try to bulletproof the children from being killed by the people you also fight desperately to make sure they can own the guns they'd kill them with.

Out of interest, who here supports selling guns to minors?

Pretty much no one...

Having schools that are at least competent enough to detect psychos and stop them after they have outlined their plan on how to kill as many people as possible... that would be nice. But to some morons such would constitute discrimination.

Plenty of people right on this forum support selling guns to minors?

Which ones? Those who claim there is no such restriction in the 2nd amendment. Those who are opposed to all background checks, hell, one guy just posted that a few minutes ago.

Guns are irelvant here...which do you choose a bullet or acid to your face?

Why can't you comprehend the root cause to these shootings is liberalism .

Once we identify the real problem it's easy to solve..

No kid growing up with two parents in a house hold with a rifle over the mantel thinks of that gun none other then a tool .

That's all it is..
I can't believe the liberal reactions to this commonsense idea!!! So no guns for teachers and no form of protection for students!! No, absolutely not! Just confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens and ban the sale of all guns! Can you say "Soviet Union" or "Communist China"?
What good is a bullet proof backpack when it seems like anyone can walk into any school at any time?
Ok kids...first thing mf is not against the family rule when it is used as a general swear word. Second thing is.....when was the last time someone discussed the topic?

Review the OP while I do some cleaning here.
ou don't read much besides comic books and get your talking points from comedy shows, we know that already about
Dude, you're the guy who would get laughed out of any 9th grade science class. I dont think youre in a position to comment on others' knowledge or education level.

This idea is a national embarrassment.
Accepting dead school kids as part of doing business is willfully simplistic at best, criminally negligent at worst.

There is a class of Americans who have had pleasurable experiences with guns. Bully for them. But there is a growing group of Americans who have had tragic experiences with guns. The former class tells the latter class to deal with it because they cannot fathom the havoc wrought by assault weapons in the hands of our fellow citizens.

In short the gun lovers are saying that there is no acceptable solution to gun violence and the lives of school children just aren't as cool as their personal arsenals.

And then they blanch at the suggestion that the tent pole ethos of the Right Wing is greed.

Teaching Marxist principles and lack of discipline in the schools is what changed. Semi-auto guns have been readily available since the early 1900s.

What is to be expected when you teach the children there is no God or absolute right or wrong, only societal mores? Furthermore compounded by lack of discipline?

A bunch of heathens running around crazy, duh!

Apparently, trying education the "liberal" way is a failure. I'm not trying to insult the liberals here, but damn, seriously.

It's the "liberal" indoctrination methods producing these types of monsters.
Why then is there such a large disparity between the incidents of school shooting, church shootings and mass shootings in general between America and the rest of the world? America surely is the most 'religious' nation in the advanced world. More Americans attend church regularly than any other advanced nation.

There are violent video games played all around the world. Yet other societies don't suffer the scourge of mass shootings at the rate America does.

Are we more homocidal by nature? Or does the real factor take the shape of assault weapons?

Blame everything but the fact nearly anyone can buy an assault weapon with the same ease they can buy a grande latte at Starbucks.

You really should expand your horizons more:

3 days in hell: Russia mourns Beslan school siege victims 10 years on

^School shooting

Attack on Cape Town Church Keeps a Rattled Nation Edgy

^Church shooting

Norway youth camp attack kills 85

^Mass murder in Norway
Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Colorado, Sutherland Springs, Texas, Charleston, South Carolina, Orlando, Florida, Parkland, Florida, Las Vegas. And those are the mass shootings that immediately spring to mind.

No law, no regulation, no legislation will completely eliminate the incidence of mass shootings. Stop blaming mass shootings on everything but the instrument that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting".
Blame the criminal first but you’re too fucking stupid to realize that, Then blame socialist society and fucked up progressives like yourself. You silly little fucker
Whenever I read stacatto posts like yours is suspect either frustration or panic. But, then again, it could suggest a lack of eloquence.

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