This is what pure evil sounds like…

you want to know what pure evil sounds like?

It may not sound exactly like what you were expecting, but I assure you it is pure evil.

These legislators in New York are cheering after they voted to legalize the murder of the unborn all the way up to birth:

This is what pure evil sounds like… consider abortion to be murder. What is the penalty you would choose for a woman seeking an abortion? After all, that would be premeditated murder to you? Life in prison? Death penalty?
its the doctor doing the killing not the women

the women should learn to keep her legs closed if she doesnt want a child

What doctor, doesn't this legislation remove the requirement that a doctor do the killing?

not sure ,,,does it??

Yeah, it does.

New York abortion measure: State moves to protect access to abortion even if Roe v. Wade is overturned - CNN

"Not only will the law preserve access to abortions, it also removes abortion from the state's criminal code. This would protect doctors or medical professionals who perform abortions from criminal prosecution. The law also now allows medical professionals who are not doctors to perform abortions in New York."
you want to know what pure evil sounds like?

It may not sound exactly like what you were expecting, but I assure you it is pure evil.

These legislators in New York are cheering after they voted to legalize the murder of the unborn all the way up to birth:

This is what pure evil sounds like… consider abortion to be murder. What is the penalty you would choose for a woman seeking an abortion? After all, that would be premeditated murder to you? Life in prison? Death penalty?
its the doctor doing the killing not the women

the women should learn to keep her legs closed if she doesnt want a child

What doctor, doesn't this legislation remove the requirement that a doctor do the killing?

not sure ,,,does it??

Yeah, it does.

New York abortion measure: State moves to protect access to abortion even if Roe v. Wade is overturned - CNN

"Not only will the law preserve access to abortions, it also removes abortion from the state's criminal code. This would protect doctors or medical professionals who perform abortions from criminal prosecution. The law also now allows medical professionals who are not doctors to perform abortions in New York."
That's the point of overturning Roe v Wade. It goes back to the states. New York makes it clear where they stand.

Here it is in perspective:
you want to know what pure evil sounds like?

It may not sound exactly like what you were expecting, but I assure you it is pure evil.

These legislators in New York are cheering after they voted to legalize the murder of the unborn all the way up to birth:

This is what pure evil sounds like… consider abortion to be murder. What is the penalty you would choose for a woman seeking an abortion? After all, that would be premeditated murder to you? Life in prison? Death penalty?

They should pay the same penalty as a woman who gives birth and then throws it in the garbage can.

Not that hard really.

So, support life by killing?
you want to know what pure evil sounds like?

It may not sound exactly like what you were expecting, but I assure you it is pure evil.

These legislators in New York are cheering after they voted to legalize the murder of the unborn all the way up to birth:

This is what pure evil sounds like… consider abortion to be murder. What is the penalty you would choose for a woman seeking an abortion? After all, that would be premeditated murder to you? Life in prison? Death penalty?

They should pay the same penalty as a woman who gives birth and then throws it in the garbage can.

Not that hard really.

So, support life by killing?

I'm not sure that would bring the death penalty, but it is a good rule of thumb to kill those who murder in order to protect others from being murdered as well

So yea.
You people have certainly had the opportunity and more than enough time to outlaw the practice.

What exactly are you waiting for?
Republicans will never abandon abortion. As long as it’s on the table, it keeps the ‘tards coming back to the polls for them. All they have to do, is throw a little red meat at them every now and then, like fetal homicide laws.
who ever said republicans were against abortion???

sure wasnt me
The leader of your party, for one.
The lie was pretending Ike laws were changed to allow abortions up until birth as if that’s never been the law and for leaving out the part of the law that it’s only allowed after the 24th week when the pregnancy becomes a health risk to the pregnant woman.
who pretended that???
the main part of the story is that the dems cheered it

Are you against a women being allowed to get an abortion at any time during her pregnancy if the pregnancy becomes a risk to her health?

we can deal with that when it happens,,,for now lets start with that you cant do it because the baby is inconvenient, that,,, they could have dealt with using birth control

and this discussion is about the cheering

When it happens?

Over 65 thousand women in America face an ectopic pregnancy every year.

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. Nothing is done and the woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives.

There is no "may" or "possible" or "if" or "could be."

The woman DIES if an abortion isn't performed. There is no life in that fertilized egg and never will be. Only DEATH to the woman if she doesn't have an abortion. If she has that abortion quick enough she may be lucky to preserve her fertility to be able to have a child.

That is just one condition that women face with pregnancy that will kill them in America every year. There are many. There are literally tens of thousands of women each year who face death if they don't get an abortion.

Like my cousin's wife. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The umbilical cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life and preserve her fertility. According to you and others she should have walked around for who knows how long with a dead fetus inside her growing bacteria that will kill her. That bacteria is called paratinitus. Which will depending on how long it's been allowed to grow, will at least leave the woman infertile or at worse dead. My cousin and his wife preserved her life and fertility. She went on to have 2 children. One is learning to be a surgeon now. The other an orthodontist.

Do you want to tell all the people my cousin's son has helped and will help that his mom should have died and he shouldn't have ever been born? Do you want to tell all the people who my cousin's daughter has helped and will help that her mom should have died and she shouldn't have been born?

I also know you're lying about that law. Which that's all you people have is lies. it's disgusting.

What I find is pure evil is you and people like you. You hate women and want them to die.
if and when a womens life is in danger it can be dealt with,,,what we are talking about is abortions on demand because of convenience

its not like birth control isnt available in every pharmacy
Lying fuck (i.e., typical conservative). You started this thread based on NY legislators cheering the passage of a law allowing abortions up to birth. Those such abortions are predicated on the pregnancy being a risk to the woman’s health.

So no, unless you’re trolling your own thread, we’re not talking about abortion for convenience, we’re talking about abortions to save women’s lives.
Are you against a women being allowed to get an abortion at any time during her pregnancy if the pregnancy becomes a risk to her health?

we can deal with that when it happens,,,for now lets start with that you cant do it because the baby is inconvenient, that,,, they could have dealt with using birth control

and this discussion is about the cheering

When it happens?

Over 65 thousand women in America face an ectopic pregnancy every year.

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. Nothing is done and the woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives.

There is no "may" or "possible" or "if" or "could be."

The woman DIES if an abortion isn't performed. There is no life in that fertilized egg and never will be. Only DEATH to the woman if she doesn't have an abortion. If she has that abortion quick enough she may be lucky to preserve her fertility to be able to have a child.

That is just one condition that women face with pregnancy that will kill them in America every year. There are many. There are literally tens of thousands of women each year who face death if they don't get an abortion.

Like my cousin's wife. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The umbilical cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life and preserve her fertility. According to you and others she should have walked around for who knows how long with a dead fetus inside her growing bacteria that will kill her. That bacteria is called paratinitus. Which will depending on how long it's been allowed to grow, will at least leave the woman infertile or at worse dead. My cousin and his wife preserved her life and fertility. She went on to have 2 children. One is learning to be a surgeon now. The other an orthodontist.

Do you want to tell all the people my cousin's son has helped and will help that his mom should have died and he shouldn't have ever been born? Do you want to tell all the people who my cousin's daughter has helped and will help that her mom should have died and she shouldn't have been born?

I also know you're lying about that law. Which that's all you people have is lies. it's disgusting.

What I find is pure evil is you and people like you. You hate women and want them to die.
if and when a womens life is in danger it can be dealt with,,,what we are talking about is abortions on demand because of convenience

its not like birth control isnt available in every pharmacy

Tell that to the man. The man can go to any pharmacy to get condoms. It just costs a few dollars. Yet you don't seem to believe that men have any responsibility for creating unplanned pregnancies. And you don't seem to have any problem with men creating pregnancies then turning their backs on their own flesh and blood and walking away. Leaving that woman to deal with the situation alone and the man to go on to the next woman he causes to be pregnant to walk away from.

A woman has to take time off work and lose that pay, go to a doctor and pay the fees to see that doctor. Then pay for the lab report because no doctor will prescribe any birth control to a woman without a Pap smear. Then she has to go to the pharmacy for the actual birth control. It's not offered over the counter for a couple dollars like condoms are.

You are condemning people for saving women's lives. It's been illegal to abort a fetus past the stage of viability since Roe V Wade. The only reason an abortion is performed in the last trimester is because there's a serious problem with the pregnancy and the woman's life is in jeopardy. You call people who pass laws to save women's lives evil. By doing that you are advocating to kill women. You are saying that it's more important to kill that woman. That's evil. When she dies, the fetus will never make it to birth to be born and alive. So no matter if you succeed in making it legal to kill women, you will have not prevented the termination of the fetus. So you want to kill the woman just because that fetus will never be born alive.

People who pass laws that save women's lives aren't evil.

People who call those who save women's lives evil are the evil people. Evil people cheer making it legal to kill a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong or she has a very serious condition that will kill her if an abortion isn't performed. Another thing I believe is evil is people throwing a party to celebrate taking health care and pre natal care from millions of people. Republicans did just that last year when they repealed Obamacare in the House of Reps. If you actually cared about zygotes, embryos and fetus', you would be calling those politicians evil for actually celebrating the fact that they just took health care from, zygotes, embryos and fetus'.

On top of all of that, you lie about the whole thing. When people have to lie, other people stop listening to the liar. I guess you expect people to actually accept your post without finding the truth for themselves. You're wrong about that. People do find the truth and when they do, they're just like me. Totally disgusted with people like you who hate women and want to kill them and use lies to do it.
but yet it is the women that spreads her legs wide for the man after knowing it might lead to a baby,,and some after they lied to the man and claimed to be on birth control

if its the women that gets pregnant its the women that should take precautions
Don’t be so stupid. Men also know that sex can lead to a baby. Birth control is the responsibility of both.
whats worse
we can deal with that when it happens,,,for now lets start with that you cant do it because the baby is inconvenient, that,,, they could have dealt with using birth control

and this discussion is about the cheering

When it happens?

Over 65 thousand women in America face an ectopic pregnancy every year.

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. Nothing is done and the woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives.

There is no "may" or "possible" or "if" or "could be."

The woman DIES if an abortion isn't performed. There is no life in that fertilized egg and never will be. Only DEATH to the woman if she doesn't have an abortion. If she has that abortion quick enough she may be lucky to preserve her fertility to be able to have a child.

That is just one condition that women face with pregnancy that will kill them in America every year. There are many. There are literally tens of thousands of women each year who face death if they don't get an abortion.

Like my cousin's wife. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The umbilical cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life and preserve her fertility. According to you and others she should have walked around for who knows how long with a dead fetus inside her growing bacteria that will kill her. That bacteria is called paratinitus. Which will depending on how long it's been allowed to grow, will at least leave the woman infertile or at worse dead. My cousin and his wife preserved her life and fertility. She went on to have 2 children. One is learning to be a surgeon now. The other an orthodontist.

Do you want to tell all the people my cousin's son has helped and will help that his mom should have died and he shouldn't have ever been born? Do you want to tell all the people who my cousin's daughter has helped and will help that her mom should have died and she shouldn't have been born?

I also know you're lying about that law. Which that's all you people have is lies. it's disgusting.

What I find is pure evil is you and people like you. You hate women and want them to die.

I believe most reasonable people who think they’re pro-life are actually pro-choice in the face of situations like your cousin went through. It was actually a story shared by a woman who found out at 20 weeks pregnant her child wasn’t growing a brain, but was still technically alive that ultimately changed my mind about abortion. There was not going to be a life for her child ever, so why should she have to carry it to term only to suffer the nightmare of delivering a brainless baby? I shudder even thinking about it.
whats worse is people using extreme cases like hers just justify murder on demand

there is no pro lifer on the planet that I know of that would say a known brian dead child should have to be carried to term or a mother whos life would end if she carried any child to term should be allowed to die

those cases can and are dealt with on a case by case basis everyday

Well, sorry to break it to you but that means you’re pro-choice bc you’re for giving women a choice based on their individual circumstances. Should there be some kind of committee that decides whether or not a woman’s desire to abort is selfish? Who’s to decide if a woman is doing it for convenience? Like I said, there are many gray areas.
I never said that was my position, I was asking you if your opinion carried on to the father???

my position is if you dont want to be a mother then get on the pill if youre going to spread your legs for every swinging pecker,

to murder an innocent because youre irresponsible is always bad
So state your position.... if a woman’s life is in jeopardy due to her pregnancy, do you believe she should be allowed to have an abortion?
I totaly agree with you, but
The only sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain and from what you’ve said in this thread, you’d expect for only women to abstain, not men since, according to you, they have no responsibility for ensuring they don’t procreate.
They (the men) sure as hell do have a responsibility for the child. This is what happens when the culture abandons biblical law. This is exactly why fornication is evil. Yeah I know that's an "outdated" concept, except it's not.
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
I totaly agree with you, but
The only sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain and from what you’ve said in this thread, you’d expect for only women to abstain, not men since, according to you, they have no responsibility for ensuring they don’t procreate.
They (the men) sure as hell do have a responsibility for the child. This is what happens when the culture abandons biblical law. This is exactly why fornication is evil. Yeah I know that's an "outdated" concept, except it's not.
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
If the child has already arrived, then how come we don’t start counting their anniversaries until they’re born? Why not say s baby is 9 months old when they’re born?
thats why they call it a birthday and not a life day,,,


roe v wade was about when life starts after all
I totaly agree with you, but
The only sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain and from what you’ve said in this thread, you’d expect for only women to abstain, not men since, according to you, they have no responsibility for ensuring they don’t procreate.
They (the men) sure as hell do have a responsibility for the child. This is what happens when the culture abandons biblical law. This is exactly why fornication is evil. Yeah I know that's an "outdated" concept, except it's not.
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn’s rights supersedes the woman’s.
and t
I totaly agree with you, but
The only sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain and from what you’ve said in this thread, you’d expect for only women to abstain, not men since, according to you, they have no responsibility for ensuring they don’t procreate.
They (the men) sure as hell do have a responsibility for the child. This is what happens when the culture abandons biblical law. This is exactly why fornication is evil. Yeah I know that's an "outdated" concept, except it's not.
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn is protected by the law.
and that happens at conception, most are viable unless the mother does something to kill it
If the child has already arrived, then how come we don’t start counting their anniversaries until they’re born? Why not say s baby is 9 months old when they’re born?
thats why they call it a birthday and not a life day,,,


roe v wade was about when life starts after all
That’s why I said “anniversaries” and not “birthdays.”


But if you’re that afraid of the question that you have to change what I asked, then by all means, run from it.

As far as heartbeats, who said the baby’s not alive when they’re heart starts beating?
and t
I totaly agree with you, but
They (the men) sure as hell do have a responsibility for the child. This is what happens when the culture abandons biblical law. This is exactly why fornication is evil. Yeah I know that's an "outdated" concept, except it's not.
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn is protected by the law.
and that happens at conception, most are viable unless the mother does something to kill it

I don’t think you understand what Roe v. Wade meant when it discusses viability.
and t
I totaly agree with you, but
I totally agree with you, but that doesnt answer the question at large,,

why can a women can just decide to end her childs life and relinquish her responsibility's because its inconvenient
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn is protected by the law.
and that happens at conception, most are viable unless the mother does something to kill it

I don’t think you understand what Roe v. Wade meant when it discusses viability.

I know its a bunch of made up leftist bullshit so they could justify killing babys and sleep better at night
and t
Because she has a right to do what she wants with her body.
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn is protected by the law.
and that happens at conception, most are viable unless the mother does something to kill it

I don’t think you understand what Roe v. Wade meant when it discusses viability.

I know its a bunch of made up leftist bullshit so they could justify killing babys and sleep better at night
Your whining aside, why no answer to this question....?

Do you think a woman has the right to have an abortion at anytime during her pregnancy if being pregnant threatens her life?
and t
yeah but the body shes killing is not hers
That’s why viability is a factor. Her rights are not diminished until the point of fetal viability. After that, the unborn is protected by the law.
and that happens at conception, most are viable unless the mother does something to kill it

I don’t think you understand what Roe v. Wade meant when it discusses viability.

I know its a bunch of made up leftist bullshit so they could justify killing babys and sleep better at night
Your whining aside, why no answer to this question....?

Do you think a woman has the right to have an abortion at anytime during her pregnancy if being pregnant threatens her life?
asked and answered several times

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