This Is What Repub-voters Get For Cheerleading Citizens United

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Dark Money Hits 50 Million Most Still to Come OpenSecrets Blog
Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Ark) is a dangerous man and a hypocrite. Cotton — who is running to unseat Senator Mark Pryor – wants to “end Medicare as we know it” while also treating himself and his friends in Congress to “taxpayer-funded health care for life.” At least, that’s what a liberal group called Patriot Majority USA wants you to believe, especially if you plan on voting in the Arkansas Senate race in November.

Neither of the claims is true, and weren’t in 2012 when Patriot Majority first trotted them out. Yet, while the group is generous with questionable facts, mum’s the word when it comes to who, or what, is the source of the $7 million it has spent on political ads so far this cycle. As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization that isn’t supposed to have politics as its primary purpose, it isn’t required to disclose its donors.

The Left can play that game too because as we all know corporate donations exceed Labor Union donations by a factor of 15-1 so don't even think about using that Repub FAILmeme :talktothehand: :laugh:

Business-Labor-Ideology Split in PAC Individual Donations to Candidates Parties Super PACs and Outside Spending Groups OpenSecrets
The broadest classification of political donors separates them into business, labor, or ideological interests. Whatever slice you look at, business interests dominate, with an overall advantage over organized labor of about 15-to-1.
The Left can play that game too because as we all know corporate donations exceed Labor Union donations by a factor of 15-1 so don't even think about using that Repub FAILmeme

We know that do we? Liberals are like Cypher in the Matrix - they prefer to live in an imaginary world.

Dark Money Hits 50 Million Most Still to Come OpenSecrets Blog
Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Ark) is a dangerous man and a hypocrite. Cotton — who is running to unseat Senator Mark Pryor – wants to “end Medicare as we know it” while also treating himself and his friends in Congress to “taxpayer-funded health care for life.” At least, that’s what a liberal group called Patriot Majority USA wants you to believe, especially if you plan on voting in the Arkansas Senate race in November.

Neither of the claims is true, and weren’t in 2012 when Patriot Majority first trotted them out. Yet, while the group is generous with questionable facts, mum’s the word when it comes to who, or what, is the source of the $7 million it has spent on political ads so far this cycle. As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization that isn’t supposed to have politics as its primary purpose, it isn’t required to disclose its donors.

The Left can play that game too because as we all know corporate donations exceed Labor Union donations by a factor of 15-1 so don't even think about using that Repub FAILmeme :talktothehand: :laugh:

Business-Labor-Ideology Split in PAC Individual Donations to Candidates Parties Super PACs and Outside Spending Groups OpenSecrets
The broadest classification of political donors separates them into business, labor, or ideological interests. Whatever slice you look at, business interests dominate, with an overall advantage over organized labor of about 15-to-1.
So the left wing are proving themselves liars.....

What else is new?

And now they are bragging about being liars.

That is the most dishonest methodology I've ever seen and they acknowledge it with this caveat:

An important caveat must be added to these figures: "business" contributions from individuals are based on the donor's occupation/employer. Since nearly everyone works for someone, and since union affiliation is not listed on FEC reports, totals for business are somewhat overstated, while labor is understated.
So if you are a fry cook at McDonalds and you donate to a political group, you are part of the vast Business class.

Oh brother.

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