This is What Trump Actually did for Blacks

Trump bragged about what he has done for blacks. And of course his fans sucked it up. We hear how Trump provided more money for HBCU's than anyone. The problem is, that was fake news. Trump tried cutting funding for HBCU's every year of his reign. It was Alma Adams that crafted the bill that provided HBCU funding. He cut money to low and moderate income programs while giving tax cuts for te rich.

Black colleges take 'devastating hit' in Trump's budget​

President Donald Trump’s so-called “skinny budget” proposes spending cuts that could have a severe impact on black colleges, according to advocates for those institutions.

The budget blueprint titled “America First” decreases Department of Education funding by 13 percent, leaving some programs that support minority students unfunded.

The $9 billion budget cut to the Department of Education includes a “devastating hit” for black colleges, said Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C., co-chairman of the Bipartisan HBCU Caucus.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a statement that Trump’s budget hurts the African American community.

Trump’s budget proposes to maintain $492 million funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions, but drastically cuts the federal programs that serve these institutions and their students.

Adams said one budget cut that could be damaging to black schools if fulfilled is the elimination of the $732 million Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program, which assists students in financial need.

Trump did nothing for blacks.

Trump’s 2021 Budget Would Cut $1.6 Trillion From Low-Income Programs​

The Trump Administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021 mirrors its budgets of the last two years in the massive cuts it proposes for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care.[1] Although Congress has previously rejected many of these proposals, the budget merits attention, given the Administration’s continued push for these priorities and the scope of the damage that the budget would do — including its $1.6 trillion in cuts over ten years in programs that help people with low or modest incomes meet basic needs.

The President’s budget reflects the direction the Administration wants to take the country through legislative and executive actions. Indeed, while the budget’s call to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) likely won’t be on the congressional agenda this year, the Administration has moved forward with administrative actions that advance some of the same goals on a more limited scale.

"The Trump Administration’s budget includes massive cuts for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care."

Another clear indication of the budget’s priorities is a proposal to extend beyond 2025 the costly 2017 tax cuts, which have given large windfalls to high-income individuals — even as the budget calls for cutting $1.2 trillion over the next decade from mandatory programs such as Medicaid and SNAP (formerly food stamps) that help low- and moderate-income households. And layered on top of these cuts are proposals for at least $360 billion in additional reductions in non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs designed to help low- and moderate-income people make ends meet or to improve their chances to succeed in the economy.

Cuts Concentrated in Programs Assisting Low- and Moderate-Income Households​

Low-income programs face $1.2 trillion, or 57 percent, of the budget’s proposed $2.2 trillion in ten-year cuts to mandatory programs, despite making up only a quarter of all federal spending on mandatory programs. Medicaid and related programs and SNAP face particularly deep cuts.

How many of those provisions became law? If you're going to scream about what TRUMP! "did" for blacks, don't you think you should point to things that actually happened instead of things people talked about maybe doing? IOW, can you name some programs that did with less money the next year after this budget became law?
For the most of the last 248 years, Presidents, members of congress, governors, state legislators, mayors, city and county governments and every level of the courts have ensured that whites have been given everything they need in order to be sucessful in this country. They have done by using our labor, by underpaying us for or labor, by takingour tax dollars and using them to fund white progress, and by allowing whites to do whatever they wanted to us and not face justice. So given the amount of human rghts violations we have suffered, the goverments of this country do indeed owe us. They have provided the white demographic with everything, and we deserve the exact same things whites have been given. So until you have studied the history of this country accurately instead of repeating the delusion you have come to believe, don't tell me what we are not owed.

Name something whites have been given that you haven't.
Name something whites have been given that you haven't.

His ancestor's freeedom.

The Right To Vote.

The Right To Own A Home.

The Right To An Equal Equal Education (Separate But Equal is Unconstitutional....Brown v Board of Education).

The Right To Marry A Person of Aother Race (Loving v Virginia).

Try thinking next time.
His ancestor's freeedom.

The Right To Vote.

The Right To Own A Home.

The Right To An Equal Equal Education (Separate But Equal is Unconstitutional....Brown v Board of Education).

The Right To Marry A Person of Aother Race (Loving v Virginia).

Try thinking next time.

Learn to read.

Name something whites have been given that you haven't.
How many of those provisions became law? If you're going to scream about what TRUMP! "did" for blacks, don't you think you should point to things that actually happened instead of things people talked about maybe doing? IOW, can you name some programs that did with less money the next year after this budget became law?
No, I don't have to do that. Trump did nothing for us. But he did tell whites that black unemployment was low.
Name something whites have been given that you haven't.
You have lived, you know exactly what has happened and what continues to happen. So I don't have to name anything.
You have lived, you know exactly what has happened and what continues to happen. So I don't have to name anything.

I have and I do.

That's why I asked, I don't see it,

Matter of fact I see opportunities that blacks have that whites don't.
I have and I do.

That's why I asked, I don't see it,

Matter of fact I see opportunities that blacks have that whites don't.
You've seen it because you no doubt have participated in it. If what blacks are saying was not the case, nobody would be making the claims. You don't see opportunities for blacks that whites don't have. Stop the gaslighting.
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Trump bragged about what he has done for blacks. And of course his fans sucked it up. We hear how Trump provided more money for HBCU's than anyone. The problem is, that was fake news. Trump tried cutting funding for HBCU's every year of his reign. It was Alma Adams that crafted the bill that provided HBCU funding. He cut money to low and moderate income programs while giving tax cuts for te rich.

Black colleges take 'devastating hit' in Trump's budget​

President Donald Trump’s so-called “skinny budget” proposes spending cuts that could have a severe impact on black colleges, according to advocates for those institutions.

The budget blueprint titled “America First” decreases Department of Education funding by 13 percent, leaving some programs that support minority students unfunded.

The $9 billion budget cut to the Department of Education includes a “devastating hit” for black colleges, said Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C., co-chairman of the Bipartisan HBCU Caucus.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a statement that Trump’s budget hurts the African American community.

Trump’s budget proposes to maintain $492 million funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions, but drastically cuts the federal programs that serve these institutions and their students.

Adams said one budget cut that could be damaging to black schools if fulfilled is the elimination of the $732 million Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program, which assists students in financial need.

Trump did nothing for blacks.

Trump’s 2021 Budget Would Cut $1.6 Trillion From Low-Income Programs​

The Trump Administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021 mirrors its budgets of the last two years in the massive cuts it proposes for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care.[1] Although Congress has previously rejected many of these proposals, the budget merits attention, given the Administration’s continued push for these priorities and the scope of the damage that the budget would do — including its $1.6 trillion in cuts over ten years in programs that help people with low or modest incomes meet basic needs.

The President’s budget reflects the direction the Administration wants to take the country through legislative and executive actions. Indeed, while the budget’s call to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) likely won’t be on the congressional agenda this year, the Administration has moved forward with administrative actions that advance some of the same goals on a more limited scale.

"The Trump Administration’s budget includes massive cuts for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care."

Another clear indication of the budget’s priorities is a proposal to extend beyond 2025 the costly 2017 tax cuts, which have given large windfalls to high-income individuals — even as the budget calls for cutting $1.2 trillion over the next decade from mandatory programs such as Medicaid and SNAP (formerly food stamps) that help low- and moderate-income households. And layered on top of these cuts are proposals for at least $360 billion in additional reductions in non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs designed to help low- and moderate-income people make ends meet or to improve their chances to succeed in the economy.

Cuts Concentrated in Programs Assisting Low- and Moderate-Income Households​

Low-income programs face $1.2 trillion, or 57 percent, of the budget’s proposed $2.2 trillion in ten-year cuts to mandatory programs, despite making up only a quarter of all federal spending on mandatory programs. Medicaid and related programs and SNAP face particularly deep cuts.

If this is true. I am still voting for him in 2024.
You've seen it because you no doubt have participated in it. If what blacks are saying was not the case, nobody would be making the claims. You don't see opportunities for blacks that whites don't have. Stop the gaslighting.
Word has it, you’re not bright enough to garner a voter ID?

True or False?
No, I don't have to do that. Trump did nothing for us. But he did tell whites that black unemployment was low.
You waste our time with a screed about the terrible things TRUMP! did to you, but can't produce any evidence that ANY of them were actually done to you? Do you have no idea how lame that is?
You waste our time with a screed about the terrible things TRUMP! did to you, but can't produce any evidence that ANY of them were actually done to you? Do you have no idea how lame that is?
Nice try. But the fact is that trump did nothing for blacks. Don't try that what did trunp do to you bullshit. That is what's lame.

The handbook sheds light on past discriminatory hiring practices in the psychology department. In the 2020–21 academic year, the department hired only BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) candidates for five tenure-track positions. Delighted by its success in excluding all white candidates, the department’s Diversity Advisory Committee commissioned the “Promising Practices” handbook as a case study documenting its past manipulation of the hiring process. The handbook served as a how-to manual in the 2022–2023 academic year, ensuring that a BIPOC candidate would be hired for the department’s only tenure-track professorship that year.
Nice try. But the fact is that trump did nothing for blacks. Don't try that what did trunp do to you bullshit. That is what's lame.
Oh, no you don't. You started this thread on the premise of bad things that TRUMP did to you, now you're backpedaling because it turns out none of them were actually done. Bad form there.
Oh, no you don't. You started this thread on the premise of bad things that TRUMP did to you, now you're backpedaling because it turns out none of them were actually done. Bad form there.
I started this thread with the truth. Trump hasn't done a damn thing for us. Furthermore this is his agenda for a potential second term.

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people​

I started this thread with the truth. Trump hasn't done a damn thing for us. Furthermore this is his agenda for a potential second term.

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people​

You started with the title, "This is What Trump Actually did for Blacks". Obviously, that means you are going to give us some things that TRUMP! actually did to you. Is that what you did? No. For example, you screamed:

Black colleges take 'devastating hit' in Trump's budget​

Which ones took a "devastating hit"? Can you name any that had drastically smaller budgets the year after the budget went into effect as a direct result of the budget? If not, you're being disingenuous, trying to make people believe something that isn't true. Did TRUMP! cause any black colleges to lose money from the government?
I will dwell on what I want. Trump is running his mouth about us and so are you Trump supporting scum. So I will repeat, Trump didn't do shit for blacks. Unlike you, I don't have a problem with money going to stop Putin, nor do I have any probem with assIstance to the HUMANS DeSantis and Abbott decided to use as political pawns

🙄🙄🙄 You do that....dwell away

💁🏼‍♀️_Seriously, who the fuck do you think you're talking to, yourself?

You don't have a problem with money GOING TO stop Putin and assisting HUMANS


💁🏼‍♀️_Can you die from constipation?
I only ask because you're so full of shit I'm concerned about you dying

You're right, I did have a problem with it...not any more


Yeah, let's look and your insightful go to talking points detailing what FJB has done for SOME BLACKS
not the black population, token blacks

Black appointments you're busting a nut over....

The Secretary of Defense...the face of our military
wearing a mask and a face shield,
uses our military bases for drag show events
and to provide shelter for foreigners illegally in our country

First black SCJ who is a woman but can't define a woman

A lying lesbian for a press secretary

A communications director who puts out a press release
for a scheduled appearances by FJB, with the wrong day, month and year

And...least we forget....
We need to do this because it needs to get done,
and we'll know we did it because we had to do it to get it done
...the bigger embarrassment of this 2 ring circus clown show

Blacks who are an embarrassing representative of excellence
within the black race were placed in prominent positions
Blacks were picked from the bottom of the barrel over the merit
of black excellence and achievement standing on the damn barrel

And, you and your like minded black mentality are ok with that
Lower the systemic racism bar for blacks

61% percent of ACT-tested black students in a high school graduating class
met none of the four ACT college readiness benchmarks

Which brings me to HBCU funding

In 2020-2021 school year, over 2,000,000 students enrolled in HBCU institutions received bachelor degrees(didn't provide specific number, only 2+ million) black students received 206,527 of those degrees

Blacks account for 76% of students enrolled in HBCU institutions and 71% receiving federal funding

Black enrollment at HBCU institutions has decreased 23%

The majority of HBCU and non HBCU student loans are held by blacks,
The majority of student loans held by blacks are defaulted on

Funding to HBCU institutions and student loan forgiveness was not for blacks, they are BECAUSE of blacks.
Colleges and banks were BAILED OUT because of blacks defaulting on their loans and dropping out of college

Yep, systemic racism in education has hurt black students
Solution for the lie, passing grades and grading system is racist

Let's not lower the bar for black students in Grammar school and High school,
let's do away with it altogether

Perplex a black cashier and have some fun.....
hand them $21.50 for a $11.47 bill
🙄🙄🙄 You do that....dwell away

💁🏼‍♀️_Seriously, who the fuck do you think you're talking to, yourself?

You don't have a problem with money GOING TO stop Putin and assisting HUMANS


💁🏼‍♀️_Can you die from constipation?
I only ask because you're so full of shit I'm concerned about you dying

You're right, I did have a problem with it...not any more


Yeah, let's look and your insightful go to talking points detailing what FJB has done for SOME BLACKS
not the black population, token blacks

Black appointments you're busting a nut over....

The Secretary of Defense...the face of our military
wearing a mask and a face shield,
uses our military bases for drag show events
and to provide shelter for foreigners illegally in our country

First black SCJ who is a woman but can't define a woman

A lying lesbian for a press secretary

A communications director who puts out a press release
for a scheduled appearances by FJB, with the wrong day, month and year

And...least we forget....
We need to do this because it needs to get done,
and we'll know we did it because we had to do it to get it done
...the bigger embarrassment of this 2 ring circus clown show

Blacks who are an embarrassing representative of excellence
within the black race were placed in prominent positions
Blacks were picked from the bottom of the barrel over the merit
of black excellence and achievement standing on the damn barrel

And, you and your like minded black mentality are ok with that
Lower the systemic racism bar for blacks

61% percent of ACT-tested black students in a high school graduating class
met none of the four ACT college readiness benchmarks

Which brings me to HBCU funding

In 2020-2021 school year, over 2,000,000 students enrolled in HBCU institutions received bachelor degrees(didn't provide specific number, only 2+ million) black students received 206,527 of those degrees

Blacks account for 76% of students enrolled in HBCU institutions and 71% receiving federal funding

Black enrollment at HBCU institutions has decreased 23%

The majority of HBCU and non HBCU student loans are held by blacks,
The majority of student loans held by blacks are defaulted on

Funding to HBCU institutions and student loan forgiveness was not for blacks, they are BECAUSE of blacks.
Colleges and banks were BAILED OUT because of blacks defaulting on their loans and dropping out of college

Yep, systemic racism in education has hurt black students
Solution for the lie, passing grades and grading system is racist

Let's not lower the bar for black students in Grammar school and High school,
let's do away with it altogether

Perplex a black cashier and have some fun.....
hand them $21.50 for a $11.47 bill
Nice try. Whites wth zero quaifications have been given jobs since dayone if this country. We just had an inheritance baby who never realy ever had a jpob in his life as president from 2017 until 2021. All kinds of unqualified whites have held high positions so all your long winded post said was nothing. The majority of student loans by whites are defaulted on. Banks were bailed out because of schemes created by white men.

You talk about blacks defaulting loans, but that doesn't happen if black college graduates get hired and paid equivlaent to their degrees instead of what a white man wth a high school diploma earns. I mean you run your mouth but you are talking to a man who has studied this stuff. You're full of shit pod nuh. Systemic racism is why we have a deficit. But I bet you can't understand how and why I say that.
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