This is What Trump Actually did for Blacks

This article illuminates what he did for black folks (see below):

Probably the biggest help he did was to the economy.

That article is from a right wing source that llied. Do not be white trying to tell a black person who was grown and living during the trump presidency what trump did for blacks.
That article is from a right wing source that llied. Do not be white trying to tell a black person who was grown and living during the trump presidency what trump did for blacks.
Can you honestly say your life is better under Biden than Trump? If so, how is your life better?
That article is from a right wing source that llied. Do not be white trying to tell a black person who was grown and living during the trump presidency what trump did for blacks.
That article is from a right wing source that llied. Do not be white trying to tell a black person who was grown and living during the trump presidency what trump did for blacks.
Prove they lied, RD2
Trump did zero for people who need the most help, which, outside of your demographic, also includes most Trump supporters.

His singlular achievement in 4 years was driving thru a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans.
But what about that pesky truth that always seems to get in the way of your lies and deception?
Trump bragged about what he has done for blacks. And of course his fans sucked it up. We hear how Trump provided more money for HBCU's than anyone. The problem is, that was fake news. Trump tried cutting funding for HBCU's every year of his reign. It was Alma Adams that crafted the bill that provided HBCU funding. He cut money to low and moderate income programs while giving tax cuts for te rich.

Black colleges take 'devastating hit' in Trump's budget​

President Donald Trump’s so-called “skinny budget” proposes spending cuts that could have a severe impact on black colleges, according to advocates for those institutions.

The budget blueprint titled “America First” decreases Department of Education funding by 13 percent, leaving some programs that support minority students unfunded.

The $9 billion budget cut to the Department of Education includes a “devastating hit” for black colleges, said Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C., co-chairman of the Bipartisan HBCU Caucus.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a statement that Trump’s budget hurts the African American community.

Trump’s budget proposes to maintain $492 million funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions, but drastically cuts the federal programs that serve these institutions and their students.

Adams said one budget cut that could be damaging to black schools if fulfilled is the elimination of the $732 million Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program, which assists students in financial need.

Trump did nothing for blacks.

Trump’s 2021 Budget Would Cut $1.6 Trillion From Low-Income Programs​

The Trump Administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021 mirrors its budgets of the last two years in the massive cuts it proposes for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care.[1] Although Congress has previously rejected many of these proposals, the budget merits attention, given the Administration’s continued push for these priorities and the scope of the damage that the budget would do — including its $1.6 trillion in cuts over ten years in programs that help people with low or modest incomes meet basic needs.

The President’s budget reflects the direction the Administration wants to take the country through legislative and executive actions. Indeed, while the budget’s call to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) likely won’t be on the congressional agenda this year, the Administration has moved forward with administrative actions that advance some of the same goals on a more limited scale.

"The Trump Administration’s budget includes massive cuts for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care."

Another clear indication of the budget’s priorities is a proposal to extend beyond 2025 the costly 2017 tax cuts, which have given large windfalls to high-income individuals — even as the budget calls for cutting $1.2 trillion over the next decade from mandatory programs such as Medicaid and SNAP (formerly food stamps) that help low- and moderate-income households. And layered on top of these cuts are proposals for at least $360 billion in additional reductions in non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs designed to help low- and moderate-income people make ends meet or to improve their chances to succeed in the economy.

Cuts Concentrated in Programs Assisting Low- and Moderate-Income Households​

Low-income programs face $1.2 trillion, or 57 percent, of the budget’s proposed $2.2 trillion in ten-year cuts to mandatory programs, despite making up only a quarter of all federal spending on mandatory programs. Medicaid and related programs and SNAP face particularly deep cuts.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) will pardon more than 175,000 low-level marijuana convictions on Monday, one of the nation’s largest acts of mass clemency, The Washington Post reported.

D for Democrat. Tell ya boys. They like Trump because he's a felon?
Trump inherited a growing deficit, and slowing GDP growth.

Remember you guys said that about Bush? It wasn't the minor recession he was dealt. It was his policies that caused the Great Recession 8 years later. You guys tried to blame Bill.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Trump bragged about what he has done for blacks. And of course his fans sucked it up. We hear how Trump provided more money for HBCU's than anyone. The problem is, that was fake news. Trump tried cutting funding for HBCU's every year of his reign. It was Alma Adams that crafted the bill that provided HBCU funding. He cut money to low and moderate income programs while giving tax cuts for te rich.

Black colleges take 'devastating hit' in Trump's budget​

President Donald Trump’s so-called “skinny budget” proposes spending cuts that could have a severe impact on black colleges, according to advocates for those institutions.

The budget blueprint titled “America First” decreases Department of Education funding by 13 percent, leaving some programs that support minority students unfunded.

The $9 billion budget cut to the Department of Education includes a “devastating hit” for black colleges, said Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C., co-chairman of the Bipartisan HBCU Caucus.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a statement that Trump’s budget hurts the African American community.

Trump’s budget proposes to maintain $492 million funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions, but drastically cuts the federal programs that serve these institutions and their students.

Adams said one budget cut that could be damaging to black schools if fulfilled is the elimination of the $732 million Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program, which assists students in financial need.

Trump did nothing for blacks.

Trump’s 2021 Budget Would Cut $1.6 Trillion From Low-Income Programs​

The Trump Administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021 mirrors its budgets of the last two years in the massive cuts it proposes for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care.[1] Although Congress has previously rejected many of these proposals, the budget merits attention, given the Administration’s continued push for these priorities and the scope of the damage that the budget would do — including its $1.6 trillion in cuts over ten years in programs that help people with low or modest incomes meet basic needs.

The President’s budget reflects the direction the Administration wants to take the country through legislative and executive actions. Indeed, while the budget’s call to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) likely won’t be on the congressional agenda this year, the Administration has moved forward with administrative actions that advance some of the same goals on a more limited scale.

"The Trump Administration’s budget includes massive cuts for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care."

Another clear indication of the budget’s priorities is a proposal to extend beyond 2025 the costly 2017 tax cuts, which have given large windfalls to high-income individuals — even as the budget calls for cutting $1.2 trillion over the next decade from mandatory programs such as Medicaid and SNAP (formerly food stamps) that help low- and moderate-income households. And layered on top of these cuts are proposals for at least $360 billion in additional reductions in non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs designed to help low- and moderate-income people make ends meet or to improve their chances to succeed in the economy.

Cuts Concentrated in Programs Assisting Low- and Moderate-Income Households​

Low-income programs face $1.2 trillion, or 57 percent, of the budget’s proposed $2.2 trillion in ten-year cuts to mandatory programs, despite making up only a quarter of all federal spending on mandatory programs. Medicaid and related programs and SNAP face particularly deep cuts.

💁🏼‍♀️_Ok, thanks for that, it is now 2024 and Joe has been in office since 2021

Don't dwell on what Trump didn't do for blacks between 2017-2021
Start boasting about what Joe has done for blacks since he's been in office
For starters, Biden has given hundreds of BILLIONS to Ukraine
and tens of BILLIONS and counting for illegals....what amount of money has he provided for blacks
Trump gave us the lowest black unemployment rate in history.

RD2 hates blacks being successful. That’s bad.
The lowest Black unemployment rate in history is happening now, under Biden.

But thanks for rooting for Black people though.
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Many groups in the Democratic Party are Stepford Progs. And the potential for these groups to turn on each other is of a high percentage. We are nearing a closer time where resources may be more limited for all of the agendas. Cities and states with prog cities tax the crap out of their citizens to put into inner city neighborhoods along with the huge federal government outlays. The ghettos remain although the government, monopoly and contract employees servicing this or do most of their work in this make a good wage, benefits and pensions.
💁🏼‍♀️_Ok, thanks for that, it is now 2024 and Joe has been in office since 2021

Don't dwell on what Trump didn't do for blacks between 2017-2021
Start boasting about what Joe has done for blacks since he's been in office
For starters, Biden has given hundreds of BILLIONS to Ukraine
and tens of BILLIONS and counting for illegals....what amount of money has he provided for blacks
I will dwell on what I want. Trump is running his mouth about us and so are you Trump supporting scum. So I will repeat, Trump didn't do shit for blacks. Unlike you, I don't have a problem with money going to stop Putin, nor do I have any probem with assIstance to the HUMANS DeSantis and Abbott decided to use as political pawns

Remember you guys said that about Bush? It wasn't the minor recession he was dealt. It was his policies that caused the Great Recession 8 years later. You guys tried to blame Bill.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Must be neat to be left. You just have to say shit that sounds neat, perfectly free of any truth. Specifically what polices did Bush make that caused the great recession?
I will dwell on what I want. Trump is running his mouth about us and so are you Trump supporting scum. So I will repeat, Trump didn't do shit for blacks. Unlike you, I don't have a problem with money going to stop Putin, nor do I have any probem with assIstance to the HUMANS DeSantis and Abbott decided to use as political pawns

I will dwell on what I want. Trump is running his mouth about us and so are you Trump supporting scum. So I will repeat, Trump didn't do shit for blacks. Unlike you, I don't have a problem with money going to stop Putin, nor do I have any probem with assIstance to the HUMANS DeSantis and Abbott decided to use as political pawns


💁🏼‍♀️_Okey dokey artichokey

I'm too tired to properly respond at this moment, some of us have to work tomorrow...
and seeing how I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work tomorrow, FINALLY blessed with employment after misplacing my white privilege card and unemployed for the last year ...

But, I'll be sure to circle back tomorrow, promise

💁🏼‍♀️_Okey dokey artichokey

I'm too tired to properly respond at this moment, some of us have to work tomorrow...
and seeing how I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work tomorrow, FINALLY blessed with employment after misplacing my white privilege card and unemployed for the last year ...

But, I'll be sure to circle back tomorrow, promise
I went to work for 42 years so, you can stop with the standard dumb white attempts to insinuate. And don't trouble yourself because whatever you have to say is not going to change the fact that trump didn't do shit for blacks. Do not try repeating the same stale bs.
Must be neat to be left. You just have to say shit that sounds neat, perfectly free of any truth. Specifically what polices did Bush make that caused the great recession?

Clinton put worker and environmental protections in NAFTA before he signed it. Bush removed those. You don't send your most important manufacturing jobs overseas but that's what they did. To break the unions. Even you guys admit that those uneducated blue collar workers were making too much and they were pieces of shit. Glad you are looking out for them now. But in the 2000's, you cheered at 1 million great jobs went overseas. I remember back then arguing that Bush actually gave those companies leaving tax breaks, to help them with the move. Of course you Republicans said "no he didn't" but trust me, if what happened happened on Biden or Obama's watch you'd be blaming them.

It's Bush's pro corporation policies that fucked the middle class. I don't hate corporations, but I believe our founding fathers wouldn't like what's going on right now. A new aristocricy is growing in America. Billionaires (Trump) are who become president or Senator. Corrupt Supreme's taking $ from Billionaires. And not just because Clarence and his wife are fun to be with. Or Alito.


How about what Bush did to uneducated blue collar workers? He stopped going after illegal employers. Now you admit that illegals hurt these workers. But back then you said they were just doing jobs American's won't do. That wasn't true back then. Today it may be true actually because we have 10 million unfilled jobs. We need those workers paying social security.

And when you fuck all these people, deregulate banks, and set up the perfect sitation to PURPOSELY cause a recession. YES I believe it was on purpose. We all lost half our $ in the market and our home values dropped. And these out of work blue collar workers all lost their jobs.

It's too much to PROVE. If you don't understand Republican policies fuck the middle class and have since Reagan, I can't help you.

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