This is WHY Trump Dropping the Debate Tonight Works in HIS Favor


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
People will be flipping channels and wind up settling on CNN more than likely. Lets be honest, who wants to listen to a bunch of professional politicians spewing nothing but bullshit for 2 + hours. Cruz, Rubio and Jeb are fucking rehearsed robots and people will bore of it very quickly.

I'll be watching CNN tonite thats all I know ;)
I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
Normally, I would agree, but there is this thing that happens when people go to an event expecting to pull off an ambush on a targeted victim, but the victim doesnt show; they target anyone they can out of frustration.

I suspect this debate will implode into an circular accusation fest of little use or audience. Trump will look smart for skipping it.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
"talk bad about him"? What are you like twelve?
You are one ignorant little fool!
Do you REALLY think the candidates on the stage where for once they don't have to deal with Trump talking all the oxygen out of the room and they now have a chance to tell the American voter what a great President they would make are going to spend the precious time attacking someone who isn't there?
You REALLY need to wise up asshole.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
People will be flipping channels and wind up settling on CNN more than likely. Lets be honest, who wants to listen to a bunch of professional politicians spewing nothing but bullshit for 2 + hours. Cruz, Rubio and Jeb are fucking rehearsed robots and people will bore of it very quickly.

I'll be watching CNN tonite thats all I know ;)
I see it as a double win for Trump.
1, He does NOT get attacked.
2, He raises money for vets AND if people recall most vets from Nam were BLACK.

Smart move by a brilliant man.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop at this PRECISE moment in human history?"...
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop?"...
We are ALREADY at war, we just don't use the word.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop at this PRECISE moment in human history?"...

Trumps success at making good deals, selling his book and running a successful TV show for about a decade show he is not a self destructive narcissist, nor is his negotiator mindset lacking an off button.

He w ill negotiate for our national interests and to reward the people of this nation. He knows the value that such a 'brand' would have with voters in the future and what this would mean for him in future contracts once he leaves the White House.

I suspect Trump might plan on being a one term President, so he can get out of office and cash all that experience and knowledge in with other CEO types.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop?"...
We are ALREADY at war, we just don't use the word.
We just dont make it official any more and that should change back to Constitutional war - declare the damned thing or be done with it.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
"talk bad about him"? What are you like twelve?
You are one ignorant little fool!
Do you REALLY think the candidates on the stage where for once they don't have to deal with Trump talking all the oxygen out of the room and they now have a chance to tell the American voter what a great President they would make are going to spend the precious time attacking someone who isn't there?
You REALLY need to wise up asshole.

Wow insults from a mommas boy. Go fuck off dickhead. I'll be proven right since the GOP has imploded on themselves.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop at this PRECISE moment in human history?"...

Trumps success at making good deals, selling his book and running a successful TV show for about a decade show he is not a self destructive narcissist, nor is his negotiator mindset lacking an off button.

He w ill negotiate for our national interests and to reward the people of this nation. He knows the value that such a 'brand' would have with voters in the future and what this would mean for him in future contracts once he leaves the White House.

I suspect Trump might plan on being a one term President, so he can get out of office and cash all that experience and knowledge in with other CEO types.

We'll be at war within a year, economy is still going to go down, jobs will still go down and Trump will be the biggest loser to folks in the U.S.

He's a trainwreck and his Trumptard cheerleaders can't even save him.
We'll be at war within a year, economy is still going to go down, jobs will still go down and Trump will be the biggest loser to folks in the U.S.

He's a trainwreck and his Trumptard cheerleaders can't even save him.
And what has Trump so spectacularly failed so badly as to put your prediction anywhere on the scale of being a reasonable or even plausible outcome?
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
"talk bad about him"? What are you like twelve?
You are one ignorant little fool!
Do you REALLY think the candidates on the stage where for once they don't have to deal with Trump talking all the oxygen out of the room and they now have a chance to tell the American voter what a great President they would make are going to spend the precious time attacking someone who isn't there?
You REALLY need to wise up asshole.

I think that is exactly what will happen.
We'll be at war within a year, economy is still going to go down, jobs will still go down and Trump will be the biggest loser to folks in the U.S.

He's a trainwreck and his Trumptard cheerleaders can't even save him.
And what has Trump so spectacularly failed so badly as to put your prediction anywhere on the scale of being a reasonable or even plausible outcome?

Bankruptcy and he can't keep from throwing his baby temper tantrums on Twitter making himself look as presidential as PeeWee Herman.
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

OK, I get it. Trump is a hard and punishing negotiator. Do you think this "great quality of his as our next POTUS" has a "off" button?....I don't think it does..

I'm familiar with malignant narcissism and it's obvious signs. If Trump suffers from this disease, he will only see red first and think later. Wickedly punishing even slight offenses to their grandeur or plan, even imagined insults are daily fare. Often they do not think later even and never make apologies. They keep layering atrocity upon atrocity until all fear them and marvel at their grandeur.. VERY dangerous personas to have as the most powerful leader in the world..

And since the POTUS also deals with very sensitive nuanced issues both at home and abroad, Trump's "bull in the China closet, take no prisoners freight train without brakes" could and almost certainly will pull us into the last and final World War. You've gotta ask yourself, "do I want to let a bull loose in my precious china shop at this PRECISE moment in human history?"...

Trumps success at making good deals, selling his book and running a successful TV show for about a decade show he is not a self destructive narcissist, nor is his negotiator mindset lacking an off button.

He w ill negotiate for our national interests and to reward the people of this nation. He knows the value that such a 'brand' would have with voters in the future and what this would mean for him in future contracts once he leaves the White House.

I suspect Trump might plan on being a one term President, so he can get out of office and cash all that experience and knowledge in with other CEO types.
Over decades Trump has found the very best and brightest to employee. He treats these brilliant people VERY well.
Some have worked for him for twenty five years.
What Trump will never tolerate is a less than 100% commitment to him. He is LOVED by these employees.
Trump is a genius at finding the best people and then letting them show their excellence.
The world of business already know this about Trump. The fucking Mexicans and Iranians are yet to learn never to fuck with Trump.
Yes he will be the exact opposite of the fucking pussy coward Socialist incompetent we have in the Whitehouse now. And it's making the LIB shit themselves. So they should!
1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.

I don't think it works in his favor, because he has essentially given the stage to the other candidates to talk bad about him and he is not going to be able to refute them on the stage.
"talk bad about him"? What are you like twelve?
You are one ignorant little fool!
Do you REALLY think the candidates on the stage where for once they don't have to deal with Trump talking all the oxygen out of the room and they now have a chance to tell the American voter what a great President they would make are going to spend the precious time attacking someone who isn't there?
You REALLY need to wise up asshole.

I think that is exactly what will happen.

Yeah, I think that the candidates will go into the debate with the intent of exploiting the added oxygen, but the moderators will have a different agenda that there invitation of internet pundits kind of foreshadows.

The moderators know that fireworks brings the audience and they will be keen on proving to Trump that they dont need him. So they will try to provoke and instigate infighting.

Its a calculated move. He has a good lead and could only lose ground by screwing up.
The people who follow him are not given much to thinking and wont view it as the sinister bullying ploy that it is.

Lets face it his appeal is limited and he has them all behind him.
An intelligent person isnt going to say :
"Hey he knows Bill Gates so maybe he can shut down that danged internet thing".
He had nothing to gain and now has nothing to lose.
Bankruptcy and he can't keep from throwing his baby temper tantrums on Twitter making himself look as presidential as PeeWee Herman.
Apparently you understand neither the use of bankruptcy laws nor Twitter.

And apparently you think being a pussy and wimping out of a debate is presidential along with making false promises of "We'll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" . You want to keep sucking Trump's jizz be my guest. He won't be president so it's a moot point. The rest of the public isn't idiotic enough to vote for Trump in a general election.

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