This is WHY Trump Dropping the Debate Tonight Works in HIS Favor

1. He ducks the ambush that FOX planned by bringing in a couple of internet advocates for Hispanics and Muslims (that have given anti-Trump statements) as supposedly neutral questioners. Trump got wind of it and decided to not go there.

2. By the calculations of a forum member, Trump is punishing FOX big time with huge mark downs in their ad revenue from the debates. "Fox was asking for $750K a minute for ads with Trump in the debate, now they are down to $150K a minute. That's $600,000 a minute. If they have a 3 hour debate and sell 12 minutes per hour - they are losing $18,000,000. "

3. Trump is thus making Roger Ailes look like a loser for being a neocon lap dog, thus punishing a man that has apparently become his enemy.

4. He is making Kelly look like the pariah that cost FOX $18 million, thus punishing another enemy.

5. If any media networks have thought that 'Surely, Trump wont really drop out...' well, now they know better and this increases Trumps leverage with them in negotiations for future debates. Increasing leverage over an opponent is a key Trump negotiation tactic he has described well in his book 'The Art of the Deal'.

6. These debates do most of their damage in sound bites from quick improvised responses among one another. Trump has zero to gain and way too much to lose in such a debate given his current leads nationally and in Iowa and New Hampshire.

7. By removing himself, he puts Cruz in the hot seat and Cruz becomes the man that gets tagged by all his rivals for two hours and Trump gets a bye.

Of course, the question of whether this is a smart move by Trump is itself a political weapon now being used against him, and so the spin-meisters have to spin it so Trump looks bad regardless of what the facts are.

But Americans have learned a lot about the current political paradigm of late and they will rightly reject the spin bullshit that Trump made a stupid move here just like they have rejected the previous 'fatal error' spins the media and political establishments have tried to hang on Trump for the last 7 months.
Oh, brother.

1. Trump isn't going to be the nominee, democrats aren't that lucky.

2. Trump is hurting republicans and their already slim chances this November.

3. The sooner republicans are rid of Trump the better for republicans.

1. Your Magic 8 Ball is obviously not working any more, dude.

2. There is no evidence Trump is hurting anyone.

3. You are an idiot.
Watched the show and it was far better than the debates.

After a while I stopped going to the debates on Trumps commercial break as they were more entertaining.

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