This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

God I hope a third party candidate is out there that fits with my principles because I cant vote for ether of the two main candidates.... It is like choosing who is going to rape us the lest but ether way we are raped.

just stay home under your rock.
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
regardless those are our choices but you could sit out I can't I voted for bush in 2000 and vowed I'd never vote for another republican again
and you're just jim dandy in love with obummer who you voted for? Really? doesn't sound like it.
It's all good now. Trump ate a taco bowl today and that has made everything right with Hispanics.
Not yet. I'm forwarding your posts to someone who is finishing a postgraduate degree on the fucking mentally insane who inhabit forums.
We have to wait for your posts after Trump's inauguration day.
I have seen the geniuses of those in higher learning institutes.... Do you need a safe space ?
Like when you were serving them hamburgers in the cafeteria?
I have done that and many many more jobs.... Is working something you afraid of ?
You dumb little shit. I'm 68 years old. I sold my seven FF franchises when I was 57 and retired a multimillionaire. I crap bigger than you.
The word is: 'you're' fool.
And I've been one for 30 years and you must have some monster crap
what is it you think Trump won't do? Do we need jobs? yep, will he be committed, yep. You don't like illegals, he'll go after and build a wall, what is it you don't like about that? I'm sorry, but give me something you don't like about what trump has proposed. lay it on the table.
It's all good now. Trump ate a taco bowl today and that has made everything right with Hispanics.
so you like illegals taking citizens jobs? I just like to know who is in here.
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.

Frankly, the Republican Party was much more sane before the Tea Party came along.

Now, none of the republican candidates are even electable.
It speaks to how radical your side of the aisle has become to consider ground zero on the political spectrum (i.e. the Tea Party) not sane.

The Tea Party wants to restore Constitutional government. Nothing to the right of that. Nothing to the left of that. Exactly what George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin implemented as the form of government.

It says it all that you have become so radicalized, you consider that a "threat".

With all due respect, the Tea Party itself is represented by radicalized morons like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. :0) Both completely unelectable and embarrassing.

Today, the Tea Party is hardly even mentioned .. and no Tea Party candidate has any real national stature.

For the record, I'm not even slightly interested in 'constitutional government.'

if your statement in red is true, then you are in the wrong country. you need to move to Cuba, north korea, Venezuela, or Saudi Arabia. You are not an American and are in fact a traitor. Get the fuck out of my country, asshole.

Fuck you six ways to Sunday you fucking moron.

This ain't (eb) your country by ANY stretch of the imagination. If it is, come and make me get out. :0)

See how fucking powerless you are?

Nobody even mentions the goddamn Tea Party anymore .. A Brief History of the Tea Party .. real brief. :0)
just stay home under your rock.
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
regardless those are our choices but you could sit out I can't I voted for bush in 2000 and vowed I'd never vote for another republican again
and you're just jim dandy in love with obummer who you voted for? Really? doesn't sound like it.
No but there are less things I don't agree with than with repub party policies
:0) Not sure what you've been smoking, but it must be good .. got you talking out of your head.

Obama got his ass kicked because of his right-wing invented health care plan, his betrayal on his campaign promises, and his warmongering.

In case you haven't noticed democrats / liberals are in the drivers seat .. and all republicans have to offer is reality-show hosts for president. :0) Get real dude.

.. and your Tea Party constitutionalism won't work in an evolving America.

No matter how hard you wish something were true, that still won't make it true. Dumbocrats haven't been in the driver seat since 2009. Once 2010 hit, state legislatures, governorships, mayors, city councils, and of course the House (and then later, the Senate) were turned over to conservatives.

It was the biggest ass-kicking in U.S. political history and even Obama acknowledged as much. Now, I'm sorry if the truth bothers you.'s still the truth. You still have to live with it. Maybe some talking with a therapist could help you deal with these issues though? Maybe they can help you learn to deal with realities which you find uncomfortable or inconvenient?
think the ass kicking you repubs get in nov will break all records ,,now even the house is in play

Blah....Blah....Blah....the false bravado and wild "predictions" by liberals over the past 8 years have been fall down hilarious. Not one of them have come true. Not one. All we've seen is one of the greatest advances of conservatism since the early 1900's. Everything across the country has been turned over to conservatives.

So you can keep making wild predictions and trying to convince yourself that you are Nostradamus, but it doesn't change reality. House = Conservatives. Senate = Conservatives. Radical left-wing states like Wisconsin and Michigan = Conservatives. Boom.

homeboy .. you got any?


How surprising. :0)
God I hope a third party candidate is out there that fits with my principles because I cant vote for ether of the two main candidates.... It is like choosing who is going to rape us the lest but ether way we are raped.

just stay home under your rock.
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
It's 'neither' you illiterate little shit.
God I hope a third party candidate is out there that fits with my principles because I cant vote for ether of the two main candidates.... It is like choosing who is going to rape us the lest but ether way we are raped.

just stay home under your rock.
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
It's 'neither' you illiterate little shit.
The spelling police are here
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
regardless those are our choices but you could sit out I can't I voted for bush in 2000 and vowed I'd never vote for another republican again
and you're just jim dandy in love with obummer who you voted for? Really? doesn't sound like it.
No but there are less things I don't agree with than with repub party policies
Well I could never, I mean never leave my vote on a table for a libturd politician who wants my job, my money and my property.
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you
regardless those are our choices but you could sit out I can't I voted for bush in 2000 and vowed I'd never vote for another republican again
and you're just jim dandy in love with obummer who you voted for? Really? doesn't sound like it.
No but there are less things I don't agree with than with repub party policies
Well I could never, I mean never leave my vote on a table for a libturd politician who wants my job, my money and my property.
Dems want you to prosper live well Repubs fill your head with bs
I would rather nether thank you
regardless those are our choices but you could sit out I can't I voted for bush in 2000 and vowed I'd never vote for another republican again
and you're just jim dandy in love with obummer who you voted for? Really? doesn't sound like it.
No but there are less things I don't agree with than with repub party policies
Well I could never, I mean never leave my vote on a table for a libturd politician who wants my job, my money and my property.
Dems want you to prosper live well Repubs fill your head with bs
no, they want my job, my money and my property.
POLLS homeboy .. you got any?


How surprising. :0)

So let me get this straight "homeboy" - conservatives hold the majority of offices across this country but you want to point at polls which are wrong roughly 55% of the time? Basically, because the current reality upsets you, you want to ignore and focus on whatever predicted future makes you feel better? :lmao:

Here is a "poll" for you. How do you feel about this poll? :lol:

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
God I hope a third party candidate is out there that fits with my principles because I cant vote for ether of the two main candidates.... It is like choosing who is going to rape us the lest but ether way we are raped.

just stay home under your rock.
Why? afraid Trump might lose?
I've heard it said hill is the malaria candidate trump the Ebola and we should go with malaria
I would rather nether thank you

Vote Libertarian.

That's how I would have voted if Cruz had won the nomination.

I'm voting for Hillary because Trump is a giant douche. He was almost incoherent on CNBC this morning.
It's all good now. Trump ate a taco bowl today and that has made everything right with Hispanics.
so you like illegals taking citizens jobs? I just like to know who is in here.

I don't like it. I love it. Taco Bell's food has opened by eyes. :lol:
so you really don't have anything of value to say. Thanks for playing.:spinner:

In all seriousness, if you want to stop illegals from taking jobs in this nation then you need hold CEOs and the board of directors of these companies that hire them personally responsible. Put a few of them jail and see how fast they stop hiring illegals. That of course will never happen b/c these people control both parties.
Dems want you to prosper live well Repubs fill your head with bs

If that's the case - then why to Democrats keep implementing policies which creates poverty and misery for the masses and more power and money for them? Detroit has had over 60 years of Democrat mayors and Democrat controlled city council. And now they are bankrupt. Completely bankrupt. Much of the city resembles a 3rd world hell-hole. If that's your idea of "prosper" you can keep it. Whatever cities Democrats control there is nothing but poverty, dilapidation, drugs, etc.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

And Hispanics will vote in record numbers in November, THANKS TO TRUMP!

Latino immigrants applying for U.S. citizenship in record numbers thanks to Trump

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