This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I don't support what Biden is doing. That doesn't mean I think someone that already failed should get another shot.
Great, take in 10 or 12 illegals and you pay for all their needs. No? Yeah that's what we thought. ^^^ faux support. Generous with other people's money just like a Dem.
He wasn't.
Why do you believe it is okay to edit my sentence and answer a different question?

As you know, here is what I posted: "Why was President Trump able to keep out illegal aliens, but President Biden could not, but he has the same tools as Trump?"
Why do you believe it is okay to edit my sentence and answer a different question?

As you know, here is what I posted: "Why was President Trump able to keep out illegal aliens, but President Biden could not, but he has the same tools as Trump?"
That hack will come back with “Illegals got in under Trump” and ignore the massive difference in the numbers.

But ya know, he is independent. :auiqs.jpg:
Great, take in 10 or 12 illegals and you pay for all their needs. No? Yeah that's what we thought. ^^^ faux support. Generous with other people's money just like a Dem.

I would respond to this if it made a lick of sense but since it doesn't.......................
The mess at the border is our doing. Any politician who tried to help those people were branded communists and we got rid of them and replaced them with rightwing dictators. We continued to support them even after they murdered Archbishop Romero while he was celebrating mass.
I'm discussing why the rich should be on the hook for a larger portion of the $34 trillion debt. I'm not interested in economic theories.

The government is at fault for the giveaways, not the rich.
But that's irrelevant as they have already been bailed out and we are in a massive debt.

We already had massive debt before the bailout.
It needs paid for now.

I never argued that. One cant get rid of something that doesn't exist.

That’s a bit of a stretch.
Irrelevant. These things happened.
That doesn’t answer the question. Are you saying that people succeeding in business is a theory?
The mess at the border is our doing. Any politician who tried to help those people were branded communists and we got rid of them and replaced them with rightwing dictators. We continued to support them even after they murdered Archbishop Romero while he was celebrating mass.
EXACTLY! I try to tell these MAGA hats, but they just don't want to listen. Our foreign policy towards Latin America contributes to the illegal immigration. If we don't like one of their leaders because they actually want to do something for their people and have their nation own and operate their own resources, rather than having American or European companies controlling that major industry in their country (oil, utilities..etc), these people heads of state are labeled "Socialists", "too leftists", "too far left" and they're eliminated. Watch this:

He was one of the men the CIA, the US State Department would send to orchestrate coup d'etats. The MAGAS pretend this isn't happening and the illegal immigration continues to get worse. In 2009 the US got rid of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, because he was "too leftist", a man who actually wanted to develop his country's infrastructure. His wife is now president because she has the same political platform as her husband and people know that they actually care for the poor and want to improve people's lives, and lift people from poverty.

The US is now imposing economic sanctions upon Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua and many of the illegal immigrants are from those countries. The MAGAs don't want to hear it..

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EXACTLY! I try to tell these MAGA hats, but they just don't want to listen. Our foreign policy towards Latin America contributes to the illegal immigration. If we don't like one of their leaders because they actually want to do something for their people and have their nation own and operate their own resources, rather than having American or European companies controlling that major industry in their country (oil, utilities..etc), these people heads of state are labeled "Socialists", "too leftists", "too far left" and they're eliminated. Watch this:

He was one of the men the CIA, the US State Department would send to orchestrate coup d'etats. The MAGAS pretend this isn't happening and the illegal immigration continues to get worse. In 2009 the US got rid of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, because he was "too leftist", a man who actually wanted to develop his country's infrastructure. His wife is now president because she has the same political platform as her husband and people know that they actually care for the poor and want to improve people's lives, and lift people from poverty.

The US is now imposing economic sanctions upon Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua and many of the illegal immigrants are from those countries. The MAGAs don't want to hear it..

There`s a pretty good movie about Oscar Romero if you can find it. I have the good fortune of having a local library that gives access to all 78 libraries in Allegheny County so I`ve watched it and it was too depressing to ever watch it again. The Catholic priests in Salvador were practically begging president Carter to stop funding these murderers but Carter wasn`t listening. Cold war shit, needless to say.
The goons running the country called the Archbishop a Communist.
The government is at fault for the giveaways, not the rich.

We already had massive debt before the bailout.


That’s a bit of a stretch.

That doesn’t answer the question. Are you saying that people succeeding in business is a theory?

Whenever the working class receives government assistance, some type of service, subsidy, or grant from the government, you accuse those working class people of being lazy bums, who want to live off of the government. You start shouting "socialism!", "commies!", but when the rich get their government assistance, some type of service, or subsidy. what you just called a "giveaway", it's all peachy-king. All good, no problem. You're like "Of course, hey why not? If the government is giving it away, then why not? You'd have to be an idiot to not avail yourself of that government assistance". The double standard is clear from a 1000 miles away.
We put Trump in charge and ran up 7.8 trillion in debt....

I know, none of it was his fault. None of it was McCarthys fault. None of it will be Johnsons fault.

How much of that was due to Covid spending, PK? Spending done by a Democratically controlled House? Be fair...just for once!
EXACTLY! I try to tell these MAGA hats, but they just don't want to listen. Our foreign policy towards Latin America contributes to the illegal immigration. If we don't like one of their leaders because they actually want to do something for their people and have their nation own and operate their own resources, rather than having American or European companies controlling that major industry in their country (oil, utilities..etc), these people heads of state are labeled "Socialists", "too leftists", "too far left" and they're eliminated. Watch this:

He was one of the men the CIA, the US State Department would send to orchestrate coup d'etats. The MAGAS pretend this isn't happening and the illegal immigration continues to get worse. In 2009 the US got rid of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, because he was "too leftist", a man who actually wanted to develop his country's infrastructure. His wife is now president because she has the same political platform as her husband and people know that they actually care for the poor and want to improve people's lives, and lift people from poverty.

The US is now imposing economic sanctions upon Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua and many of the illegal immigrants are from those countries. The MAGAs don't want to hear it..

Ah yes...the left's promise that they will LIFT the poor out of poverty! How many times have we heard that chorus now, Christian? You're going to do it with Communism...right, little buddy? Who cares if it's never worked in the past! It's gonna work this time because it will be "real" Communism! Right? (eye roll)
Whenever the working class receives government assistance, some type of service, subsidy, or grant from the government, you accuse those working class people of being lazy bums, who want to live off of the government. You start shouting "socialism!", "commies!", but when the rich get their government assistance, some type of service, or subsidy. what you just called a "giveaway", it's all peachy-king. All good, no problem. You're like "Of course, hey why not? If the government is giving it away, then why not? You'd have to be an idiot to not avail yourself of that government assistance". The double standard is clear from a 1000 miles away.
You know what the biggest problem with government "assistance" is, Christian? When you start paying people for not doing anything...they totally lose ambition. Why get up and go to work if the government will pay you to stay home? You on the left have created generations of people that don't have a work ethic and are therefore trapped in border line poverty. They don't even know what's being done to them because it's been a part of their lives for so long they don't know anything different. The left's War Against Poverty has been going on for the better part of 60 years's that going? Is the average poor person better off? Is their life more fulfilling?
You start shouting "socialism!", "commies!", but when the rich get their government assistance, some type of service, or subsidy. what you just called a "giveaway", it's all peachy-king. All good, no problem.

Most of the people complaining about the "rich" getting away with something are not "rich" themselves and don't have a clue.
How much of that was due to Covid spending, PK? Spending done by a Democratically controlled House? Be fair...just for once!
PK fair? :auiqs.jpg:

Mr. Independent has never called out Dimwingers. Oh, he will claim he has when people post something like your post here, but he can never produce where he actually did.

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