This is why we need to tax the wealthy

It means exactly what I said. We need to cut off the jobs. Oddly you and others aren't interested in that.
You are talking about a soviet style police state where government pinheads harass honest businessmen who had nothing to do with creating the open border

It us far easier to close the border and keep migrants out than it is to track them down after they are here
Hahaha…you and pknopp are quite fascinating…Your admiration for Father Government is bizarre…sad really. It’s like you’ve never seen socialism in action throughout time and throughout the world.
These whacko's who feel entitled to other people's wealth and companies pop up from time to time. No doubt bitter and depressed that their lives turned out shitty so they are looking for a boogeyman to blame.
I provide opportunity for people. They CHOOSE to work for me…Weird concept huh beggar?

Society doesn't need to grant you the opportunity to exploit and deprive people of their rights and dignity. We have our government to provide us with work, not the likes of you. You don't define for anyone what their rights are, the community determines that.

You're a good example of why private property should be abolished and only personal property should be allowed. The distinction between private and personal property is that one is owned to make a profit, hence often used by the owners of that private property to exploit other human beings, and personal property is simply your house, car, computer, books, gun collection, toothbrush, Fruit Of The Looms.

Capitalist leeches like you who want people to work for them, while they manicure their nails at the spa, are the actual self-entitled beggars:

BoeingSouth Carolinamultiple2009$900,000,000MEGADEAL
Aviall ServicesTexaslocal2001$145,000,000megadeal
BoeingSouth Carolinastate2013$120,000,000MEGADEAL
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$106,059,430tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$105,677,735tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$99,495,754tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$95,990,815tax credit/rebate
Boeing Co.Oklahomastate2015$91,755,076MEGADEAL
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$82,454,832tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$67,192,769tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$67,112,839tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$66,859,548tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$53,779,100tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2020$53,449,704tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$51,400,000tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$48,938,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$45,671,936tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$34,329,766tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$34,143,819tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$30,063,419tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2016$22,805,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2014$19,586,512tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2020$17,900,864tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2007$16,667,406federal grant
Boeing South CarolinaSouth Carolinastate$13,305,080training reimbursement
Boeing (787)--ICRIPTexaslocal2011$10,000,000property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2020$9,653,083tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2021$9,286,890tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2010$8,561,396federal grant
MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATIONMissouristate2000$8,367,275tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2020$7,741,016tax credit/rebate
BOEING COMPANY, THE (BOEING DEFENSE, SPACE & SECURITY)Missouristate2019$6,900,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$6,883,590tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$6,800,000tax credit/rebate
BOEING COMPANY, THE (BOEING DEFENSE, SPACE & SECURITY)Missouristate2016$6,790,000training reimbursement
BOEING COMPANY, THEMissouristate2016$6,790,000training reimbursement
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$6,696,505tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyFloridastate2011$6,640,000grant
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$6,320,234tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$5,992,891tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2011$5,988,614federal grant
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2007$5,630,296federal grant
BOEING COMPANY, THE (BOEING DEFENSE, SPACE & SECURITY)Missouristate2014$4,850,000training reimbursement
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2018$4,770,498tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2010$4,492,877federal grant
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2014$4,335,248federal grant
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$4,300,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$4,200,000tax credit/rebate
Boeing CompanyFloridastate1998$4,000,000grant
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2016$4,000,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2017$3,600,000tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyIllinoisstate2010$3,250,000grant
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2015$3,000,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2016$3,000,000tax credit/rebate
KLX Inc.Floridastate2017$2,900,000tax credit/rebate
Boeing Company - Phase IIOregonstate2016$2,581,833property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2008$2,438,298federal grant
Boeing - Phase IIOregonstate2016$2,433,367property tax abatement
Boeing - Phase IIOregonstate2017$2,156,889property tax abatement
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2020$2,008,617property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2015$2,000,000grant
The Boeing CompanyPennsylvaniastate2012$1,987,913tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,981,363grant
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2021$1,900,615property tax abatement
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,850,114grant
The Boeing Company Portland Business UnitOregonlocal2022$1,815,665property tax abatement
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2016$1,796,052federal grant
THE BOEING COMPANYWashingtonstate2019$1,755,181tax credit/rebate
KLX Inc.Floridastate2016$1,700,000grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$1,677,680grant
Boeing - Phase IIIOregonstate2017$1,675,572property tax abatement
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2015$1,637,786grant
Boeing Co d/b/a Boeing Company Rotorcraft DivPennsylvaniastate$1,575,000tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,573,521grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,552,641grant
The Boeing CompanyUnited Statesfederal2008$1,546,136federal grant
The Boeing CompanyIllinoisstate2008$1,500,000grant
The Boeing CompanyIllinoisstate2009$1,500,000grant
Boeing CompanyOklahomalocal2012$1,496,400grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,490,363grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$1,453,016grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2021$1,453,002grant
The Boeing CompanyOklahomastate2023$1,451,603grant
Boeing Company, TheIllinoisstate2004$1,442,354cost reimbursement
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2020$1,435,909grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,409,231grant
The Boeing CompanyWashingtonstate2020$1,406,768tax credit/rebate
The Boeing CompanyNew MexicoState2020$1,379,641grant
BoeingUtahstate2013$1,376,254tax credit/rebate
THE BOEING COMPANY & CONSOklahomastate2015$1,339,524grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2022$1,317,033grant
THE BOEING COMPANYOklahomastate2019$1,313,141grant

That's just one Fortune 500 company, there are thousands of companies leeching off of public funds. That's what you capitalists do, you beg the government for money and manicure your nails at the spa while the working class works and produces and delivers goods and services. Capitalists are worthless middlemen we don't need them. The government can provide us with jobs.

“Slave masters” say….”we need illegals to work the jobs Americans won’t”

Not true, pay more or even house workers on your land, that way your American workforce saves on housing. There are many ways to do this without hiring illegals. Again, you have no excuse for breaking the law and hiring illegals. If you're admitting that you can't find American workers to work your land, then maybe capitalism is an inefficient, unworkable system of production. The only way for a nation with a capitalist-run agricultural sector to produce the food that the nation needs is by hiring illegal immigrants from another country and paying them peanuts. Your capitalist system is screwed up then.

Either you pay workers more and provide them with more benefits in order to entice Americans to work the fields, or perhaps the government should nationalize the agricultural industry and put people to work. We have robots today:

With all of the technology we have available today, we don't need capitalists owning or managing food production for America. We can have our government do all of the accounting and managing of food production and American workers will work the fields, supervising the technology and giving it a hand, whenever it needs it.

The US Government will pay us our wages, we don't need capitalists to pay us our wages. The government is subject to the people, through elections. Did you get your position as a capitalist fief-lord master through an electoral process? No. You're a little arrogant, lazy fief-lord. The government can very easily replace you. The working class doesn't need you, we have our government. If we're going to have a "master", it's better to have a government be our master than a bunch of unelected, self-entitled, lazy capitalists.

My employees can even quit anytime they want…yet none ever do. I must be taking advantage of them and fucking them over huh beggar?

Most of you capitalists are the same, hence the grass isn't necessarily greener in another company under another punk capitalist bum like you. People don't have the luxury to just nonchalantly leave their jobs, because they're being mistreated, because they need to pay their rent and put food on the table. The more they leave jobs for other jobs, the less likely they are to be hired in the future. Jumping from one job to another looks bad on a person's resume. It smacks of instability and a lack of commitment to their jobs, hence your flippant attitude towards your workers underscores why labor unions are necessary.

You won't be so arrogant and indifferent towards your workers when they strike and shut down your business and the government doesn't allow you to fire them. Boohoo, welcome to class warfare. You justify breaking the law by hiring illegal workers because you refuse to pay Americans a living wage, well now the government protects your workers from you firing them during a labor strike. How do you like that, punk? Get a job.


Get a job punk. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You're going to accuse working-class people of being lazy and beggars, while you're relying on them to do all of the heavy lifting and dirty work? Assuming you even lift a finger and aren't like many capitalists, who don't even work and spend their days at the country club or spa manicuring their nails and hands. You are the one who needs to get a job and work like 96% of the population.

The working class is waking up and people like you are going to be screwed, as you should be for your hubris and callous attitude toward the working class (i.e. the people who produce everything through their labor).

Do you know how difficult it is to start a business and risk it all…

Not as difficult as actually working the business and risking your life and limbs. There's nothing that you can say to justify your position in the productive enterprise. Workers risk their very lives at their jobs. I'm surrounded by heavy machinery that can kill me. It spews dangerous fumes that have to be filtered and I have to be extremely cautious and skilled. Who do you think you are that because you have capital or money you can exploit human beings for a profit? Paying them less than what they're producing. You're a thief. They produce hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars daily and you pay them $80 and send them on their way? Not for long.

Don't hold your breath little fief-lord. Technology is advancing and people are waking up, to the fact that capitalists like you are unnecessary middlemen. We don't need you brokering "job opportunities", and owning what we produce. You're a worthless piece in the puzzle of production. You're not even a piece of the puzzle anymore. Technology is going to eliminate you.

to have hundreds counting on you to make shit happen day in and day out?

What shit? You're starting to sound like a poser. I wouldn't be surprised if you're just a worker yourself, that has been brainwashed by his master.

Beggar, you have no knowledge of anything you speak on do you?

Stop relying on the work of others you leech. Go find a job.

Haha…if the workers always win you wouldn’t be begging for higher wages for fewer hours…for better healthcare, for more vacation time…etc etc. Now STFU and get to work beggar!

You're the lazy bums begging society to allow you to continue exploiting human beings. Not for long pansy boy.

Yes…I am a job creator. Your worthless ass would starve without me and those like me.

You create nothing but a failing economy and misery for the working class. But again, not for long. Your days are short because the working class is realizing that they don't need people like you. We would rather have the government be our boss and employ us than an arrogant, disrespectful punk like you. At least with the government, we can elect our leaders, not the case in your privately owned company, right? You're going to get yours good one day when it hits the fan. You're going to see your fiefdom crumble before your eyes and the working class will take charge as it should be.

Those who work the business should own and operate it together, democratically or the next best thing, is to have the government own it and we work for our government, not arrogant, self-entitled people like you. You can go to hell.

Hmmm….is it capitalists who came up with the sanctuary city bullshit…were capitalists calling for an abolishment of iCE? Were capitalists crying like bitches over iCE raids of businesses?

ICE should raid all of your capitalist punks who are hiring illegal, undocumented workers. You should go to jail without the bail.

I can’t give two-fucks about the subhuman cockroaches having babies they can’t feed in thirdworld shitholes. Evil capitalists aren’t forcing their filthy asses to reproduce at the rate of rodents.

You're the filthy one. Reproduction is a natural, human behavior and to expect people not to have sex is the height of stupidity. Stop supporting US foreign policy that hurts Latin America, that way these people will be more willing to remain in their own countries and develop their economies. Stop interfering with your threats of coups and economic sanctions, which only serve to increase illegal immigration into our country. You're just too dense to figure it out.

Ah, a radical left wing MANIFESTO post, haven't seen one of those in a while. Look fool nobody forced anyone to take a job and sign an employment contract, stop trying to MOOCH off others.
Does anyone bother to read his unhinged, lunatic posts?
These whacko's who feel entitled to other people's wealth and companies pop up from time to time. No doubt bitter and depressed that their lives turned out shitty so they are looking for a boogeyman to blame.

I'm arguing to address the debt and you spin it to wanting other people's wealth.

Sad. Actually it show you are so greedy as to want future generations to pay off your debt.
You are talking about a soviet style police state where government pinheads harass honest businessmen who had nothing to do with creating the open border

It us far easier to close the border and keep migrants out than it is to track them down after they are here

Right, walls all around the U.S. LOL.

Impossible. But I will note, DeSantis enacted such laws in Florida. Is he is Russian stooge?
I'm arguing to address the debt and you spin it to wanting other people's wealth.

Sad. Actually it show you are so greedy as to want future generations to pay off your debt.
Who else is paying off $34 trillion, Moron?

You could confiscate every penny of every billionaire and it wouldn’t fund a single year of Tater’s massive spending.
Who else is paying off $34 trillion, Moron?

You could confiscate every penny of every billionaire and it wouldn’t fund a single year of Tater’s massive spending.

With none of it supported by me nor do I make lame excuses for it. You know what will slow it down? Actually make people pay for it.
With none of it supported by me nor do I make lame excuses for it. You know what will slow it down? Actually make people pay for it.
Nice dodge. You have been whining this entire thread about forcing future generations to pay for the debt, but can’t explain who else could possibly pay for it.

You are a clown.
Right, walls all around the U.S. LOL.

Impossible. But I will note, DeSantis enacted such laws in Florida. Is he is Russian stooge?
I dont object to prosecuting businesses that KNOWINGLY hire illegals as long as the workers and their whole family are immediately interned and deported

But that isn't happening
Nice dodge. You have been whining this entire thread about forcing future generations to pay for the debt, but can’t explain who else could possibly pay for it.

You are a clown.

I can't explain who else can pay for it other than those who have run it up. I'm missing the problem there.

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