This is why we need to tax the wealthy

REGULATED, FOOL. Every socialist ever in a democracy has been for. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism. The socialists won everywhere by 1940. Except in super capitalist UK who got lucky after WWII and have to call it Labour. You listen to communist and Nazi propaganda....and GOP -all the liars.
Depends on whose doing the regulating right ? If a Democrat radical government just like the one we have now gets in charge, then you have the social chaos that we have therefore quickly ensuing and attempting to destroy the very thing that you are claiming still exist. It doesn't, and that's the entire reason for the slogan MAGA to appear on the scene in response to the chaos and anarchy we all see unfolding.
Depends on whose doing the regulating right ? If a Democrat radical government just like the one we have now gets in charge, then you have the social chaos that we have therefore quickly ensuing and attempting to destroy the very thing that you are claiming still exist. It doesn't, and that's the entire reason for the slogan MAGA to appear on the scene in response to the chaos and anarchy we all see unfolding.
Socialism is fair capitalism end of story. NOT COMMUNISM DUPE
I asked first, and I was asking franco - "If socialism is so awesome, why all the flim-flam?"

We practice socialism. Much of it I do not agree with. Such as socializing the banks, business and the markets losses.
We practice socialism. Much of it I do not agree with. Such as socializing the banks, business and the markets losses.

I think franco's shadow boxing. He's convinced that the only reason people don't like socialism is because of cold war spy movies or something. He doesn't understand that most of us know exactly what socialism is, and don't want it.

I think franco's shadow boxing. He's convinced that the only reason people don't like socialism is because of cold war spy movies or something. He doesn't understand that most of us know exactly what socialism is, and don't want it.

You want something that doesn't exist anywhere.
Socialism is fair capitalism end of story. NOT COMMUNISM DUPE
Radical Democrat socialism that is weaponized for the purpose of dictatorial powers over the people by a rogue coordinated tyrannical government with an agenda is a major problem in this country......

Y'all talk about caring for the citizen's when you are liar's and the truth ain't in you. Giving $ 2,200 a month to illegal immigrants while American senior citizens get only on average $ 1,400 dollars a month after working on average 40 year's long in this country is a total disgrace and unacceptable.
That system does not exist nor will it ever.
It has existed with the cash system, but of course that system is under attack by the government who wants to destroy that system in order to destroy the freedom it has brought to millions in this country over it's long history now. Once the cash goes the Freedom goes with it.

The government will use the new system to empower the groups it wants too, and then destroy the group's that it wants to also. Wake up American's....
Radical Democrat socialism that is weaponized for the purpose of dictatorial powers over the people by a rogue coordinated tyrannical government with an agenda is a major problem in this country......

Y'all talk about caring for the citizen's when you are liar's and the truth ain't in you. Giving $ 2,200 a month to illegal immigrants while American senior citizens get only on average $ 1,400 dollars a month after working on average 40 year's long in this country is a total disgrace and unacceptable.
All that from suggestions of getting vaccinated, super dupe? Lol
Yeah, yeah, yeah. If socialism is so awesome, why all the flim-flam?
Your idiotic propaganda? Link to film flam?

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