This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I went to hs with Edsel Ford. You're always wrong

Edsel Ford was in high school around 1907-11. That would make you at least 113 years old. While that would explain many of your posts, I find it hard to believe.

I am not sure what that would have to do with anything anyway. Who cares if you went to school with Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg? That doesn't make you any less of a fruit-loop nor your opinions any more sound.
Edsel Ford was in high school around 1907-11. That would make you at least 113 years old. While that would explain many of your posts, I find it hard to believe.

I am not sure what that would have to do with anything anyway. Who cares if you went to school with Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg? That doesn't make you any less of a fruit-loop nor your opinions any more sound.
He's 74. Idiot.
That's communism. Socialism is France Sweden, every modern country but us.
ahh.. again with franco's very special definitions. I'll stick with the dictionary.
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

There were others, but nothing like the nonsense you're selling.
ahh.. again with franco's very special definitions. I'll stick with the dictionary.

There were others, but nothing like the nonsense you're selling.
REGULATED, FOOL. Every socialist ever in a democracy has been for. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism. The socialists won everywhere by 1940. Except in super capitalist UK who got lucky after WWII and have to call it Labour. You listen to communist and Nazi propaganda....and GOP -all the liars.
REGULATED, FOOL. Every socialist ever in a democracy has been for. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism. The socialists won everywhere by 1940. Except in super capitalist UK who got lucky after WWII and have to call it Labour. You listen to communist and Nazi propaganda....and GOP -all the liars.
Alrighty then.
Canada is socialist.
Canada is not a socialist country. It has a democratic representative and parliamentary system of government featuring a free market economy where private individuals, partnerships, and corporations own the means of production. They do have a shitty socialist healthcare system, though.
Canada is not a socialist country. It has a democratic representative and parliamentary system of government featuring a free market economy where private individuals, partnerships, and corporations own the means of production. They do have a shitty socialist healthcare system, though.
That's communism. Socialism is always democratic fair capitalism, with healthcare at least. In the non UK English speaking dupes world, .... Think Mitterand Sweden etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

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