This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Trump cares about them. They are one of the most active parts of his base.

Only a lying asshole would claim any of that.

They are convinced of it.

They and their concerns are irrelevant. Trump has been clear in condemning them many times, and only a lying asshole and a piece of shit, would claim otherwise.

I wonder why they don't seem to think so.

They believed the lies of their friends in the media? Wishful thinking? Who gives a fuck, they are a vanishingly small fringe.
Trump cares about them. They are one of the most active parts of his base.

Only a lying asshole would claim any of that.

They are convinced of it.
Whatever "their" number is -- and this is something that is in the heart more than any polling data -- there are far more who enable them by ignoring and downplaying their existence. As we see on this board every single fucking day.

Between the two, the number is not at all insignificant. And minorities are well aware of that.

That is nonsense. You prepared to identify the "enablers" as Trump voters; all deplorables?? That failed BIG TIME!!!!

Nazis and their modern incarnations are scum; just as bad as communists and new age socialists. Stuff them all to HELL!!

Now you were saying?


Actually that was half of Trump voters, but why quibble over a bunch of idiots?

When you say half of a group is bad, you are smearing the whole of the group.

Try to be less of a dishonest asshole.

Not asking you to strain yourself. Don't STOP being a dishonest asshole.

Just be a little LESS of one, today. Baby steps.
Still waiting for your vast number of posts you said you made supporting Trump and his thriving economy.

Hey Mac, you know what? I am sorry for attacking you in a disgraceful manner. Not kidding. I do it for humorous purposes and I hate political correctness as you know.

You are probably the only one on the extreme left that I can communicate with. So, in all seriousness. I would like to review those posts you made supporting Trump's economy. I don't recall those posts you made.

Also, please make a comment about how the left insisted that the economy would tank in the first year due to Trump overturning many obama era regulations. Interested in that too. Also, can you please give us your thoughts on biden bragging about withholding billions of dollars to Ukraine if they did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the FACT that his son received a job that paid him over 80K per month for a job he was not in any way qualified to take.

Thank you.
I'm on the "extreme" left now. Cool. I'd be curious to know what the Regressive Lefties here think of that one.

I've already provided you with quotes of my saying positive things about the economy. Since I have to take that stuff seriously, I don't jam my posts will silly hyperbole or superlatives. Maybe that's what threw you.

I have no doubt the Left predicted the economy would tank because of Trump. That's what nutters do when they lose. And they definitely hope they'll end up being right, for pure political advantage.

If you want to know what I think of the present state of the economy, all you ever have to do is ask. Weird that you never seem to do that.
I do not have any of the posts that you made where you thought Trump's policies were the reason for the thriving economy.

Honestly did not see any of those quotes. Since, you have so many quotes of ours and since it seems you are playing identity politics with those quotes that you save to break out whenever you get the chance, I was hoping you have those posts where you have said Trump's policies is causing the economy to thrive. I mean it could not be the obama era policies that are causing the economy to thrive, since indeed Trump did away with many of his regulations.

I apologize for asking for those posts that you said you have made several times in the past. Also, what is your opinion on the economy under Trump.

Also, please make a comment on those Ukraine things in regards to biden, his son, and what he openly bragged about.

Thank you.
I don't know why in the world this is so important, but here you go.

I don't think I've ever said that "Trump's policies are causing the economy to thrive", or that the "economy is thriving". "Thriving" is not a term I use, because it's a vague and shallow word, especially for people in my profession.

So here: The economy is doing pretty well as of 9:25ET, November 13, 2019. The unemployment rate is outstanding. Hiring data and job growth data refuse to weaken, which is a very hopeful sign. Income growth has been as we were hoping. At some point, the combination of those two data points should push growth far beyond its current 1.9% rate. Manufacturing remains in a recession. The trade battle has clearly been a drag on growth. Bond yields remain disturbingly low, but I've seen a few positive signs over the last couple of weeks. The deficit has exploded in a time of growth, something that Keynes himself was against.

The 1.9% GDP rate is a real problem, particularly considering the positive data above. Something is either broken or malfunctioning. At this very moment, my best guess is that our middle class still simply doesn't have the spending power to create the momentum we need for good growth.

Regarding this Trump/Biden/Ukraine piffle, I don't give two shits about either story. I think this impeachment thing is nothing more than desperate partisan politics. I think that nutters on both ends are doing precisely what they always do: Denying, ignoring, avoiding and downplaying all potentially bad news on their guy, and focusing on, expanding, and highlighting all potentially good news on their guy.

Anything else?
Ahhhh, in your profession. What I cannot tell is if you are admitting that the democrats were wrong when they loudly proclaimed that Trump would cause the economy to nose dive in the first year of his presidency or not.

You don't use thriving? The dow is at record highs, unemployment at record lows. That includes for blacks (ooops sorry, African Americans) unemployment levels at all time low. Hispanic unemployment levels at all time low. All things not supposed to have happened.

Tell me Mac, do you think cnn or msnbc would be harping on it if those unemployment levels were at all time highs?

So, the partisan impeachment crap. If biden indeed did have the prosecutor fired and withheld billions as he bragged and since the democrats you vote for claim that is impeachable, what are your thoughts? Remember, biden boasted about it.

Also, while you may not care, tell us your thoughts about hunter Biden getting an 80k per month job for a Ukraine gas company that he was not qualified to have during the obama biden administration.

Thank you
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
I'm on the "extreme" left now. Cool. I'd be curious to know what the Regressive Lefties here think of that one.

I've already provided you with quotes of my saying positive things about the economy. Since I have to take that stuff seriously, I don't jam my posts will silly hyperbole or superlatives. Maybe that's what threw you.

I have no doubt the Left predicted the economy would tank because of Trump. That's what nutters do when they lose. And they definitely hope they'll end up being right, for pure political advantage.

If you want to know what I think of the present state of the economy, all you ever have to do is ask. Weird that you never seem to do that.
I do not have any of the posts that you made where you thought Trump's policies were the reason for the thriving economy.

Honestly did not see any of those quotes. Since, you have so many quotes of ours and since it seems you are playing identity politics with those quotes that you save to break out whenever you get the chance, I was hoping you have those posts where you have said Trump's policies is causing the economy to thrive. I mean it could not be the obama era policies that are causing the economy to thrive, since indeed Trump did away with many of his regulations.

I apologize for asking for those posts that you said you have made several times in the past. Also, what is your opinion on the economy under Trump.

Also, please make a comment on those Ukraine things in regards to biden, his son, and what he openly bragged about.

Thank you.
I don't know why in the world this is so important, but here you go.

I don't think I've ever said that "Trump's policies are causing the economy to thrive", or that the "economy is thriving". "Thriving" is not a term I use, because it's a vague and shallow word, especially for people in my profession.

So here: The economy is doing pretty well as of 9:25ET, November 13, 2019. The unemployment rate is outstanding. Hiring data and job growth data refuse to weaken, which is a very hopeful sign. Income growth has been as we were hoping. At some point, the combination of those two data points should push growth far beyond its current 1.9% rate. Manufacturing remains in a recession. The trade battle has clearly been a drag on growth. Bond yields remain disturbingly low, but I've seen a few positive signs over the last couple of weeks. The deficit has exploded in a time of growth, something that Keynes himself was against.

The 1.9% GDP rate is a real problem, particularly considering the positive data above. Something is either broken or malfunctioning. At this very moment, my best guess is that our middle class still simply doesn't have the spending power to create the momentum we need for good growth.

Regarding this Trump/Biden/Ukraine piffle, I don't give two shits about either story. I think this impeachment thing is nothing more than desperate partisan politics. I think that nutters on both ends are doing precisely what they always do: Denying, ignoring, avoiding and downplaying all potentially bad news on their guy, and focusing on, expanding, and highlighting all potentially good news on their guy.

Anything else?
Ahhhh, in your profession. What I cannot tell is if you are admitting that the democrats were wrong when they loudly proclaimed that Trump would cause the economy to nose dive in the first year of his presidency or not.

You don't use thriving? The dow is at record highs, unemployment at record lows. That includes for blacks (ooops sorry, African Americans) unemployment levels at all time low. Hispanic unemployment levels at all time low. All things not supposed to have happened.

Tell me Mac, do you think cnn or msnbc would be harping on it if those unemployment levels were at all time highs?

So, the partisan impeachment crap. If biden indeed did have the prosecutor fired and withheld billions as he bragged and since the democrats you vote for claim that is impeachable, what are your thoughts? Remember, biden boasted about it.

Also, while you may not care, tell us your thoughts about hunter Biden getting an 80k per month job for a Ukraine gas company that he was not qualified to have during the obama biden administration.

Thank you
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".
Shitty people from shit hole countries.
Build the wall, deport them all.
Hope in the years to come you get a Dem president that gives you just what your moron trump is giving us now

You people have been giving us shit for generations. Trump is the first one to give it back.
S.S medicare etc etc etc Yeah all kinds of shit Yeah trump DID give it back ,,,Huge tax breaks for the 1% Congrats correll if that includes you

You are confused Moon Bat. Must be that you are off your TDS meds for today.

There were lower tax brackets for everybody. I got a nice tax reduction myself and I am not in the 1%.

If you didn't get a tax break either you weren't doing it right or you were one of the sorry welfare queen assholes that don't pay any income tax. Because if you paid any income tax whatsoever you got a lower tax bracket.
Some of us understand how wealth redistribution in america works, thanks.

More of us understand the sorriness you stupid Moon Bats have being consumed with envy and greed because somebody else makes more money than you do.
1. Link to support your definition of the word "pass" and then show evidence that Trump agrees with you, and not me, or take your pretense of outrage and shove it up your ass.

2. He said not such thing. YOu are making shit up now, out of thin air. You are liar.

3. Trump is a tall, rich and famous man, who expressed his opinion that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat regular guys. And you are pretending that somehow makes him the bad guy. YOu are full of shit.
We all know what a pass is. No link is necessary. It's the initial gesture on another, signifying the interest of a sexual nature.

And grabbing a woman's pussy to make a pass is not normal malw behavior. It's deviant behavior which is very often sexual assault. You're a sick fuck for promoting such sick shit.

As far as what Trump said.... I quoted him verbatim. TFB if that's inconvenient for you, ya sick fuck.

Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesn't wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.
Hello Sir Runaway!! lmao

No you fool; no one has come forward with a grabbed pussy unless it was by DemoKKKrat donors.


Hell, he admitted that they gin up shit. He compared it to the Birther movement. HE DID THAT.

So, he knows that what comes out of his face anus, is nothing but shit.

You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:
I have met two of those guys and I bet they don't give a shit about Trump

So you speak for Mike Tyson..... doubt it...

Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump for President of the United States

"When asked about his history with Republican primary candidate Donald Trump, Tyson said he fully supports him for the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

"He should be president of the United States," Tyson said."


Making broad assumptions about "all black people" is the peak of prejudice....

8 percent of the blacks eligible to vote who weren't purged, voted for Trump. 88 percent did not. That's a majority. Mike Tyson is not. Nice try, It's kinda difficult for me to be racially prejudiced against blacks you fucking idiot. I'm done. Trump will not gain support in the black community. I know this.

There is a back story to Tyson endorsing Trump. Trump publicly supported Tyson when he was charged with rape.

And for a short period of time, Trump acted as Tysons business advisor. So Tyson returned the favor by endorsing him for his campaign

It was business.

Tyson was more valuable to Trump to headline multi million dollar boxing matches at Trumps casinos than to sit in jail.

Here is where it gets interesting, is that Trump actually placed a 1 million dollar 20-1 bet that Evander Holyfield would defeat Tyson and made 20 million off of his "friend" losing.

I've socialized with Tyson in the past, and he has no knowledge of or interest in politics at all.
Next time you see Mike, tell him my Dad raised pigeons, too.

Mike is thriving in the cannabis industry now.
  • Thanks
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We all know what a pass is. No link is necessary. It's the initial gesture on another, signifying the interest of a sexual nature.

And grabbing a woman's pussy to make a pass is not normal malw behavior. It's deviant behavior which is very often sexual assault. You're a sick fuck for promoting such sick shit.

As far as what Trump said.... I quoted him verbatim. TFB if that's inconvenient for you, ya sick fuck.

Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesdoe wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.

Oh, are you pretending to be too stupid to have noticed that when he talks, he jumps all over the place?

LOL!, You are certainly stupid, but you are not nearly as stupid as you are pretending to be here.

So, knock off the stupid ass shit.

I enjoy watching you constantly move the goal posts. Now you're position is, ok, he said it, he just didn't mean what he said. We should all excuse his abhorrent behavior because that's just the way he says things. How do you type with his cock in your mouth?

Oh, but then there's this....
Grabbing the pussy of a woman you are not in a relationship with, is called making a pass at a woman.
... yeah, that would be you, defending his behavior, that you now pretend he didn't mean what he said. If he didn't mean what he said, you wouldn't have felt compelled to defend it, ya moron.

You're human scum.

Now you are engaged in word games and semantics.

Trump stated his opinion, that woman treat men who are rich and famous, differently than they treat regular guys.

That you liberals pretend that this outrages you is just bullshit.

Which you just admitted in another post. So, shut your face anus.

The topic of this thread, is that Trump is planning an outreach to black voters.

What about that offends you? Do you feel that you libs have a special right to black votes?

Would not America be a better place with less of a racial divide?
He didn't offer an opinion. He was speaking from personal experience. And it's not word games. In defense of your idol, you said that making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is normal male behavior. It's not, you're just a sick fuck who doesn't know any better.

As far as trump reaching out to blacks, in what way has he reached out to them?
Hope in the years to come you get a Dem president that gives you just what your moron trump is giving us now

You people have been giving us shit for generations. Trump is the first one to give it back.
S.S medicare etc etc etc Yeah all kinds of shit Yeah trump DID give it back ,,,Huge tax breaks for the 1% Congrats correll if that includes you

You are confused Moon Bat. Must be that you are off your TDS meds for today.

There were lower tax brackets for everybody. I got a nice tax reduction myself and I am not in the 1%.

If you didn't get a tax break either you weren't doing it right or you were one of the sorry welfare queen assholes that don't pay any income tax. Because if you paid any income tax whatsoever you got a lower tax bracket.
Some of us understand how wealth redistribution in america works, thanks.

More of us understand the sorriness you stupid Moon Bats have being consumed with envy and greed because somebody else makes more money than you do.
Not many Flash ,not many
Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesdoe wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.

Oh, are you pretending to be too stupid to have noticed that when he talks, he jumps all over the place?

LOL!, You are certainly stupid, but you are not nearly as stupid as you are pretending to be here.

So, knock off the stupid ass shit.

I enjoy watching you constantly move the goal posts. Now you're position is, ok, he said it, he just didn't mean what he said. We should all excuse his abhorrent behavior because that's just the way he says things. How do you type with his cock in your mouth?

Oh, but then there's this....
Grabbing the pussy of a woman you are not in a relationship with, is called making a pass at a woman.
... yeah, that would be you, defending his behavior, that you now pretend he didn't mean what he said. If he didn't mean what he said, you wouldn't have felt compelled to defend it, ya moron.

You're human scum.

Now you are engaged in word games and semantics.

Trump stated his opinion, that woman treat men who are rich and famous, differently than they treat regular guys.

That you liberals pretend that this outrages you is just bullshit.

Which you just admitted in another post. So, shut your face anus.

The topic of this thread, is that Trump is planning an outreach to black voters.

What about that offends you? Do you feel that you libs have a special right to black votes?

Would not America be a better place with less of a racial divide?
He didn't offer an opinion. He was speaking from personal experience. And it's not word games. In defense of your idol, you said that making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is normal male behavior. It's not, you're just a sick fuck who doesn't know any better.

As far as trump reaching out to blacks, in what way has he reached out to them?
Oh he's reached out to them alright He's bastardized every city where blacks are a big part of the population
Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesdoe wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.

Oh, are you pretending to be too stupid to have noticed that when he talks, he jumps all over the place?

LOL!, You are certainly stupid, but you are not nearly as stupid as you are pretending to be here.

So, knock off the stupid ass shit.

I enjoy watching you constantly move the goal posts. Now you're position is, ok, he said it, he just didn't mean what he said. We should all excuse his abhorrent behavior because that's just the way he says things. How do you type with his cock in your mouth?

Oh, but then there's this....
Grabbing the pussy of a woman you are not in a relationship with, is called making a pass at a woman.
... yeah, that would be you, defending his behavior, that you now pretend he didn't mean what he said. If he didn't mean what he said, you wouldn't have felt compelled to defend it, ya moron.

You're human scum.

Now you are engaged in word games and semantics.

Trump stated his opinion, that woman treat men who are rich and famous, differently than they treat regular guys.

That you liberals pretend that this outrages you is just bullshit.

Which you just admitted in another post. So, shut your face anus.

The topic of this thread, is that Trump is planning an outreach to black voters.

What about that offends you? Do you feel that you libs have a special right to black votes?

Would not America be a better place with less of a racial divide?
He didn't offer an opinion. He was speaking from personal experience. And it's not word games. In defense of your idol, you said that making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is normal male behavior. It's not, you're just a sick fuck who doesn't know any better.

As far as trump reaching out to blacks, in what way has he reached out to them?

He hasn't.
I do not have any of the posts that you made where you thought Trump's policies were the reason for the thriving economy.

Honestly did not see any of those quotes. Since, you have so many quotes of ours and since it seems you are playing identity politics with those quotes that you save to break out whenever you get the chance, I was hoping you have those posts where you have said Trump's policies is causing the economy to thrive. I mean it could not be the obama era policies that are causing the economy to thrive, since indeed Trump did away with many of his regulations.

I apologize for asking for those posts that you said you have made several times in the past. Also, what is your opinion on the economy under Trump.

Also, please make a comment on those Ukraine things in regards to biden, his son, and what he openly bragged about.

Thank you.
I don't know why in the world this is so important, but here you go.

I don't think I've ever said that "Trump's policies are causing the economy to thrive", or that the "economy is thriving". "Thriving" is not a term I use, because it's a vague and shallow word, especially for people in my profession.

So here: The economy is doing pretty well as of 9:25ET, November 13, 2019. The unemployment rate is outstanding. Hiring data and job growth data refuse to weaken, which is a very hopeful sign. Income growth has been as we were hoping. At some point, the combination of those two data points should push growth far beyond its current 1.9% rate. Manufacturing remains in a recession. The trade battle has clearly been a drag on growth. Bond yields remain disturbingly low, but I've seen a few positive signs over the last couple of weeks. The deficit has exploded in a time of growth, something that Keynes himself was against.

The 1.9% GDP rate is a real problem, particularly considering the positive data above. Something is either broken or malfunctioning. At this very moment, my best guess is that our middle class still simply doesn't have the spending power to create the momentum we need for good growth.

Regarding this Trump/Biden/Ukraine piffle, I don't give two shits about either story. I think this impeachment thing is nothing more than desperate partisan politics. I think that nutters on both ends are doing precisely what they always do: Denying, ignoring, avoiding and downplaying all potentially bad news on their guy, and focusing on, expanding, and highlighting all potentially good news on their guy.

Anything else?
Ahhhh, in your profession. What I cannot tell is if you are admitting that the democrats were wrong when they loudly proclaimed that Trump would cause the economy to nose dive in the first year of his presidency or not.

You don't use thriving? The dow is at record highs, unemployment at record lows. That includes for blacks (ooops sorry, African Americans) unemployment levels at all time low. Hispanic unemployment levels at all time low. All things not supposed to have happened.

Tell me Mac, do you think cnn or msnbc would be harping on it if those unemployment levels were at all time highs?

So, the partisan impeachment crap. If biden indeed did have the prosecutor fired and withheld billions as he bragged and since the democrats you vote for claim that is impeachable, what are your thoughts? Remember, biden boasted about it.

Also, while you may not care, tell us your thoughts about hunter Biden getting an 80k per month job for a Ukraine gas company that he was not qualified to have during the obama biden administration.

Thank you
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".

I am pleased that you agree that it would be a good thing, to have Trump's outreach succeed.

The current racial division serves, well I was going to say "no one" but it actually serves a lot of people.

It is bad for the nation as a whole.

Let's hope that some significant portion of minority voters, take this in the spirit it is offered and we seen a reduction in division in this country.
We all know what a pass is. No link is necessary. It's the initial gesture on another, signifying the interest of a sexual nature.

And grabbing a woman's pussy to make a pass is not normal malw behavior. It's deviant behavior which is very often sexual assault. You're a sick fuck for promoting such sick shit.

As far as what Trump said.... I quoted him verbatim. TFB if that's inconvenient for you, ya sick fuck.

Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesn't wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.
Hello Sir Runaway!! lmao

No you fool; no one has come forward with a grabbed pussy unless it was by DemoKKKrat donors.


Hell, he admitted that they gin up shit. He compared it to the Birther movement. HE DID THAT.

So, he knows that what comes out of his face anus, is nothing but shit.

You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:

Actually, I never knowingly spout shit from my face anus, like you just admitted to doing.

So, anywho, you just admitted that you say shit that you know is bullshit. So, in the light, your complaints in this thread are dismissed as just shit from your face anus.

In the real world, Trump stated that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they do regular guys.

That you fucktard liberals, pretend to be outraged by this, just shows that you are all soulless trolls, who need to be dismissed as nothing but fountains of bullshit.
Sure. YOu quoted him, and then pretended he said all kinds of shit he did not say.

You are either delusional or a liar.

BTW, so, once a woman "signifies the interest of a sexual nature" by letting you kiss her, is that the last time you need consent in the sex act?

Cause that seems to be what you are implying. Of course, I don't want to just assume that what you seem to be saying to me, is what you mean. That way leads to misunderstanding and mischaracterization.

So, I'll ask you to clarify, to check if that is what you meant.

Instead of a being an asshole and assuming the worst and then holding to that till the end of time. LIke an asshole.

Cause, only an asshole would do that.

You know what I mean?
He said exactly what I quoted.... he doesdoe wait to move in to kiss, you can do anything, even grab their pussy. So yes, that would be his way of making a pass. He said so himself. You'd be able to see it if you weren't enjoying him grabbing your pussy so much.

Oh, are you pretending to be too stupid to have noticed that when he talks, he jumps all over the place?

LOL!, You are certainly stupid, but you are not nearly as stupid as you are pretending to be here.

So, knock off the stupid ass shit.

I enjoy watching you constantly move the goal posts. Now you're position is, ok, he said it, he just didn't mean what he said. We should all excuse his abhorrent behavior because that's just the way he says things. How do you type with his cock in your mouth?

Oh, but then there's this....
Grabbing the pussy of a woman you are not in a relationship with, is called making a pass at a woman.
... yeah, that would be you, defending his behavior, that you now pretend he didn't mean what he said. If he didn't mean what he said, you wouldn't have felt compelled to defend it, ya moron.

You're human scum.

Now you are engaged in word games and semantics.

Trump stated his opinion, that woman treat men who are rich and famous, differently than they treat regular guys.

That you liberals pretend that this outrages you is just bullshit.

Which you just admitted in another post. So, shut your face anus.

The topic of this thread, is that Trump is planning an outreach to black voters.

What about that offends you? Do you feel that you libs have a special right to black votes?

Would not America be a better place with less of a racial divide?
He didn't offer an opinion. He was speaking from personal experience. And it's not word games. In defense of your idol, you said that making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is normal male behavior. It's not, you're just a sick fuck who doesn't know any better.

As far as trump reaching out to blacks, in what way has he reached out to them?

You have admitted that you just spout shit, when it serves your partisan purpose.

So, stop your fucking lying, and shut your face anus.
I don't know why in the world this is so important, but here you go.

I don't think I've ever said that "Trump's policies are causing the economy to thrive", or that the "economy is thriving". "Thriving" is not a term I use, because it's a vague and shallow word, especially for people in my profession.

So here: The economy is doing pretty well as of 9:25ET, November 13, 2019. The unemployment rate is outstanding. Hiring data and job growth data refuse to weaken, which is a very hopeful sign. Income growth has been as we were hoping. At some point, the combination of those two data points should push growth far beyond its current 1.9% rate. Manufacturing remains in a recession. The trade battle has clearly been a drag on growth. Bond yields remain disturbingly low, but I've seen a few positive signs over the last couple of weeks. The deficit has exploded in a time of growth, something that Keynes himself was against.

The 1.9% GDP rate is a real problem, particularly considering the positive data above. Something is either broken or malfunctioning. At this very moment, my best guess is that our middle class still simply doesn't have the spending power to create the momentum we need for good growth.

Regarding this Trump/Biden/Ukraine piffle, I don't give two shits about either story. I think this impeachment thing is nothing more than desperate partisan politics. I think that nutters on both ends are doing precisely what they always do: Denying, ignoring, avoiding and downplaying all potentially bad news on their guy, and focusing on, expanding, and highlighting all potentially good news on their guy.

Anything else?
Ahhhh, in your profession. What I cannot tell is if you are admitting that the democrats were wrong when they loudly proclaimed that Trump would cause the economy to nose dive in the first year of his presidency or not.

You don't use thriving? The dow is at record highs, unemployment at record lows. That includes for blacks (ooops sorry, African Americans) unemployment levels at all time low. Hispanic unemployment levels at all time low. All things not supposed to have happened.

Tell me Mac, do you think cnn or msnbc would be harping on it if those unemployment levels were at all time highs?

So, the partisan impeachment crap. If biden indeed did have the prosecutor fired and withheld billions as he bragged and since the democrats you vote for claim that is impeachable, what are your thoughts? Remember, biden boasted about it.

Also, while you may not care, tell us your thoughts about hunter Biden getting an 80k per month job for a Ukraine gas company that he was not qualified to have during the obama biden administration.

Thank you
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".

I am pleased that you agree that it would be a good thing, to have Trump's outreach succeed.

The current racial division serves, well I was going to say "no one" but it actually serves a lot of people.

It is bad for the nation as a whole.

Let's hope that some significant portion of minority voters, take this in the spirit it is offered and we seen a reduction in division in this country.
What do you think of white nationalist racist Steve Miller trumps adviser ?
Ahhhh, in your profession. What I cannot tell is if you are admitting that the democrats were wrong when they loudly proclaimed that Trump would cause the economy to nose dive in the first year of his presidency or not.

You don't use thriving? The dow is at record highs, unemployment at record lows. That includes for blacks (ooops sorry, African Americans) unemployment levels at all time low. Hispanic unemployment levels at all time low. All things not supposed to have happened.

Tell me Mac, do you think cnn or msnbc would be harping on it if those unemployment levels were at all time highs?

So, the partisan impeachment crap. If biden indeed did have the prosecutor fired and withheld billions as he bragged and since the democrats you vote for claim that is impeachable, what are your thoughts? Remember, biden boasted about it.

Also, while you may not care, tell us your thoughts about hunter Biden getting an 80k per month job for a Ukraine gas company that he was not qualified to have during the obama biden administration.

Thank you
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".

I am pleased that you agree that it would be a good thing, to have Trump's outreach succeed.

The current racial division serves, well I was going to say "no one" but it actually serves a lot of people.

It is bad for the nation as a whole.

Let's hope that some significant portion of minority voters, take this in the spirit it is offered and we seen a reduction in division in this country.
What do you think of white nationalist racist Steve Miller trumps adviser ?

What do you think of the point I made, that you hit the "reply" button too?

It always amazes me, that you libs can be so completely blind to any hint of civility, and yet fully expect to be treated, as though you were deserving of any in return.
Economic figures are mixed. As usual. And as I pretty clearly said, the economy is in pretty good shape right now.

CNN and MSNBC will focus on anything bad they can discuss on Trump, yes.

I haven't been following the Biden story much, sorry. I explained why, above. I'll examine whatever the final output of the investigation when it's provided.

Please wrap this up. It's boring. Anything else?

Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".

I am pleased that you agree that it would be a good thing, to have Trump's outreach succeed.

The current racial division serves, well I was going to say "no one" but it actually serves a lot of people.

It is bad for the nation as a whole.

Let's hope that some significant portion of minority voters, take this in the spirit it is offered and we seen a reduction in division in this country.
What do you think of white nationalist racist Steve Miller trumps adviser ?

What do you think of the point I made, that you hit the "reply" button too?

It always amazes me, that you libs can be so completely blind to any hint of civility, and yet fully expect to be treated, as though you were deserving of any in return.
I've tried correll I've really tried but with those who support an obvious slug it does make it hard
Do you think the nation would be better if Trump's outreach succeeded?
Sure, I'm all for whatever advances the country. So, if that did, great.

But I'm not holding my breath. Minorities are paying attention to far more than "initiatives".

I am pleased that you agree that it would be a good thing, to have Trump's outreach succeed.

The current racial division serves, well I was going to say "no one" but it actually serves a lot of people.

It is bad for the nation as a whole.

Let's hope that some significant portion of minority voters, take this in the spirit it is offered and we seen a reduction in division in this country.
What do you think of white nationalist racist Steve Miller trumps adviser ?

What do you think of the point I made, that you hit the "reply" button too?

It always amazes me, that you libs can be so completely blind to any hint of civility, and yet fully expect to be treated, as though you were deserving of any in return.
I've tried correll I've really tried but with those who support an obvious slug it does make it hard

IF Trump won 20% of the black vote in 2020, would that be a good thing, or a bad thing, in your mind?

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