This judge should be tried and hanged for treason.

So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.

When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.

When is the left going to learn this is not a popularity contest?

Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.
Huh? You okay? Your brain fell out
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.

But grown men in little girls bathrooms is a ok with the them, or killing babies, right?

So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.

But grown men in little girls bathrooms is a ok with the them, or killing babies, right?


Or killing American citizens with out due process.....
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.
He won, you’re wrong
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.

But grown men in little girls bathrooms is a ok with the them, or killing babies, right?

That fk can’t wait! He’s all for guys with little girls! He’s for it
Show us what about his ruling you call wrong.....the ruling, not your personal attacks on him as a person.

WTF? I already told you...discretionary funds the Pentagon approved. Be real careful....latins are macho, Catholic, and tough as a cob when it comes to honor.....Trump is winning over one hell of a lot of them....trying to doom us may well doom you.
You DO know that the Executive Branch cannot spend money or allocate money to other than what Congress allocated it for without Congressional approval, right?

See Obama care started in the Senate, see Paris Accord

So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The answer is 'YES".

When there clearly is no National Emergency and when the declaration is obviously unconstitutional.

The only thing that's close to a National Emergency on our Southern Border is the Humanitarian Crisis caused by the Trump Administration.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

Yeah, nothing says treason like stopping an unconstitutional power grab.
I agree, the judge should be jailed
Based on what?
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

Yeah, nothing says treason like stopping an unconstitutional power grab.
I agree, the judge should be jailed
Based on what?
Violation of the constitution
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The answer is 'YES".

When there clearly is no National Emergency and when the declaration is obviously unconstitutional.

The only thing that's close to a National Emergency on our Southern Border is the Humanitarian Crisis caused by the Trump Administration.
Nope, it won’t be followed
I don't know about construction where you are, but here, construction on new housing and shopping areas all but halted in early 2009 only to resume mid 2017 All those abandoned job sites now house a few thousand people and provide millions of square feet of retail space. I understand the other implication as well but we don't have a lot of illegals doing cheap construction here. We arrest illegals and send them to ICE.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
I don't know about construction where you are, but here, construction on new housing and shopping areas all but halted in early 2009 only to resume mid 2017 All those abandoned job sites now house a few thousand people and provide millions of square feet of retail space. I understand the other implication as well but we don't have a lot of illegals doing cheap construction here. We arrest illegals and send them to ICE.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

Yeah, nothing says treason like stopping an unconstitutional power grab.
I agree, the judge should be jailed
Based on what?
Violation of the constitution
What exactly was the violation in his ruling?
In the shitty arbitrary legal system you want people would be tried and hanged for all sorts of stuff.

No just local judges who put 300 million life's in jeopardy, that don't even live in his little piece of shit district.


Money was already allocated then Trump went around congress .......

If we allow every POTUS to do that then we don’t need the Congress. But dictatorship.

If we allow every POTUS to do that ......... be very careful if Democrat win the POTUS in 2020.

But it's ok when your guy does it?


Like who and what?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.

When is the left going to learn this is not a popularity contest?


You may want to ask or tell that to your president.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.
Huh? You okay? Your brain fell out

You are not making sense at all Rambo.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.
He won, you’re wrong

He won alright but the minority numbers.

Of the 212 millions registered voters and with his very impressive record numbers of rallies. Anemically he only garnered 63+ millions votes.

Do you honestly believe that 63+ millions votes still there?
Do you honestly believe that 63+ millions votes grew?

With all the chaos and discombobulation that he is creating. I doubt it.

Let’s start with:
1. Hispanic voters.
2. Gay and lesbian communities and their families and friends.
3. Asian voters.
4. Black voters.
5. Decent white Americans.

Just imagine how much they hate your dude.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.
Huh? You okay? Your brain fell out

You are not making sense at all Rambo.
Hmmm, that’s what I thought you understood
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.
When did that happen? Oh yeah nov 2016! Fk you. We’re right here Mf come get us! Prk

A good example of what I’m talking about.
I can tell you this.... There are far more decent Americans that doesn’t tolerate this kind of animalistic or uncivilized behavior from Trump followers ........ Can’t wait for 2020 elections.
He won, you’re wrong

He won alright but the minority numbers.

Of the 212 millions registered voters and with his very impressive record numbers of rallies. Anemically he only garnered 63+ millions votes.

Do you honestly believe that 63+ millions votes still there?
Do you honestly believe that 63+ millions votes grew?

With all the chaos and discombobulation that he is creating. I doubt it.

Let’s start with:
1. Hispanic voters.
2. Gay and lesbian communities and their families and friends.
3. Asian voters.
4. Black voters.
5. Decent white Americans.

Just imagine how much they hate your dude.
30 out of fifty states! You should go back to school

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