This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live

I have a better plan

Why not publish everyone's tax returns so we can know how our neighbors stack up
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
He's wrong because this is an invasion of privacy, puts peoples lives in danger, and is another pathetic way to demonize the poor.

You mean kind of loikewhat they did in NYC when they published the name of all the gun owners? You know, people that have guns in their homes that lowlifes would love to get their hands on?
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”
were you outrage when the locations of gun owners was put in the paper?
The poor need to be shamed so they don't enjoy being poor so much

Only through suffering and humiliation will the poor give up their ways
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Jesus is a fariy tale, like global warming.
Err, no, Jesus was a historical figure, I don't believe he was the son of a celestial being, but he was a real person.
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”
were you outrage when the locations of gun owners was put in the paper?
Oh, I think that's ridiculous to, and I disagree with that. :dunno:
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
He's wrong because this is an invasion of privacy, puts peoples lives in danger, and is another pathetic way to demonize the poor.

You mean kind of loikewhat they did in NYC when they published the name of all the gun owners? You know, people that have guns in their homes that lowlifes would love to get their hands on?
I disagree with that. :dunno::dunno:
I fully support privacy rights.
The poor need to be shamed so they don't enjoy being poor so much

Only through suffering and humiliation will the poor give up their ways
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Jesus is a fariy tale, like global warming.
Err, no, Jesus was a historical figure, I don't believe he was the son of a celestial being, but he was a real person.

No he wasn't. he's as made up as Santa Claus.

One day, maybe, you'll wake the fuck up, get out of you parents basement, and get a goddamn job.
The poor need to be shamed so they don't enjoy being poor so much

Only through suffering and humiliation will the poor give up their ways
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Jesus is a fariy tale, like global warming.
Err, no, Jesus was a historical figure, I don't believe he was the son of a celestial being, but he was a real person.

No he wasn't. he's as made up as Santa Claus.

One day, maybe, you'll wake the fuck up, get out of you parents basement, and get a goddamn job.
You believe jesus never existed? That's just stupid.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
He's wrong because this is an invasion of privacy, puts peoples lives in danger, and is another pathetic way to demonize the poor.

It's not an invasion of privacy.

They publish who gets speeding tickets......

Put's peoples lives in danger ? You are funny.

Demonize them ? What did he say he was going to do with the information to justify this claim ?
You loons are the ones who want people out of your lives, now you want to start tagging people on welfare so inbred hicks will have that information.

Did the mayor say that ? Inbred hicks ?
No, I'm saying we don't need tea party members knowing the location of people on welfare.

I don't see why not.

A few years ago, one of our local news stations got information about people on workman's compensation and various other disability programs.

They spied and filmed them doing all sorts of tough physical activities. Some were doing side-jobs for cash such as carrying roof shingles up ladders. Others were painting houses and in one case, found a guy helping his friend push a car up the street.

Yeah, I want to know these things and so does my employer who pays into workman's compensation which is expensive because of all the rip-offs that take place. After all, the more he has to payout for programs like this being ripped-off, the less he has for my raise when the time comes.

So maybe my neighbor is on this list. My video camera is ready because I now know what he's up to.
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Jesus is a fariy tale, like global warming.
Err, no, Jesus was a historical figure, I don't believe he was the son of a celestial being, but he was a real person.

No he wasn't. he's as made up as Santa Claus.

One day, maybe, you'll wake the fuck up, get out of you parents basement, and get a goddamn job.
You believe jesus never existed? That's just stupid.

What is stupid about it? It's a fairly tale.

All religions are made up. You don't really believe that Mary was a virgin ? or that Jesus walked on water? do you?

I think there are too many on benefits that don't belong on them but I don' see the point in doing this. It serves no purpose, the ones that need it will be hurt and the ones that don't won't care

I can see the point based upon personal experience.

You have to see what's going on in my grocery store every week with these SNAP's cards.

These people have absolutely no shame. They load the belt with all their SNAP's goodies, and then put their cigarettes, beer, flowers, pastry, cat food, 25lbs dog food bags right behind it.

I mean, if I was on one of these programs and needed to purchase non-essential items, the very least I would do is take my SNAP's items to my car, and return about ten minutes later to purchase the rest of my booze and cigarettes.

No shame at all. They even look at you like "look what I'm doing!" I don't know if they don't understand that it's my hard working tax dollars supporting their zoo at home and bad habits, or they just think I approve of them screwing the government.
I think there are too many on benefits that don't belong on them but I don' see the point in doing this. It serves no purpose, the ones that need it will be hurt and the ones that don't won't care

I can see the point based upon personal experience.

You have to see what's going on in my grocery store every week with these SNAP's cards.

These people have absolutely no shame. They load the belt with all their SNAP's goodies, and then put their cigarettes, beer, flowers, pastry, cat food, 25lbs dog food bags right behind it.

I mean, if I was on one of these programs and needed to purchase non-essential items, the very least I would do is take my SNAP's items to my car, and return about ten minutes later to purchase the rest of my booze and cigarettes.

No shame at all. They even look at you like "look what I'm doing!" I don't know if they don't understand that it's my hard working tax dollars supporting their zoo at home and bad habits, or they just think I approve of them screwing the government.

Low life's

They should not be allowed in the same line as the rest of us
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
He's wrong because this is an invasion of privacy, puts peoples lives in danger, and is another pathetic way to demonize the poor.

Yeah but posting where the officer that shot the Gentile Giant lived like CNN did was OK? Right?

Hey, your employer and benefactor has your home address, right Sassy! And who are these peoples benefactors? TAXPAYERS, that is who/whom.

And besides OP author; the lefties put up these POOR welfare recipients as wonderful, terrific, spectacular, people. Why hell, they are the salt of the earth! Therefore, we taxpayers need their address to go congratulate them on being so wonderful and spectacular. What is wrong with that?
You consider your employer to be your benefactor?
If that's the typical right wing mindset then it explains a lot about their attitudes to the poor and the rich.
The poor need to be shamed so they don't enjoy being poor so much

Only through suffering and humiliation will the poor give up their ways
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Well that's the difference between the time of Jesus (which you on the left don't understand) and America today.

Back in Jesus's day, if you were born poor, you stayed poor because there were no choices. In a great country like ours, you have all the choices in the world including getting out of poverty.

There are still places like that where you have no choices but to be poor. Those people are trying to get into this country just to have a chance. Poverty in the US is a choice for most people.

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