This nonsense demonstrates how sick and demonic the GOP has become.

It's a stupid argument to say that abortion is all about religious beliefs. It's not. It's only framed that way for political advantage.
Pto-life is the pro-science position if you have any morals at all. The left HATES science when it gets in the way of their agenda.
Really? Then show us the science that establishes that an embryo is a fully viable and aware human being .
It appears the GOP or so-called republican party has destroyed itself when it comes to promoting insanity, hypocrisy, treason, hate, moral perversion and blasphemy.

Wisconsin Lawmaker: Convert To Christianity Or Be ‘Destroyed’
Are you fucking serious!!?? Here is more on this piece of shit

Wisconsin GOP lawmaker says women should be forced to give birth to grow the labor force

He should be run out of congress on a rail.

Why don't go search for statements from the 15 or 17 Pro-Life Dem representatives you have on Capitol Hill? Go purge those.. It's a stupid argument to say that abortion is all about religious beliefs. It's not. It's only framed that way for political advantage.
Excuse me but I am not the one who singled out this turd for criticism. If you know of pro life Democrats who have said anything that draconian and frightening as what he said post it. I know that abortion is not just about religion and this proves it. Allow me to also point out that I did not state my views on abortion or religion.

Saving lives is FRIGHTENING to you? By definition, most people SPEND their lives serving others. It's a good form of altruism. It's STUPID to use as an argument, but far from frightening..

I haven't heard a good religious argument against abortion in a very long time. Just a lot of stupid juvenile posturing.. And no smart ones.
The argument that making abortion illegal saves lives is your opinion. In any case his goal is to rob women of control over their bodies and exploit them for economic reasons. Shameful and sad!
It appears the GOP or so-called republican party has destroyed itself when it comes to promoting insanity, hypocrisy, treason, hate, moral perversion and blasphemy.

Wisconsin Lawmaker: Convert To Christianity Or Be ‘Destroyed’
Are you fucking serious!!?? Here is more on this piece of shit

Wisconsin GOP lawmaker says women should be forced to give birth to grow the labor force

He should be run out of congress on a rail.

Why don't go search for statements from the 15 or 17 Pro-Life Dem representatives you have on Capitol Hill? Go purge those.. It's a stupid argument to say that abortion is all about religious beliefs. It's not. It's only framed that way for political advantage.
Excuse me but I am not the one who singled out this turd for criticism. If you know of pro life Democrats who have said anything that draconian and frightening as what he said post it. I know that abortion is not just about religion and this proves it. Allow me to also point out that I did not state my views on abortion or religion.

Saving lives is FRIGHTENING to you? By definition, most people SPEND their lives serving others. It's a good form of altruism. It's STUPID to use as an argument, but far from frightening..

I haven't heard a good religious argument against abortion in a very long time. Just a lot of stupid juvenile posturing.. And no smart ones.
The argument that making abortion illegal saves lives is your opinion. In any case his goal is to rob women of control over their bodies and exploit them for economic reasons. Shameful and sad!

First of all, who said illegal? DISCOURAGING abortion saves lives.. Indeed it does. I'm Pro-Choice on most EVERYTHING, but the wise GOVT policy is to simply not ENCOURAGE or DISCOURAGE it by law. As soon as the Dems stop using Planned Parenthood as a ginormous money laundering scheme for themselves, I'll expect the "other side" to give a little.

There's no hidden "slavery" agenda in that stupid statement. This is what people do for 40 or 60 years of their life. They get up, get dressed and go serve others. Besides sex, and eating, it's one of main facts of life. So reducing the CARNAGE of "abortion as birth control" is smart thing in Western societies that have failing domestic populations.

Not REPLACING those lost lives with ones from the 3rd world who know neither birth control or abortion and NEED to have a dozen babies to SURVIVE economically..
Make abortion mandatory for Democrats.

An embryo doesn't need to be viable or fully aware to be a human being. It is always a human being. At no time is an embryo created by a human egg and human sperm a species other than human.

I agree that the world would be a better place if human women were pregnant with puppies or kittens. Alas human women are pregnant with other human beings.

There is no shame in being honest. You can admit that the embryos of human beings are also human and still be okay with killing them. Anything else is just hiding from the truth.
Are you fucking serious!!?? Here is more on this piece of shit

Wisconsin GOP lawmaker says women should be forced to give birth to grow the labor force

He should be run out of congress on a rail.

Why don't go search for statements from the 15 or 17 Pro-Life Dem representatives you have on Capitol Hill? Go purge those.. It's a stupid argument to say that abortion is all about religious beliefs. It's not. It's only framed that way for political advantage.
Excuse me but I am not the one who singled out this turd for criticism. If you know of pro life Democrats who have said anything that draconian and frightening as what he said post it. I know that abortion is not just about religion and this proves it. Allow me to also point out that I did not state my views on abortion or religion.

Saving lives is FRIGHTENING to you? By definition, most people SPEND their lives serving others. It's a good form of altruism. It's STUPID to use as an argument, but far from frightening..

I haven't heard a good religious argument against abortion in a very long time. Just a lot of stupid juvenile posturing.. And no smart ones.
The argument that making abortion illegal saves lives is your opinion. In any case his goal is to rob women of control over their bodies and exploit them for economic reasons. Shameful and sad!

First of all, who said illegal? DISCOURAGING abortion saves lives.. Indeed it does. I'm Pro-Choice on most EVERYTHING, but the wise GOVT policy is to simply not ENCOURAGE or DISCOURAGE it by law. As soon as the Dems stop using Planned Parenthood as a ginormous money laundering scheme for themselves, I'll expect the "other side" to give a little.

There's no hidden "slavery" agenda in that stupid statement. This is what people do for 40 or 60 years of their life. They get up, get dressed and go serve others. Besides sex, and eating, it's one of main facts of life. So reducing the CARNAGE of "abortion as birth control" is smart thing in Western societies that have failing domestic populations.

Not REPLACING those lost lives with ones from the 3rd world who know neither birth control or abortion and NEED to have a dozen babies to SURVIVE economically..
Scott Allen said "illegal" with certain exceptions. I am pro choice but also believe in government policies that discourage abortion wearas you think that government should be neutral . Why is you want to save lives? . Regardless of whether you believe that doing so saves lives, I is not a pleasant or desirable for of birth control. I know . I have been through it.....twice

So how do we reduce the demand for abortion and save lives? First we insure that contraception is readily available. We provide comprehensive sex education in schools. Nit this abstinence only crap.

We have programs and policies in place that shows prospective parents that they will have health insurance, housing and nutritional assistance if needed, and affordable pre school and day care. Too many pro life people do not give a crap about the quality of life afterf birth, What do you stand on those issues?

And I really don't know what that crap about planned parenthood is about,
So how do we reduce the demand for abortion and save lives? First we insure that contraception is readily available. We provide comprehensive sex education in schools. Nit this abstinence only crap.

Problem has been complicated by Progressive muddling of sex ed. MORE focus on 34 genders and fairness. Kids will be fatally stupid about sex for instance, after being told, "anyone can have a period"... Neutral on this issue is a good place for govt. It's a medical/personal issue. And then instead of having an "on-coming" train crash, we have the extremists just poking each other.

On Planned Parenthood --- There are something like 25 "women's clinics" in Baltimore that are BARELY SURVIVING. Because PP sucks the LIFE out of govt subsidies. Govt is creating a monopoly. A monopoly that spends more than 1/3 of their money on fund-raising and politics and lobbying. That money goes to PROMOTE the DNC and their candidates. And the budgets are all fungible so it can be completely creatively "accounted for". But its a money laundering machine for partisan causes. And like any "favorite corporation" in Washington, it KILLS OFF competitors and better service providers...
Problem has been complicated by Progressive muddling of sex ed. MORE focus on 34 genders and fairness. Kids will be fatally stupid about sex for instance, after being told, "anyone can have a period"... Neutral on this issue is a good place for govt. It's a medical/personal issue. And then instead of having an "on-coming" train crash, we have the extremists just poking each other.
Alluding to transgender issues is just a red herring logical fallacy that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about which is honest information for kids on how to protect themselves. To think that all parents are equipped and willing to do that is beyond naïve. It is a public health issue that government does indeed have a role to play just as assuredly as it has a responsibility in areas such as infectious disease and addiction.
On Planned Parenthood --- There are something like 25 "women's clinics" in Baltimore that are BARELY SURVIVING. Because PP sucks the LIFE out of govt subsidies. Govt is creating a monopoly. A monopoly that spends more than 1/3 of their money on fund-raising and politics and lobbying. That money goes to PROMOTE the DNC and their candidates. And the budgets are all fungible so it can be completely creatively "accounted for". But its a money laundering machine for partisan causes. And like any "favorite corporation" in Washington, it KILLS OFF competitors and better service providers...
I have no idea what you're blathering about here . Perhaps you would care to provide some documentation.
And you sir are a liar. Show me the post where I said I didn't believe in God?

It's funny how you lie and then try to back track

Senior Member

View attachment 237496
Can you imagine how I feel about these organized religious wackos who prey on the gullible among us?
This folks is your typical Right wing liar who represents evil, who hides behind Christianity. Bear513 said I didn't believe in God. Yet, when pressed to prove I said such a thing, he claims I back tracked. Back tracked on what? He never proved I said anything about my belief in God, so what does that make him? And this is their religion. They obfuscate, and lie in the name of whatever religion they are promoting. They are a sick lot.

Excuse me?

I had to push you into it..


You didn't want to believe

Untill I caught you .

"Pushed into what"? I never said anything to be pushed into. You're lying again.You never proved I said anything about not believing in God.

Read your post child .

Lol! You're just running from your lies. I repeat, quote my exact words where I said I didn't believe in God. But you won't and can't. You are a liar, and you yourself used Gods name to manufacture that lie. You are definitely sick.
On Planned Parenthood --- There are something like 25 "women's clinics" in Baltimore that are BARELY SURVIVING. Because PP sucks the LIFE out of govt subsidies. Govt is creating a monopoly. A monopoly that spends more than 1/3 of their money on fund-raising and politics and lobbying. That money goes to PROMOTE the DNC and their candidates. And the budgets are all fungible so it can be completely creatively "accounted for". But its a money laundering machine for partisan causes. And like any "favorite corporation" in Washington, it KILLS OFF competitors and better service providers...
I have no idea what you're blathering about here . Perhaps you would care to provide some documentation.
That's not going to happen. The only documentation you are going to see, is the documentation coming straight out of that guys ass.
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
Actually he never said that. The post is an example of how sick the ignorant left has become when they rely on the twisted "progressive" interpretation of an innocent Christmas message.
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
What does a biological function of being gay have to do with a religious belief?
Actually he never said that. The post is an example of how sick the ignorant left has become when they rely on the twisted "progressive" interpretation of an innocent Christmas message.
Nothing innocent about a politician telling people they will be "destroyed" if they do not convert to Christianity.
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
What does a biological function of being gay have to do with a religious belief?

LOL!!!!!! Thanks for demonstrating my point, confused man.
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
Real Christians aren`t obsessed with this sort of thing. Gays don`t choose to be gay and transsexuals don`t choose to be transsexuals. Do you think they choose to be what they are so they can get beat up, taunted and every other sort of abuse that fake Christians heap upon them? Why are YOU obsessed with these people? Mmmmmm.
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
Ha idiot, do you ever read? Neuroscience and sexual orientation - Wikipedia
Don't see much Christianity in any of these posts.
And you won't. Because these so called Christians are not Christians.

Libs. They are fine with letting a man claim to be a girl, or any of 53 genders, but can't let people define their own religious beliefs.

Hypocrites, is not nearly a strong enough word to describe them and their vile actions.
Real Christians aren`t obsessed with this sort of thing. Gays don`t choose to be gay and transsexuals don`t choose to be transsexuals. Do you think they choose to be what they are so they can get beat up, taunted and every other sort of abuse that fake Christians heap upon them? Why are YOU obsessed with these people? Mmmmmm.

I barely referenced it, to make a point. My point stands.

YOu are willing to let a man deny the reality of his dna and physical body, but won't let a conservative self define his faith.

Hypocrite is not nearly a strong enough word to describe the vile shit that libs do today.
Actually he never said that. The post is an example of how sick the ignorant left has become when they rely on the twisted "progressive" interpretation of an innocent Christmas message.
Nothing innocent about a politician telling people they will be "destroyed" if they do not convert to Christianity.
If you read the link you might overcome your knee jerk bigoted approach to religion. He never said that. The post is based on a radical left wing blog's interpretation of an innocent Christmas message but for some reason the crazy left is always ready to become hysterical about (only) Christian beliefs.

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