This presidency feels like the tv game show Survivor

you lost your job and you're blaming the government?

Remember when Republicans believed in personal responsibility?

I am self employed. I can not hire myself to do someone elses home remodel. I blame this economy which is in Obamas lap.


My business services home remodelers, among others. Here in sunny Florida, this sector began the nosedive in 2006. My customers are working more now than they have in over two years. Your blame is misplaced.

You live in a near tropical wonderland that everyone want to live in or move to when they get old. Hardly a case study for the midwest. My nosedive started about 2 or 3 months before Bush left office
you lost your job and you're blaming the government?

Remember when Republicans believed in personal responsibility?

I am self employed. I can not hire myself to do someone elses home remodel. I blame this economy which is in Obamas lap.


so you do blame the government for the fact that you "lost your job"?

Ok then...

Lots o' work in 2008, was there? Back when the housing market was collapsing? November of 2008? You must have had one hell of a business plan to continue doing well for so long.
I am self employed. I can not hire myself to do someone elses home remodel. I blame this economy which is in Obamas lap.


My business services home remodelers, among others. Here in sunny Florida, this sector began the nosedive in 2006. My customers are working more now than they have in over two years. Your blame is misplaced.

You live in a near tropical wonderland that everyone want to live in or move to when they get old. Hardly a case study for the midwest. My nosedive started about 2 or 3 months before Bush left office

...and that's Obama's fault?:lol::lol: November of 2008? You must have had one hell of a business plan to continue doing well for so long.

Up until recently weve done very well. Honored on the cover of Archetichual Digest and given yearly awards from Angieslist. The worst was winter 08/09 then a slight recovery and now its the worst its been yet.

I havent had to advertise in over 10 years because of referrals and word of mouth through suppliers and angieslist. This week I started my first print and digital ads with coupons in over 10 years.

ITS BAD weve even had several suppliers go under
I like how having "serious" threads in your history of thread creation gives you a pass on making Trolling threads.

In fact, why did you ask me what the difference was on a thread meant to "stir shit up" VS a meaningful thread when you clearly understand the difference?
My business services home remodelers, among others. Here in sunny Florida, this sector began the nosedive in 2006. My customers are working more now than they have in over two years. Your blame is misplaced.

You live in a near tropical wonderland that everyone want to live in or move to when they get old. Hardly a case study for the midwest. My nosedive started about 2 or 3 months before Bush left office

...and that's Obama's fault?:lol::lol:

I never blamed Obama for the mess. I blame him for the lack of recovery. The whole healthcare debacle that drug on forever instead of focusing on the mortal wound that was stairing him down (the economy). And now this clear plan to try to trick the public with his bullshit fake jobs plan.

So yea, he gets credit for our current position. I dont have the luxury of an insulated 9 to 5 job that is uneffected from this recession November of 2008? You must have had one hell of a business plan to continue doing well for so long.

Up until recently weve done very well. Honored on the cover of Archetichual Digest and given yearly awards from Angieslist. The worst was winter 08/09 then a slight recovery and now its the worst its been yet.

I havent had to advertise in over 10 years because of referrals and word of mouth through suppliers and angieslist. This week I started my first print and digital ads with coupons in over 10 years.

ITS BAD weve even had several suppliers go under

Still haven't explained why you lay the blame for this on the POTUS.
I like how having "serious" threads in your history of thread creation gives you a pass on making Trolling threads.

In fact, why did you ask me what the difference was on a thread meant to "stir shit up" VS a meaningful thread when you clearly understand the difference?

Will you just shut the fuck up.

really, no one cares about your critical opinion of me. Least of all me. Your nothing more than a nuisance. If you dont like the thread.........

STOP CLICKING ON IT MORON November of 2008? You must have had one hell of a business plan to continue doing well for so long.

Up until recently weve done very well. Honored on the cover of Archetichual Digest and given yearly awards from Angieslist. The worst was winter 08/09 then a slight recovery and now its the worst its been yet.

I havent had to advertise in over 10 years because of referrals and word of mouth through suppliers and angieslist. This week I started my first print and digital ads with coupons in over 10 years.

ITS BAD weve even had several suppliers go under

Still haven't explained why you lay the blame for this on the POTUS.

I did, in the thread directly above yours
You live in a near tropical wonderland that everyone want to live in or move to when they get old. Hardly a case study for the midwest. My nosedive started about 2 or 3 months before Bush left office

...and that's Obama's fault?:lol::lol:

I never blamed Obama for the mess. I blame him for the lack of recovery. The whole healthcare debacle that drug on forever instead of focusing on the mortal wound that was stairing him down (the economy).

So you're saying the government can create jobs now? The Obama administration should have offered something like...say....a Jobs plan?
I dont have the luxury of an insulated 9 to 5 job that is uneffected from this recession
I don't either - but I don't blame the government when my company loses clients or sees revenues decline.
I like how having "serious" threads in your history of thread creation gives you a pass on making Trolling threads.

In fact, why did you ask me what the difference was on a thread meant to "stir shit up" VS a meaningful thread when you clearly understand the difference?

Will you just shut the fuck up.

really, no one cares about your critical opinion of me. Least of all me. Your nothing more than a nuisance. If you dont like the thread.........


Then don't Troll on a public boards if you don't like getting called out for it.
The dragging on of the Health Care debate was the doing of the GOP. It is essentially a former GOP proposal..........that the GOP decided they didn't like when Obama brought it to them.

Tackling health care costs is a key component of correcting what ails our economy. Taking the burden of providing health care away from small businesses and onto the population as a whole in the form of taxes makes small businesses more competitive. Obama oversetimated the DESIRE of the right to seek out real solutions and underestimated their committment to seeing him fail.

As a small business owner, you should have plenty of concrete reasons to support the plans that President Obama has proposed. They are clearly pro small business.
...and that's Obama's fault?:lol::lol:

I never blamed Obama for the mess. I blame him for the lack of recovery. The whole healthcare debacle that drug on forever instead of focusing on the mortal wound that was stairing him down (the economy).

So you're saying the government can create jobs now? The Obama administration should have offered something like...say....a Jobs plan?
I dont have the luxury of an insulated 9 to 5 job that is uneffected from this recession
I don't either - but I don't blame the government when my company loses clients or sees revenues decline.

The govt most certainly have an affect on the jobs market.

It can stieffel job growth or it can incentivize it.

Obama is just throwing money willy nilly at the problem hoping it will go away. Just like the solar firm that failed taking 500 million of our tax dollars with it.

The Obama administration has also implimented 80,000 new pages of business regulations that didnt exist before he became potus. Thus putting a muzzle on job growth.

He also constantly demonizes the job creating sector of our country. No pro growth agenda if you ask me.

He single handidly stopped oil production off our shores against a court order. He stalled so long on the issue that all the oil rigs left to other countries and took the jobs with them.

He promised to bankrupt the coal industry.

Obama through his words alone have stopped businesses from expanding. He lives in a utopia where the words of our elected leader have no meaning. Do you live there too?
You are clearly a person who does not care to contemplate complexities within issues. That's too bad.
The dragging on of the Health Care debate was the doing of the GOP. It is essentially a former GOP proposal..........that the GOP decided they didn't like when Obama brought it to them.

Tackling health care costs is a key component of correcting what ails our economy. Taking the burden of providing health care away from small businesses and onto the population as a whole in the form of taxes makes small businesses more competitive. Obama oversetimated the DESIRE of the right to seek out real solutions and underestimated their committment to seeing him fail.

As a small business owner, you should have plenty of concrete reasons to support the plans that President Obama has proposed. They are clearly pro small business.

There is no doubt that healthcare needs reform. Republicans offered many proposals but were told "I won Im, in charge here" and were left out of nearly all the negotiations that occured behind closed doors. Forcing businesses to offer insurance or pay a small fine is no plan to insure the public. It simply shifts the burdon and OBLIGATION to the public as individuals because the fine is much smaller than the cost of insuring individuals. That is not freedom. Now under the new law businesses that currently offer insurance will opt out and pay the fine leaving the pool of uninsured individuals even larger when this bill kicks in.

The tax code also needs reform just not by simply taking away deductions or attacking the "rich". True reform.
You are clearly a person who does not care to contemplate complexities within issues. That's too bad.

You are clearly a person who JUST JOINED and have no idea what my desire or abilities are. And by the way where is the complexity in your posts?

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