This Republican

What steps do you think are required to make the GOP better? Can any of those steps be taken with trump as their candidate?
If I may...
To paraphrase a book no MAGAT ever read...

The ELECTORATE'S anger burned against THE GOP and they made them wander in the electoral wilderness forty years, until the whole generation of those who had done evil to the ELECTORATE was gone.
I guess one of the the democrat strategies is to pretend to leave the republican party without joining the democrat party. Meanwhile they carefully avoid being in a position where they have to defend or support Biden. Ho hum.
You'll probably not forgive me for not believing for a minute that you EVER embraced the values promoted by the Republicans in the 70s or 80s or any other time. If you did, there is no way in hell you could even consider being a Democrat now. But do have a great day.
You just said a poster was lying!
you know this how?
or are you just making things up ( lying) your self??????
I guess one of the the democrat strategies is to pretend to leave the republican party without joining the democrat party. Meanwhile they carefully avoid being in a position where they have to defend or support Biden. Ho hum.
Non responsive.
Cool story bro.

I'm not a democrat but you are entitled to your ignorance. No forgiveness offered or needed.
Excerpted from your OP:
"My GOP is dead and I see no way to revive it so i'm left with choosing among the DEMS."

I didn't say your were a Democrat though reading dysfunction or deliberately misstating political opposition seems to be a common malady among them these days. But since you say you will vote for the Democrats, my post stands as very credible.
I joined the Republican Party on Dec 9, 1973.
The party, at that time, closely aligned with my, admittedly, inexperienced world view.

Smaller government, check
Less foreign involvement, check
defend personal freedoms, ummmm, not so much but check

Across the 70s and 80s my GOP valued honor, intellect, knowledge.
Then clinton came along and I saw my GOP begin to degrade into the anarchy we see today.

Hell, i was not Clinton fan (at the time) but I was not so obsessed with hating Clinton that I agreed with the GOP dysfunction at any attempt to govern.

Then along came Fox news who made the conscious decision to become the propaganda arm of the GOP and to abandon all pretext of actual factual reporting.
And the GOP under Bush went right along.
Truth became fungible in the GOP.
Honor became a joke.

Then came Obama and the GOP lost its mind.
Tea Parties and Tea Baggers.
Racism not just accepted, but embraced, celebrated.
Governing was no longer the purpose of the GOP
Owning the Libs became the GOP's sole political activity.

The GOP was rapidly becoming the Whigs but no one seemed willing to stop it.

Then Romney...
don't get me wrong, 10 years earlier Mitt would have been a great candidate.
But in 2012, 4 years after the GOP drove the global economy over a cliff...
With a solid chance to defeat Obama...
The GOP nominated a guy who was part of the 2008 collapse.
Made millions from the collapse...
And the thing is, despite this...
Romney was still the GOP's best candidate
What with the others being a senile Ron Paul, an equally senile Gingrich who started this GOP slide, and, of course, every Queer person's favorite, Rick Santorum.

But did the GOP learn its lesson?
Bring on Trump.
Lost the election by 3m votes
Lost Senate seats
Lost House seats
But governed as if he had a "supermajority"

While the GOP had go on to embrace, ignorance, racism, stupidity, they had till 2016 still generally acted as a lawful organization.

On January 20, 2017, that all changed.
First came Flynn an obvious Russian actor.
Trump didn't want to fire him but was forced into it.
Then Trump tried to strong-arm the FBI
and the result of that attempt at extortion left the GOP bereft of whatever dignity it still retained.

My GOP is dead and I see no way to revive it so i'm left with choosing among the DEMS.
The critics all agree: “a real snore fest.”
If I may...
To paraphrase a book no MAGAT ever read...

The ELECTORATE'S anger burned against THE GOP and they made them wander in the electoral wilderness forty years, until the whole generation of those who had done evil to the ELECTORATE was gone.
Asshole ^ changes a couple of words from the Bible and claims that no MAGA has ever read it. What a dishonest scumbag Dragexlax is.
You just said a poster was lying!
you know this how?
or are you just making things up ( lying) your self??????
I know that nobody who claims to embrace the platform/principles of the Republican Party in the 70s and 80s is likely to embrace the destructive and counterproductive progressive Marxism of the Democrats now. Extremely improbable. The reverse is possible. Thomas Sowell for instance embraced Marxism heavily when he was in his 20s. But he also had the capacity to evaluate results and utilize critical thinking to do comparisons between philosophies. And he is now a staunch libertarian (small 'L") aka Classical Liberal who embraces strongly most of the principles and platform of the Republican Party.
Excerpted from your OP:
"My GOP is dead and I see no way to revive it so i'm left with choosing among the DEMS."

I didn't say your were a Democrat though reading dysfunction or deliberately misstating political opposition seems to be a common malady among them these days. But since you say you will vote for the Democrats, my post stands as very credible.
That is EXACTLY what you said...

You don't believe I could be a republican because...
"If you did, there is no way in hell you could even consider being a Democrat now. "

Your post is as credible as anything the GOP puts out today, LIAR.
I joined the Republican Party on Dec 9, 1973.
The party, at that time, closely aligned with my, admittedly, inexperienced world view.

Smaller government, check
Less foreign involvement, check
defend personal freedoms, ummmm, not so much but check

Across the 70s and 80s my GOP valued honor, intellect, knowledge.
Then clinton came along and I saw my GOP begin to degrade into the anarchy we see today.

Hell, i was not Clinton fan (at the time) but I was not so obsessed with hating Clinton that I agreed with the GOP dysfunction at any attempt to govern.

Then along came Fox news who made the conscious decision to become the propaganda arm of the GOP and to abandon all pretext of actual factual reporting.
And the GOP under Bush went right along.
Truth became fungible in the GOP.
Honor became a joke.

Then came Obama and the GOP lost its mind.
Tea Parties and Tea Baggers.
Racism not just accepted, but embraced, celebrated.
Governing was no longer the purpose of the GOP
Owning the Libs became the GOP's sole political activity.

The GOP was rapidly becoming the Whigs but no one seemed willing to stop it.

Then Romney...
don't get me wrong, 10 years earlier Mitt would have been a great candidate.
But in 2012, 4 years after the GOP drove the global economy over a cliff...
With a solid chance to defeat Obama...
The GOP nominated a guy who was part of the 2008 collapse.
Made millions from the collapse...
And the thing is, despite this...
Romney was still the GOP's best candidate
What with the others being a senile Ron Paul, an equally senile Gingrich who started this GOP slide, and, of course, every Queer person's favorite, Rick Santorum.

But did the GOP learn its lesson?
Bring on Trump.
Lost the election by 3m votes
Lost Senate seats
Lost House seats
But governed as if he had a "supermajority"

While the GOP had go on to embrace, ignorance, racism, stupidity, they had till 2016 still generally acted as a lawful organization.

On January 20, 2017, that all changed.
First came Flynn an obvious Russian actor.
Trump didn't want to fire him but was forced into it.
Then Trump tried to strong-arm the FBI
and the result of that attempt at extortion left the GOP bereft of whatever dignity it still retained.

My GOP is dead and I see no way to revive it so i'm left with choosing among the DEMS.
This clip defines the average MAGA tribe mentality.

That is EXACTLY what you said...

You don't believe I could be a republican because...
"If you did, there is no way in hell you could even consider being a Democrat now. "

Your post is as credible as anything the GOP puts out today, LIAR.
Considering is not the same thing as being. But how can you embrace the Democrat methods, policies, track record? Do you say hateful accusatory things towards those who are Democrats? I've never seen a post of yours that address somebody on the left as you just did me. And I'm pretty sure if you answer one of those polls asking which way you lean, Republican or Democrat, you answer Democrat.

Doesn't matter how somebody is registered. If it looks like duck. . ..

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