This should outrage every financially struggling American today

Joe Biden publicly admitted that his inflation reduction bill that cost about $400 billion of their money did NOTHING to reduce inflation.

In fact, spending all that money just added to inflation.

How in the hell do these people get away with this crap?

how will the economy look after trump taxes is with his tarriffs? doubling prices will make inflation look , like it is, a small inconvenience.
I've been upset over the debt for years. Too bad there have been so few of us.
I've been upset over the debt for years. Too bad there have been so few of us.
But they do. They don't matter when your guy is in office it seems.
My guy? You mean like DICK!!!!!!!!!!! cheney?


Funny how "my guys" show their Leftist rumps after leaving public orifice, isn't it.

In fact, it would not surprise me in the least if Trump and Kamala get hitched in 5 years or so.

Joe Biden publicly admitted that his inflation reduction bill that cost about $400 billion of their money did NOTHING to reduce inflation.

In fact, spending all that money just added to inflation.

How in the hell do these people get away with this crap?


You fuckups are such simple people.
how will the economy look after trump taxes is with his tarriffs? doubling prices will make inflation look , like it is, a small inconvenience.
his tariffs didn't cause inflation during his last admin .. Trump will cut regs that skyrockets cost of production for businesses to produce [especially the fossil fuel industry] to bring down prices .. how do you think Harris's threatened hike in corporate taxes will effect the cost of living ..
his tariffs didn't cause inflation during his last admin .. Trump will cut regs that cost businesses to produce [especially the fossil fuel industry] to bring down prices .. how do you think Harris hike in corporate taxes will effect the cost of living ..
COVID brought gas prices down fuckup.

Also, who pays the tariffs that Fat Elvis leveled.

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