This sounds like an "affirmative Action" item...

You forgot to mention the Harlem Globetrotters
"I think that all of us are outraged. We are all upset …
If you’re going to be like this, ‘why do you own a team in the NBA which is over 70% African American basketball players?'" Magic Johnson
EXCLUSIVE: Magic Johnson Suggests Donald Sterling Should Sell Clippers After Alleged Racist Remarks « CBS Los Angeles

I don't think it is an AA issue. The man made it clear he does not like blacks. The league is 70% black athletes. Seems a strange mix.

He's racist then why the below?
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online
"I think that all of us are outraged. We are all upset …
If you’re going to be like this, ‘why do you own a team in the NBA which is over 70% African American basketball players?'" Magic Johnson
EXCLUSIVE: Magic Johnson Suggests Donald Sterling Should Sell Clippers After Alleged Racist Remarks « CBS Los Angeles

I don't think it is an AA issue. The man made it clear he does not like blacks. The league is 70% black athletes. Seems a strange mix.

He's racist then why the below?
At the time TMZ released its recording, Sterling was scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.
Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat | National Review Online

Looks like a major "Oops!" on the part of the NAACP.
Blacks criticize whites all the time and no one objects. In fact the press celebrates those outbursts. Why won't the press allow criticism of blacks.???
Its fairly apparent to me that what the man does not like is is GIRLFRIEND hanging out with YOUNG healthy black athletes.

I'm GUESSING this has more to do with sexual jealousy than racism.
AA, no. Whatever happens is a result of a free marketplace. Or are you saying the free marketplace has no place to condone racism and idiocy?
OK I was hoping it would be so obvious.
The "affirmative action" item was "Whites" being only 30% of NBA players.
I don't understand. What is fair is fair.
We have an affirmative action President who HAD no skills and the only value was he was black.
If I were a black NBA player I would find it insulting that ONLY the BEST bball players are tall, jump higher and have superior physical skills are selected to play.
Doesn't that play into the stereotype?
I would think these blacks would be offended... if they were honest!
OK I was hoping it would be so obvious.
The "affirmative action" item was "Whites" being only 30% of NBA players.
I don't understand. What is fair is fair.
We have an affirmative action President who HAD no skills and the only value was he was black.
If I were a black NBA player I would find it insulting that ONLY the BEST bball players are tall, jump higher and have superior physical skills are selected to play.
Doesn't that play into the stereotype?
I would think these blacks would be offended... if they were honest!

You are so bitter, you can't think straight and your arguments are all over the place.

Your pissed that Obama is President, and you think blacks have such a great advantage over whites because of that the gist of it?
What the 70% black players NBA is proving is the genetic planning by those terrible white slave owners coming to fruition..
i.e. EVERY evil, white slave owner breed their chattel for physical prowess and lower IQ.

One final point... remember folks THIS ONE ANECDOTAL RARE exceptional illegal taping is NOW being used by ALL blacks as further proof racism still exists!
OK I was hoping it would be so obvious.
The "affirmative action" item was "Whites" being only 30% of NBA players.
I don't understand. What is fair is fair.
We have an affirmative action President who HAD no skills and the only value was he was black.
If I were a black NBA player I would find it insulting that ONLY the BEST bball players are tall, jump higher and have superior physical skills are selected to play.
Doesn't that play into the stereotype?
I would think these blacks would be offended... if they were honest!

You are so bitter, you can't think straight and your arguments are all over the place.

Your pissed that Obama is President, and you think blacks have such a great advantage over whites because of that the gist of it?

Bitter? I'm responding just as any black would where discrimination i.e. only 30% whites are allowed millionaire salaries!
That is unfair not bitter.
And no I'm NOT pissed because a black is president... I"M PISSED that the president is making blacks look dumb.. when there are MILLIONS of smarter and
more experienced blacks.. Dr. Carson.. brain surgeon, Herman Cain hard working executive, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott Senator... all by the way blacks that I would
have WORKED for to get them elected over this inexperienced affirmative action president that has destroyed racial relations!
OK I was hoping it would be so obvious.
The "affirmative action" item was "Whites" being only 30% of NBA players.
I don't understand. What is fair is fair.
We have an affirmative action President who HAD no skills and the only value was he was black.
If I were a black NBA player I would find it insulting that ONLY the BEST bball players are tall, jump higher and have superior physical skills are selected to play.
Doesn't that play into the stereotype?
I would think these blacks would be offended... if they were honest!

You are so bitter, you can't think straight and your arguments are all over the place.

Your pissed that Obama is President, and you think blacks have such a great advantage over whites because of that the gist of it?

Bitter? I'm responding just as any black would where discrimination i.e. only 30% whites are allowed millionaire salaries!
That is unfair not bitter.
LOL, so since you perceive AA to be unfair and since you think that blacks receive an advantage over whites. Your argument is to have AA for whites in the if there is a 7'0 black man and a 5'6 white man, you argue that the white man should be hired.

And no I'm NOT pissed because a black is president... I"M PISSED that the president is making blacks look dumb.. when there are MILLIONS of smarter and
more experienced blacks.. Dr. Carson.. brain surgeon, Herman Cain hard working executive, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott Senator... all by the way blacks that I would
have WORKED for to get them elected over this inexperienced affirmative action president that has destroyed racial relations!

So is your issue with the Democratic platform or the fact Obama is black who you claim is unqualified, stupid and a product of AA?
You are so bitter, you can't think straight and your arguments are all over the place.

Your pissed that Obama is President, and you think blacks have such a great advantage over whites because of that the gist of it?

Bitter? I'm responding just as any black would where discrimination i.e. only 30% whites are allowed millionaire salaries!
That is unfair not bitter.
LOL, so since you perceive AA to be unfair and since you think that blacks receive an advantage over whites. Your argument is to have AA for whites in the if there is a 7'0 black man and a 5'6 white man, you argue that the white man should be hired.

And no I'm NOT pissed because a black is president... I"M PISSED that the president is making blacks look dumb.. when there are MILLIONS of smarter and
more experienced blacks.. Dr. Carson.. brain surgeon, Herman Cain hard working executive, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott Senator... all by the way blacks that I would
have WORKED for to get them elected over this inexperienced affirmative action president that has destroyed racial relations!

So is your issue with the Democratic platform or the fact Obama is black who you claim is unqualified, stupid and a product of AA?

Hey TODAY"S blacks have what they always have cried for a "Black President".
So then why with a "black President" that the typical Obama voter as exemplified by these two people that represent ALL people that
voted for Obama:..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!
[ame=]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

and THIS white idiot voter who thinks Obama is a god!!!:
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

All of the above Obama supporters represent ALL the people that voted for Obama!
And this affirmative action president who DIDN'T represent ME when he said:
Obama has said or has hired people that believe in the following:
Obama prefers.."single payer health system"... which means 1,300 companies go out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000.

No president should believe in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities.."if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"

Obama has SAID that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
What kind of dummy wants HIGHER GAS PRICES??

And He hires people that believe that also like Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."
Obama hates our military and has said our military methodically planed and on purpose "bombs villages.. killing civilians"!

Hired EPA management that are involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"

Has lied to ALL Americans to pass Obamacare....Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Told all of there were 46 million uninsured BEFORE ACA was passed and now agrees that:
1) 10 million of those counted by the Census as Uninsured WERE NOT CITIZENS!
2) 14 million should have been enrolled BEFORE ACA in Medicaid as they were eligible.. BUT he on purpose did NOT reveal that and counted them!
3) Obama counted fraudulently 18 million people THAT have NO need for insurance (under 34) can afford employers' health plan (make over $50k)
subtract these 42 million from 46 and you get 4 million!
But because Obama stupidly and totally economically IGNORANT says "I prefer single payer.."he LIED about 46 million uninsured!

NO PRESIDENT of MINE would ever condone much less implement the above totally ignorant and definitely DESTRUCTIVE agenda!

And YES the 5'6" player is disadvantaged under Affirmative Action and should be allowed to play...
By Definition affirmative action is the intentional inclusion of women and minorities in the workplace based on a finding of their previous exclusion.
Affirmative Action in the Public and Private Sectors - Term Paper - Dsteel
Should I search the internet for two white people spewing nonsense to refute your premise. Quit lying to us and be honest with yourself about how you really feel. You don't. Have. To be PC....I already know what u are.
Should I search the internet for two white people spewing nonsense to refute your premise. Quit lying to us and be honest with yourself about how you really feel. You don't. Have. To be PC....I already know what u are.

Well being the racist cliched individual you have NO idea about me do you?

Suffice to say that in 2008 I and 9% of the blacks in this country in 2008 and I and 13% blacks in 2012 didn't vote for Obama because he was black nor should have the majority of white voters. Why would 9% of the blacks in 2008 and 13% in 2012 vote against Obama.. because he was black????

So why would you assume the reason I didn't vote for Obama was because he was black???
Because you try so hard to convince everyone otherwise.
Because you try so hard to convince everyone otherwise.

As a former Iowan I KNOW the pressure microphones/reporters had on a population that has an inferiority complex.
Iowans are defensive because the majority of idiots led by MSM think Iowans are hicks, dumb farmers, RACISTs!
And so I ask you people that never had to literally STAND for a presidential primary candidate as Iowans had to.

You idiots have NO idea what pressure was put on Iowans because.
The primary in Iowa required voters to stand for their candidate!
The process used by the Democrats is more complex than the Republican Party caucus process.
Each precinct divides its delegate seats among the candidates in proportion to caucus goers' votes.
Participants indicate their support for a particular candidate by standing in a designated area of the caucus site (forming a preference group).
Iowa caucuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you understand then? Iowans with NO REASON to stand for Obama i.e. he had no experiences, he had NO executive background,
hell he had less then 16 months as US Senator!

They also were obviously NOT aware of his unAmerican, unPresidential attitudes and so the ONLY reason they had to STAND literally
was to prove they weren't racist! Prove they were sophisticated enough to have a black President. After all if YOU knew nothing about
Obama and you had to stand up to microphones/reporters that were taunting you calling you ignorant farmers... what recourse but
to STAND for Obama or forever be regarded as RACIST because YOU had no reason to vote for him!

For most of you Obama supporters on this forum this concept is FAR FAR too sophisticated for you to comprehend. You will fall back to
that old fashioned cliche meme that I am a racist! And NONE of you know anything about me! The majority of you Obama supporters
truly are like those women looking for Obama's stash! Or the woman who says she won't have to worry now with Obama as Prez!

You and other idiots who voted for Obama fall back on the ONLY thing you THINK you can call me i.e. racist BUT again YOU have no
idea who I am! Remember 93 percent of blacks in 20012 down a touch from 95 percent in 2008 voted for Obama.
But does that mean that 7% of the BLACK voters are racists because THEY DIDN"T vote for Obama??
Strange wouldn't you say??
Because you try so hard to convince everyone otherwise.

As a former Iowan I KNOW the pressure microphones/reporters had on a population that has an inferiority complex.
Iowans are defensive because the majority of idiots led by MSM think Iowans are hicks, dumb farmers, RACISTs!
And so I ask you people that never had to literally STAND for a presidential primary candidate as Iowans had to.

You idiots have NO idea what pressure was put on Iowans because.
The primary in Iowa required voters to stand for their candidate!
The process used by the Democrats is more complex than the Republican Party caucus process.
Each precinct divides its delegate seats among the candidates in proportion to caucus goers' votes.
Participants indicate their support for a particular candidate by standing in a designated area of the caucus site (forming a preference group).
Iowa caucuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you understand then? Iowans with NO REASON to stand for Obama i.e. he had no experiences, he had NO executive background,
hell he had less then 16 months as US Senator!

They also were obviously NOT aware of his unAmerican, unPresidential attitudes and so the ONLY reason they had to STAND literally
was to prove they weren't racist! Prove they were sophisticated enough to have a black President. After all if YOU knew nothing about
Obama and you had to stand up to microphones/reporters that were taunting you calling you ignorant farmers... what recourse but
to STAND for Obama or forever be regarded as RACIST because YOU had no reason to vote for him!

For most of you Obama supporters on this forum this concept is FAR FAR too sophisticated for you to comprehend. You will fall back to
that old fashioned cliche meme that I am a racist! And NONE of you know anything about me! The majority of you Obama supporters
truly are like those women looking for Obama's stash! Or the woman who says she won't have to worry now with Obama as Prez!

You and other idiots who voted for Obama fall back on the ONLY thing you THINK you can call me i.e. racist BUT again YOU have no
idea who I am! Remember 93 percent of blacks in 20012 down a touch from 95 percent in 2008 voted for Obama.
But does that mean that 7% of the BLACK voters are racists because THEY DIDN"T vote for Obama??
Strange wouldn't you say??

I'm black, I didn't vote for Obama because I disagree with his platform. You are white, you didn't vote for Obama because...(you can fill in the blank...remember, be honest with yourself because I already know what you are).

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