"This War Is Your War": Imperial war is a crime against humanity. let's make Russia-Ukraine the last war ever. make war with memes/mean tweets instead

We are already at war with the Marxist totalitarians infesting our nation.

We will need to kill them at some point. It's inevitable.
Socialism/communism can't coexist in any country that includes a rise in fascism.
Killing each other is very likely inevitable but the current war has become a distraction with the right being split on support or opposition to the war.

The political right is being pulled in two opposite directions by it's support of Trump, against it's tradional support of all America's wars. While the D's are pretty much onside with war due to Biden's lead as it pertains to domestic politics.
Correction: The Ukraine was killing their own people in the Donbass region; acting as a proxy force on behalk of US/Nato.

While Russia upheld the Donbass region as a buffer to prevent US/Nato forces directly up against Russia's border.

Understanding is much more important than deciding which side is in the right at this particular time. That can be argued later.
at least i have hope! I GOT HIGH HOPES FOR HUMANITY!
Well back when I use to watch miss universe pagents those girls were always wishing for world peace. Of course I was always wishing to wake up beside one of them. I never got my wish don't think they are going to get theirs either. Wish it were different though.
Biden and his Lover Putin sure got a lot of back door deals going on. PUN INTENDED.

How do you like Biden's collusion with Putin and The Ayatollah to negotiate a Nukes for Oil Death Deal with Iran which will net Russia $10 Billion dollars in consulting fees, and also allow them a loophole to escape the fake sanctions being put on them?

And Joey covers for this ONLY by calling Putin names!
This is what passes anymore for 'Profiles in Couage'. :lmao:

WEAKNESS & CHAOS rue the day!!!
Biden and his Lover Putin sure got a lot of back door deals going on. PUN INTENDED.

How do you like Biden's collusion with Putin and The Ayatollah to negotiate a Nukes for Oil Death Deal with Iran which will net Russia $10 Billion dollars in consulting fees, and also allow them a loophole to escape the fake sanctions being put on them?

And, of course, Joe Biden gets his 10% of that $10 billion for doing Putin's bidding.
All around the world people are standing up against war, against empire—and for our fellow human beings in Ukraine. We must make this the beginning of the end of empire not just in Eastern Europe but around the world.

if Putin gets prosecuted for war crimes, that will send a chilling signal for others to stop making war

This recent hatred of Russia (recent, because it wasn't always that way) is because there are people who still think Russia rigged the election to get Trump elected. They pissed off at Trump. This ain't got a fucking thing to do with "war: bad", or "peace and love: good".
Trump was the first President in a very long time not to go to war,

Economic war on China for example. Economic wars trend to become real wars.

and the US ate him up and spat him out.

Try again.

By the way: The USA declared under Donald Trump for example war on Germany when three mentally deficient senators of the USA called the administration of a little German harbor and threatened that the USA will kill economically this harbor if they do not break German laws and accept instead the laws of the USA. The administrators and workers there had been totally astonished because they never have to do anything with politicians who try to tell them how they have to do their jobs. And never anyone found out: Did they speak in the name of the USA? In the name of their states? In the name of the republican party? In their own names? ... A typical dillentatism of and in the time of Mr. dilletant Donald Trump who had "hidden" a specific law for a so called 'energy savety of Europe' in the debate about the household of the USA.
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