This Was A Blow Out......Comprende?

Is 62 to 59 a Blowout?...

Then you have the 200 or so who didn't even take part in the Election.

I'm talking Millions...

Sorry but 62 Million wanted Obama and 59 Million wanted Romney...

Because Obama ran a much better Electoral Strategy doesn't change that Fact.

Barry got 69 Million in 2008... 7 Million Less People Voted for him this time.

There was a near 5% swing Against him in the Popular Percentages from 2008 to 2012 and if he Thinks he has a Mandate and Acts that way then he will see a 1994 happen on his Watch.



Who gives a shit......that's what worked for George Bush when he absolutely decimated the middle class of this country. A trillion dollars to the banks my ass.

You are such a buffoon. I was against TARP but it was paid back. GM never has paid back its money. BTW, your daddy voted for tarp, hack.

Like I said....the only two demographics Romulus carried were White men and folks over 65. In a decade or so Whites will be a minority in America and people over 65 will be mostly dead. It might be a pretty good idea for the Republicans to start trying to support somebody except corporations and the wealthy. Just a thought:

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You Leftytoons can start all the duplicate threads you want. Half the poupulation hates the guy and did not vote for him.

The two demographics Romulus carried were White men and folks over 65. In a decade or so Whites will be a minority in America and most of the people over 65 will be dead. It's time for the GOP to go back to a party of balanced budgets, small government.............LOL, just kidding. The bastards haven't had a balanced budget since Nixon and he just got close.

If the Republican party doesn't come off the T party shit and stop voting for the interests of corporations and the wealthy..........they're history.
In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

and in your Democratic Party......then what are all you White fuckers going to do?.....well not you you probably wont be here.....but when they make the Party reflect their views.....and they treat you white folks like like you have been treating them......should be interesting watching the White Exodus......
You Leftytoons can start all the duplicate threads you want. Half the poupulation hates the guy and did not vote for him.

The two demographics Romulus carried were White men and folks over 65. In a decade or so Whites will be a minority in America and most of the people over 65 will be dead. It's time for the GOP to go back to a party of balanced budgets, small government.............LOL, just kidding. The bastards haven't had a balanced budget since Nixon and he just got close.

If the Republican party doesn't come off the T party shit and stop voting for the interests of corporations and the wealthy..........they're history.
In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

and in your Democratic Party......then what are all you White fuckers going to do?.....well not you you probably wont be here.....but when they make the Party reflect their views.....and they treat you white folks like like you have been treating them......should be interesting watching the White Exodus......

Oh I won't be here 'cause I'm 78 years old but to see everyone share in the nation's wealth again like they used to would like be a dream come true. Reagan was the first guy to cut taxes for the rich and borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. Clinton raised taxes and straightened out the mess then along came slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition, started two totally unnecessary, funded them with emergency spending bills(off budget) doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy.

The GOP as we knew it when I was a Republican is dead and if they don't change their ways the condition will become permanent. The stupid pricks haven't even admitted they got beat yet much less begin to change. Neither party has ever cut spending a dime but at least the Democrats had enough sense to keep tax rates adjusted so the rich paid a fair share. Screw the T Party and screw the 1%.

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The two demographics Romulus carried were White men and folks over 65. In a decade or so Whites will be a minority in America and most of the people over 65 will be dead. It's time for the GOP to go back to a party of balanced budgets, small government.............LOL, just kidding. The bastards haven't had a balanced budget since Nixon and he just got close.

If the Republican party doesn't come off the T party shit and stop voting for the interests of corporations and the wealthy..........they're history.
In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

and in your Democratic Party......then what are all you White fuckers going to do?.....well not you you probably wont be here.....but when they make the Party reflect their views.....and they treat you white folks like like you have been treating them......should be interesting watching the White Exodus......

Oh I won't be here 'cause I'm 78 years old but to see everyone share in the nation's wealth again like they used to would like be a dream come true. Reagan was the first guy to cut taxes for the rich and borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. Clinton raised taxes and straightened out the mess then along came slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition, started two totally unnecessary, funded them with emergency spending bills(off budget) doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy.

The GOP as we knew it when I was a Republican is dead and if they don't change their ways the condition will become permanent. The stupid pricks haven't even admitted they got beat yet much less begin to change. Neither party has ever cut spending a dime but at least the Democrats had enough sense to keep tax rates adjusted so the rich paid a fair share. Screw the T Party and screw the 1%.


and this has what to do with what i said?.......
United States presidential election, 1980 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


United States presidential election, 1984 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^Motherfucking Blowout of Historical Proportions...

United States presidential election, 1988 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^Blowout... and in 1992 Clinton didn't even get to the Lousy Percentages that Dukakis did when he "Won" his first Election and then Failed with Relative Peace and Prosperity to get 50% of the Vote in 1996.

Come talk to me about Presidential Blowouts when you guys have another one like you did in 2008.

2012 was not that thing. :thup:



Reality Check again for the Idiot in the OP and those who Feel the same way... :thup:


In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

and in your Democratic Party......then what are all you White fuckers going to do?.....well not you you probably wont be here.....but when they make the Party reflect their views.....and they treat you white folks like like you have been treating them......should be interesting watching the White Exodus......

Oh I won't be here 'cause I'm 78 years old but to see everyone share in the nation's wealth again like they used to would like be a dream come true. Reagan was the first guy to cut taxes for the rich and borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. Clinton raised taxes and straightened out the mess then along came slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition, started two totally unnecessary, funded them with emergency spending bills(off budget) doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy.

The GOP as we knew it when I was a Republican is dead and if they don't change their ways the condition will become permanent. The stupid pricks haven't even admitted they got beat yet much less begin to change. Neither party has ever cut spending a dime but at least the Democrats had enough sense to keep tax rates adjusted so the rich paid a fair share. Screw the T Party and screw the 1%.


and this has what to do with what i said?.......

It has everything to do with what I said......and will keep saying.

I was a Republican for thirty years. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times.....even Reagan once but when I saw what their game was......destroying the middle class to funnel money they borrowed from foreign banks into the hands of the wealthiest people in America I said one thing..."Fuck 'Em"
Oh I won't be here 'cause I'm 78 years old but to see everyone share in the nation's wealth again like they used to would like be a dream come true. Reagan was the first guy to cut taxes for the rich and borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. Clinton raised taxes and straightened out the mess then along came slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition, started two totally unnecessary, funded them with emergency spending bills(off budget) doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy.

The GOP as we knew it when I was a Republican is dead and if they don't change their ways the condition will become permanent. The stupid pricks haven't even admitted they got beat yet much less begin to change. Neither party has ever cut spending a dime but at least the Democrats had enough sense to keep tax rates adjusted so the rich paid a fair share. Screw the T Party and screw the 1%.


and this has what to do with what i said?.......

It has everything to do with what I said......and will keep saying.

I was a Republican for thirty years. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times.....even Reagan once but when I saw what their game was......destroying the middle class to funnel money they borrowed from foreign banks into the hands of the wealthiest people in America I said one thing..."Fuck 'Em"

big fucking Deal.....i was a Democrat for a long time.....once i found out how full of shit they were i left.....but big fucking deal....NOW what does any of this have to do what you said here and my Reply to it?.....

In a decade or so Whites will be a minority
and this has what to do with what i said?.......

It has everything to do with what I said......and will keep saying.

I was a Republican for thirty years. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times.....even Reagan once but when I saw what their game was......destroying the middle class to funnel money they borrowed from foreign banks into the hands of the wealthiest people in America I said one thing..."Fuck 'Em"

big fucking Deal.....i was a Democrat for a long time.....once i found out how full of shit they were i left.....but big fucking deal....NOW what does any of this have to do what you said here and my Reply to it?.....

In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

What it means is that naive Republicans watch too much Fox News. Facts scare the pee waddlin' dog shit out of them. They have their own set of facts which include someday working their way into the upper 1% of earners. It's the only reason they would vote for a party which represents corpoirations and the wealthy. I might point out that 99% don't make it into the 1% bracket. You would have better odds of winning at slot machines.

Actually the situation will be short lived. With the current demographics Republicans will never win the presidency again if they don't come off the bible thumping, T Party bullshit.
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It has everything to do with what I said......and will keep saying.

I was a Republican for thirty years. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times.....even Reagan once but when I saw what their game was......destroying the middle class to funnel money they borrowed from foreign banks into the hands of the wealthiest people in America I said one thing..."Fuck 'Em"

big fucking Deal.....i was a Democrat for a long time.....once i found out how full of shit they were i left.....but big fucking deal....NOW what does any of this have to do what you said here and my Reply to it?.....

In a decade or so Whites will be a minority

What it means is that naive Republicans watch too much Fox News. Facts scare the pee waddlin' dog shit out of them. They have their own set of facts which include someday working their way into the upper 1% of earners. It's the only reason they would vote for a party which represents corpoirations and the wealthy. I might point out that 99% don't make it into the 1% bracket. You would have better odds of winning at slot machines.

Actually the situation will be short lived. With the current demographics Republicans will never win the presidency again if they don't come off the bible thumping, T Party bullshit.

so in other words.....your just going to dance around this.....if you cant answer or wont...just fucking say so.....
big fucking deal.....i was a democrat for a long time.....once i found out how full of shit they were i left.....but big fucking what does any of this have to do what you said here and my reply to it?.....

in a decade or so whites will be a minority

what it means is that naive republicans watch too much fox news. Facts scare the pee waddlin' dog shit out of them. They have their own set of facts which include someday working their way into the upper 1% of earners. It's the only reason they would vote for a party which represents corpoirations and the wealthy. I might point out that 99% don't make it into the 1% bracket. You would have better odds of winning at slot machines.

Actually the situation will be short lived. With the current demographics republicans will never win the presidency again if they don't come off the bible thumping, t party bullshit.

so in other words.....your just going to dance around this.....if you cant answer or wont...just fucking say so.....

Yep, socialist pricks like you voted in a socialist prick because too many idiots think socialism is good. Fools, and you are the biggest fool of all.

What would you kooks do if America actually elected a real socialist? You'd probably be so pissed off that you would actually leave the country, for Canada.
Yep, socialist pricks like you voted in a socialist prick because too many idiots think socialism is good. Fools, and you are the biggest fool of all.

What would you kooks do if America actually elected a real socialist? You'd probably be so pissed off that you would actually leave the country, for Canada.

What the stupid pricks don't seem to understand is that back after Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower created a strong middle class they were doing away with the basic idea of socialism. Now...since Reagan and the Bushes cut taxes for the wealthy and borrowed from foreign banks to cover the shortfall nearly all the money has funneled it's way to the top.

Socialism my ass. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. When they handed the goddamed crooked, greedy banks nearly a trillion dollars with no specification on how they had to use it the idea of a Capitalistic America flew out the window. I still believe it was a conspiricy anyway. When they thought of a Black Democrat running "their" government they resorted to desperate tactics. How many people have actually seen the books of those "failing" banks. We know it wasn't the regulators....that was the problem to begin with.
what it means is that naive republicans watch too much fox news. Facts scare the pee waddlin' dog shit out of them. They have their own set of facts which include someday working their way into the upper 1% of earners. It's the only reason they would vote for a party which represents corpoirations and the wealthy. I might point out that 99% don't make it into the 1% bracket. You would have better odds of winning at slot machines.

Actually the situation will be short lived. With the current demographics republicans will never win the presidency again if they don't come off the bible thumping, t party bullshit.

so in other words.....your just going to dance around this.....if you cant answer or wont...just fucking say so.....


if you want to dance Old Timer go to the Dance forum.....i asked you a simple question, if your unable to answer it.....just say so.....that's what we do today.....i know its hard to imagine.....answering a question.....
Yep, socialist pricks like you voted in a socialist prick because too many idiots think socialism is good. Fools, and you are the biggest fool of all.

What would you kooks do if America actually elected a real socialist? You'd probably be so pissed off that you would actually leave the country, for Canada.

What the stupid pricks don't seem to understand is that back after Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower created a strong middle class they were doing away with the basic idea of socialism. Now...since Reagan and the Bushes cut taxes for the wealthy and borrowed from foreign banks to cover the shortfall nearly all the money has funneled it's way to the top.

Socialism my ass. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. When they handed the goddamed crooked, greedy banks nearly a trillion dollars with no specification on how they had to use it the idea of a Capitalistic America flew out the window. I still believe it was a conspiricy anyway. When they thought of a Black Democrat running "their" government they resorted to desperate tactics. How many people have actually seen the books of those "failing" banks. We know it wasn't the regulators....that was the problem to begin with.

take it easy Old Timing Man......we dont want to have repeat of what happened to you earlier......your care giver just changed you....:eusa_eh:
so in other words.....your just going to dance around this.....if you cant answer or wont...just fucking say so.....


if you want to dance Old Timer go to the Dance forum.....i asked you a simple question, if your unable to answer it.....just say so.....that's what we do today.....i know its hard to imagine.....answering a question.....

I usually don't fuck around with folks who don't know the difference in your and you're....unless I'm checking out at the supermarket.

Democrat: 13 Walter Mondale
Republican: 525 Ronald Reagan

Care to comment on what a real blowout looks like?

When Obama's stimulus plan failed to produce the amount of jobs the democrats had promised (as the very best unemployment numbers occured when he first stepped into office), when an adminstration going on a spending binge avoids even passing a single federal budget plan resulting in the first credit downgrade of this nation's history, when an administration gets caught in an intentional lie to the American people and reveals more classified information on the death of Bin Laden than the death of it's own 4 Americans in Bengazii, the left will exaggerate and hang on to any form of encouragement they can find.
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if you want to dance Old Timer go to the Dance forum.....i asked you a simple question, if your unable to answer it.....just say so.....that's what we do today.....i know its hard to imagine.....answering a question.....

I usually don't fuck around with folks who don't know the difference in your and you're....unless I'm checking out at the supermarket.

so they spell out the variations of YOUR when you are standing in line talking? that what they do at the Old Folks Market?.....anyway back to the topic in other words you got cant answer a fucking simple question.....just say so.....don't play your fucking spelling games.....this aint an English class ......i thought you old fuckers are supposed to be wise?....

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