This will be the fun part watching the hate party Try to dump Obama Care.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
They will say they will keep part of it, they will try to dump all of it with offering a worthless replacement, they will try to dump all of it without any replacement. , they will try to say that the market will take care of us (that is probably the most humorous) they will try to ignore it. The dance will be funnier then shit. Now the hate party is backed into a corner with their 8 year rant on how bad it is and then turn right around trying to justify keeping it as much as possible and somehow suggest it's something new from their creative mind. These people are morons and the show will be wonderful. And the haters that make up their voters will go in every direction on this.
When you elect haters you deserve what the haters give you. At this point if there are any good people in the right , they are hiding quite well and letting the haters do their thing, I would guess if there are any good people left in that party they are simply pussy's afraid to come forward.
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

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That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
Once the jobs and careers come back so will Health Care.

Jobs? may be far too late for many?

Example: Those in that "sweet spot" LOL! say age 58-64 but w/o job. Medicare not kick in until age 65, SS at age 62 at the earliest.

Now "they" must buy CommieCare. To buy ObamaCare is ~$300/mo per person or penalty 2.5% of AGI, correct? A family could cost.........$10K/year? In the old days they could go "without".
The party of hate has no power. They lost.
If you can't do better then NO I'm not you are, with your comments , then go away. I have little time for stupid and I get bored easily.
Make some time for remedial English lessons despite them being boring.
Got you beat, it is 100% proof that I have you backed into a corner or over a barrel when the You cant spell , you can't conjugate a verb is the full extent of what you got. Weak minded people grabbing at straws , stupid straws but straws anyway.
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
How about bullshit, The only real thing it is missing is the public option and the only reason your controllers tell you how to think the way that your displaying is that households that make over $250,000.00 a year are pay most of it,and since you are 100% controlled by this group and the only thing the hate parter operated for are these exact people that pay for it. Your just being used as their whipping children , and you do the job well Children. The program is fantastic with error that are totally in line that all programs like these start out in the first place. most things that are important can be fixed and you have to be deaf dumb and stupid to think that the hate party would come up with something different, . The middle class and poor are groups that is totally hatred by the hate party , The middle class and below. All this money ,100% proved by multiple Hate party budget proposals by Paul Ryan, all the money saved by starving the poor and old and sick is handed over to the uber rich and big business , and that is what the hate party wants for this country. Only people that they consider that count will gain everything taken from the old the sick and needy. everyone else will get shit on, because thats who these slime bags are.
Once the jobs and careers come back so will Health Care.

Jobs? may be far too late for many?

Example: Those in that "sweet spot" LOL! say age 58-64 but w/o job. Medicare not kick in until age 65, SS at age 62 at the earliest.

Now "they" must buy CommieCare. To buy ObamaCare is ~$300/mo per person or penalty 2.5% of AGI, correct? A family could cost.........$10K/year? In the old days they could go "without".
Here is the definition of stupid fake numbers thrown out for cost, and saying that not having to pay for health insurance is noble or some other stupid idea , well who the fuck do you think pays for these people with their hospital visits and care without insurance. Me and my neighbors , so in comparison, them buying their own is a whole lot better them me and people like me paying their health needs. This may be the top of the line in stupid comments that it's not fare that people have to pay for their own insurance, and you throw in arbitrary cost numbers that are total bullshit says it all. Zero on your fact,
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.[/QUOTE People will know exactly how stupid you are when they have to pay for these options without the billions upon billions that the golden fat boys that make over $250,000.00 a year tax that is pulled out of the support money. Your just blind ignorant stupid. and you have absolutely no Idea what your talking about, your preaching what your told to preach and it is 100% bullshit. Zero clue buddy, in fact not even close. Watch closely at the hate party pity pat around this issue, because what they offer will be shit and what that shit will cost will be twice what Obama care charges with the massive tax subsidies that go with it. You simply don't get it , it is bad for one reason other then small problems that can easily be taken care of or that part dropped. and that is who pays for it ,Annual Incomes above $250,000.00 a household. they are the people who control you haters and tell you how to think and do what your told. That is the only reason why it is so hated and the mindless followers that can be told anything for any reason or excuse or whats right and wrong , the small minds that make up these weaklings are quoted from here daily and it doesn't' take long to be able to recognize stupid.
Once the jobs and careers come back so will Health Care.

Jobs? may be far too late for many?

Example: Those in that "sweet spot" LOL! say age 58-64 but w/o job. Medicare not kick in until age 65, SS at age 62 at the earliest.

Now "they" must buy CommieCare. To buy ObamaCare is ~$300/mo per person or penalty 2.5% of AGI, correct? A family could cost.........$10K/year? In the old days they could go "without".
You have been given the stupid quote of the day award and you deserve it immensely.
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
How about bullshit, The only real thing it is missing is the public option and the only reason your controllers tell you how to think the way that your displaying is that households that make over $250,000.00 a year are pay most of it,and since you are 100% controlled by this group and the only thing the hate parter operated for are these exact people that pay for it. Your just being used as their whipping children , and you do the job well Children. The program is fantastic with error that are totally in line that all programs like these start out in the first place. most things that are important can be fixed and you have to be deaf dumb and stupid to think that the hate party would come up with something different, . The middle class and poor are groups that is totally hatred by the hate party , The middle class and below. All this money ,100% proved by multiple Hate party budget proposals by Paul Ryan, all the money saved by starving the poor and old and sick is handed over to the uber rich and big business , and that is what the hate party wants for this country. Only people that they consider that count will gain everything taken from the old the sick and needy. everyone else will get shit on, because thats who these slime bags are.

Is it any wonder illiterates like this need others to pay for their healthcare .......imbecile
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
How about bullshit, The only real thing it is missing is the public option and the only reason your controllers tell you how to think the way that your displaying is that households that make over $250,000.00 a year are pay most of it,and since you are 100% controlled by this group and the only thing the hate parter operated for are these exact people that pay for it. Your just being used as their whipping children , and you do the job well Children. The program is fantastic with error that are totally in line that all programs like these start out in the first place. most things that are important can be fixed and you have to be deaf dumb and stupid to think that the hate party would come up with something different, . The middle class and poor are groups that is totally hatred by the hate party , The middle class and below. All this money ,100% proved by multiple Hate party budget proposals by Paul Ryan, all the money saved by starving the poor and old and sick is handed over to the uber rich and big business , and that is what the hate party wants for this country. Only people that they consider that count will gain everything taken from the old the sick and needy. everyone else will get shit on, because thats who these slime bags are.

Is it any wonder illiterates like this need others to pay for their healthcare .......imbecile

Good grief...........patients don't like it, doctors don't like it, hospitals don't like it, insurance companies don't like

Dems might think it is good on paper but humans are not paper and their Obamacare is not worth the volumes of paper they never read before voting on this horror

How does this help anyone?
The party of hate has no power. They lost.
If you can't do better then NO I'm not you are, with your comments , then go away. I have little time for stupid and I get bored easily.
Make some time for remedial English lessons despite them being boring.
Contribute or your gone, there is no way you can attack me that I would give a fuck so your wasting bandwidth. Contribute or your done here.
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
You will have to take every option that people support almost totally to cut price, the real reason this is a problem in the first place is that the simple minded haters in the hate party are told it's bad for only one real reason because the people who control you minor minds are paying for it Households over $250,000.00 a year. Your reasons are just plain nonsense. all problems can be fixed very easily with legislation and possible change of format. But your God says its no good even though your God is a dumb fuck and you grovel at the feet of his stupidity. To repeat myself , the hate party is going to be pulled through the eye of a needle trying to dump Obama care, Your opinions of it .Totally useless and mostly stupid. You think you would have enough self respect to not be caught groveling at the feet of your masters all the time.
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
You will have to take every option that people support almost totally to cut price, the real reason this is a problem in the first place is that the simple minded haters in the hate party are told it's bad for only one real reason because the people who control you minor minds are paying for it Households over $250,000.00 a year. Your reasons are just plain nonsense. all problems can be fixed very easily with legislation and possible change of format. But your God says its no good even though your God is a dumb fuck and you grovel at the feet of his stupidity. To repeat myself , the hate party is going to be pulled through the eye of a needle trying to dump Obama care, Your opinions of it .Totally useless and mostly stupid. You think you would have enough self respect to not be caught groveling at the feet of your masters all the time.

10 plans in the house with slightly differing options and adjustment costs

it won't take that much to tweak them and some up with something that can be voted on

this is not a ground floor thing that will takes years
Tangled but possible. Obama care is not set in stone.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
That would be correct. But if you drive your supporter by hate , its all bad, problem is now it is crunch time and they have nothing.

What hate, beside it is a horrid mess? It is too complicated, expensive and actually getting the right service take forever.

Options...........people will be willing to pay for options. Obama care is not it.
How about bullshit, The only real thing it is missing is the public option and the only reason your controllers tell you how to think the way that your displaying is that households that make over $250,000.00 a year are pay most of it,and since you are 100% controlled by this group and the only thing the hate parter operated for are these exact people that pay for it. Your just being used as their whipping children , and you do the job well Children. The program is fantastic with error that are totally in line that all programs like these start out in the first place. most things that are important can be fixed and you have to be deaf dumb and stupid to think that the hate party would come up with something different, . The middle class and poor are groups that is totally hatred by the hate party , The middle class and below. All this money ,100% proved by multiple Hate party budget proposals by Paul Ryan, all the money saved by starving the poor and old and sick is handed over to the uber rich and big business , and that is what the hate party wants for this country. Only people that they consider that count will gain everything taken from the old the sick and needy. everyone else will get shit on, because thats who these slime bags are.

Is it any wonder illiterates like this need others to pay for their healthcare .......imbecile

Good grief...........patients don't like it, doctors don't like it, hospitals don't like it, insurance companies don't like

Dems might think it is good on paper but humans are not paper and their Obamacare is not worth the volumes of paper they never read before voting on this horror

How does this help anyone?
This is what you want to do, make it so families that make over $250,000.00 a household no longer have to pay for it, those poor darlings. Then preexisting conditions will increase insurance cost by 5 to 10 times depending on the condition. or not even insure them at all , They can insure a person and if they are sick they can again just dump them. Then all the money that the insurance companies are putting out to pay for these, what 7 million people, will again be paid by the tax payers as they were before. w also all know that the right never asks anyone to be responsible for themselves so this is good that the 7 million will not be responsible for them selves anymore as the hate party must want. Now Obama care has massive other programs to help different parts of our population that are in need.
Most studies shows that the main help of Obama care for everyone is it's demand for free preventative care , I've seen no numbers but billions are saved easily. It forces all insurance companies to insure 10 base line health needs. Instead of small print saying if you have whatever we won't pay for it. There is no lifelong or annual limits. Paying thousand a year and the small print saying they will only pay out $12.50 for whatever.
Keep this simple your simply stupid and brainless and if you want to help people you fix Obama care if you want to protect the insurances companies and bail out the people that make over $250,000.00 a year who pay for it. Then keep on groveling at the feet of people who have never and will never give a fuck about anything other then the bottom line.
Final point and the ultimate stupid is the idea that the massive increase in insurance rates has anything to do with Obama care is 100% bullshit, well 90% bullshit. You want to help this countries problem in health care , try single payer and get people that know how stupid you are and take advantage of it by sticking it to you and saying it's caused by whatever bullshit ,when in fact it's only gold plating wages of the pigs at the top and the Bottom line.

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