This woman is part of America's gun culture, not part of America's criminal culture,a big difference

Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Just spend 10 minutes in a gun shop, but the semi, and order a bump stock. They're cheap, and the GOP will make sure you can get one easily.
Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Just spend 10 minutes in a gun shop, but the semi, and order a bump stock. They're cheap, and the GOP will make sure you can get one easily.
Still not an automatic weapon and bump stocks are not that easy to use.
Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Just spend 10 minutes in a gun shop, but the semi, and order a bump stock. They're cheap, and the GOP will make sure you can get one easily.
Still not an automatic weapon and bump stocks are not that easy to use.
Then we have nothing to worry about from the 3rd world
Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.

Except in every country with strict gun mean except for those countries...
No, less criminals use guns there because the difficulty of getting one is exponentially higher.

Wrong...again....countries with absolute gun control only keep guns out of the hands of their law abiding people.....criminals get guns, the same way they get drugs....and they need guns to enforce their drug don't know what you are talking about...

Even anti gun paradise, Great Britain.....where they banned and confiscated guns, can't keep guns out of the hands of their criminals....their gun crime rates keep going up.....
Citizens can get guns there. It's harder though. Same as it is for criminals. Thus the admirable gun crime numbers.

Admirable gun crime numbers....? You still refuse to see the truth...gun crime is up, again, in Britain, 27% across the country and up 42% in London alone just last year.....their gun murder rate, never went down below where it was at before the ban...and their violent crime rates are through the roof.....
Now they would have to go up by many factors to get even half of what we have. You are a liar.

Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Just spend 10 minutes in a gun shop, but the semi, and order a bump stock. They're cheap, and the GOP will make sure you can get one easily.
Still not an automatic weapon and bump stocks are not that easy to use.
Really? 58 deaths and 500 injuries in one shooting says otherwise.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.
Its more than a couple hoops to get a Class 3 licence
and it ain't cheap of course criminals don't bother. I think automatic weapons are shit for self-defence but they are a blast to fire rounds down range.
How to Get a Class 3 Firearms License
Just spend 10 minutes in a gun shop, but the semi, and order a bump stock. They're cheap, and the GOP will make sure you can get one easily.
Still not an automatic weapon and bump stocks are not that easy to use.
Really? 58 deaths and 500 injuries in one shooting says otherwise.

And yet a muslim with a rental truck....19 dollars for the 1 hour rental here in the states.....murdered 86 people in 5 took the guy over 1,000 rounds firing into a tightly packed crowd of over22,000 people to murder 58....the guy with the rental truck...86 in 5 minutes...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Except in every country with strict gun mean except for those countries...
No, less criminals use guns there because the difficulty of getting one is exponentially higher.

Wrong...again....countries with absolute gun control only keep guns out of the hands of their law abiding people.....criminals get guns, the same way they get drugs....and they need guns to enforce their drug don't know what you are talking about...

Even anti gun paradise, Great Britain.....where they banned and confiscated guns, can't keep guns out of the hands of their criminals....their gun crime rates keep going up.....
Citizens can get guns there. It's harder though. Same as it is for criminals. Thus the admirable gun crime numbers.

Admirable gun crime numbers....? You still refuse to see the truth...gun crime is up, again, in Britain, 27% across the country and up 42% in London alone just last year.....their gun murder rate, never went down below where it was at before the ban...and their violent crime rates are through the roof.....
Now they would have to go up by many factors to get even half of what we have. You are a liar.


Gun crime is going up in Britain....our gun crime rate went down more Americans bought guns and as more Americans, over 16.3 million now have the ability to actually carry them....the violent crime levels in those other countries are going up, due to their social welfare systems raising violent young males, and their countries policy of allowing in violent young male immigrants.....
Good for her. But the real reason gun control will always fail in this country is that there are over 400 million guns here, and it is easier for a criminal or wannabe criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world.
You have obviously never heard of the gun markets in some of the 3rd world were fully automatic AK-47's are dirt cheap. Try and buy one hear in the US.
You have to jump a couple hoops, and you can get a brand new in perfect condition. Not a 3rd world piece of shit. Though as 2aguy would point out to you, a criminal can do much more damage with a pistol or a semi-automatic that they can obtain legally with little effort.

Actually, doofus...if you really want to kill a lot of people....all you need is a rental can get one from Home Depot for 19 dollars for the first hour of killing. The muslim terrorist in France used a rental truck to murder 86 people, in 5 minutes...he didn't even need a full rental hour to do that. The muslim terrorist in New York used the Home Depot rental truck, 19 dollars for the first hour of killing....murdered 8 people......

The rental truck in Nice murdered more people in 5 minutes than all but one year of mass public shootings.....with no hoops to jump through...
The problem is, most crimes aren't committed by people "in the criminal culture".

Most crimes are committed by regular people. That woman (and everyone else in this country) is more likely to be killed by one of her immediate family members and social circle than by a random home invasion.

You do realize that even criminals are more likely to be killed by someone they know too don't you?

That's just a bullshit statistic like you're more likely to drown if you have a swimming pool

An estimated 3.7 million household burglaries occurred each
year on average from 2003 to 2007. In about 28% of these
burglaries, a household member was present during the burglary.
In 7% of all household burglaries, a household member
experienced some form of violent victimization

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