Those of you who are Christians do know better, and shame

. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.


So housing children and feeding them is “un-Christian” now?
Separating them from their parents? Yes, it surely is an unholy act.

60,000 Americans are sent to prison every year and separated from their children. Are you saying that's "un-Christian?" Is it an "unholy act?"
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.


Have you ever been to church?

I go every week and have never heard a sermon on why we should let the world export their poverty to the US in order to bring in potential Democrat voters.

What I have learned is that charity comes from the heart, family and church. Nothing about doing away with the immigration laws of the US.
The fact is that the immigrant children are being abused by the Trump administration, and that is just wrong.
The government is putting a roof over the heads of the illegal immigrant children with indoor plumbing, air conditioning, 3 nutritious meals a day, Tv and video games, and medical care. Ya know, things they never experienced before.

You should be happy the children are being treated soo well.

But since you hate Pres. Trump with a passion, you lefty liberal fruitcakes falsely call that abuse. ... :cuckoo:
Build the wall and we won't be having this stupid discussion. Also take the property of anyone renting to an illegal.
The Lord thy God is your God, Stratford, even though you reject Him and are a Russian atheist. You will kneel and confess your sins before and to Him.
Judge not lest ye be judged. Don't be a hypocrite, jake.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.


Is this you Moon Bat?

Those who are evil, the Trumpers in this case, harm the children and call bad good.

For shame. This will end awfully for you.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.


Have you ever been to church?

I go every week and have never heard a sermon on why we should let the world export their poverty to the US in order to bring in potential Democrat voters.

What I have learned is that charity comes from the heart, family and church. Nothing about doing away with the immigration laws of the US.

The world isn’t exporting its poverty to the US, and Democrats have been far tougher on illegals than Republicans who are the ones who gave amnesty in the 1980’s while Democrats said it would just encourage more illegal crossings.

Obama deported more illegals than Trump in his first two years. I fact Republicans were complaining about his deportations.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

That you believe Trump’s lies shows how gullible you are.

You call yourself a Christian but there is no Christianity in your attitude at all.

The world isn’t exporting its poverty to the US, .

Bullshit! Either you are lying or very confused.

Poverty is what is coming across the border illegally. The first thing those little shitheads do when they get here is sign up for free government handouts.

Just think, in addition to allowing Mexico and Central America to export their poverty to the US that asshole Crooked Hillary wanted to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid is that?

God bless Trump for working hard to put an end to all this illegal immigration. God damn the filthy ass Liberals that are willing to allow all these shitheads to come here and screw up our country just so they will have a future voting base for the scumbag Democrat Party.
Gotta love it when these LibTards... who routinely worship at the altar of Aethism... try to play the Christian Card when convenient for them.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.

This needs to be repeated: "If separating children from their parents is unholy, then it is not just unholy when you loons see political advantage to declare it so."

And so does this, in rebuttal: "Its ok to be against illegal immigration. Most of us are. But it is NOT ok under the US Constitution or any Christian module to punish children to punish their parents." The parents want a better life for their children and themselves. That is not criminal.

Taking children in the dark of the night to strangers at foster care eerily echoes fascist behavior seventy years ago. For shame.

Those of you who support Trump on this, go fetch your mill stones and report to the lake.

Forced separation of children and parents is punishment to children. You seem to believe that the children of criminals deserve the punishment while the children of illegal aliens do not, because in your mind, the parents are not committing a crime.

You need to put a bit of thought into your rationalization.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.

Curious how many Jake has sponsored.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

We don’t want to other countries problems, that’s what these illegal aliens are.
We should just let them motherfuckers rot in Mexico

The United States created these problems by propping up generation after generation of right wing dictators who plundered their countries’ treasuries and abused their populations. But hey. Better dead than red.

The USA exported to MS13 gang from Los Angeles to El Salvador. It’s headquarters are in Los Angeles and most of its members live in the US. Trump never mentions that.

So having created these problems and these refugees and now you don’t want to take responsibility for the mess you’ve created. Just like US Middle East policy created the Syrian refugee crisis and then banned Syrian refugees.

Typical Republicans. Make a mess and then refuse to clean it up. And just for good measure, blame others for the mess YOU created.
Always blaming the other guy... that’s socialism for ya.
Socialism is the cause of most modern problems in the world today

No we’re blaming the US and its support of right wing dictators, some of whom were involved in the drug trade, for conditions in these Central American countries. You made the mess in Central America and you just want to pretend it doesn’t matter.

I have never been to Central America, have not knowingly communicated with anyone in Central America, and I am pretty sure I have made no messes in Central America. I would venture that the problems of Central America are pretty much the responsibility of Central Americans.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.


So housing children and feeding them is “un-Christian” now?
Separating them from their parents? Yes, it surely is an unholy act.

Not according to Jeff Sessions and Sarah Jabba the Hut Sanders. It is actually in scripture to do so.
That on #92 is a great image of the mill stone trash.

They punish the children because of the parents: crazy heads.

If they wish to defy Jesus, sure, why not?
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.

You do realize, Sodom let liberals in and take over? See what happened, take your talking points and go.
“Those of you who are Christians do know better”

Clearly not, hence their reprehensible position concerning immigration.

Indeed, those of us who aren’t Christian know better.
. . . on those of you who have put politics above Christian love.

This is going to end very badly politically for Trump and his defenders.

The spiritual consequences are between our Lord and Savior and the persecutors.

They better get their mill stones ready.

You do realize, Sodom let liberals in and take over? See what happened, take your talking points and go.
You do realize that you need to lean on Jesus, give up your anti-Christian principles, and start living the Christian life? Far, far better ways exist in taking custody and preserving the family units while in the care of the US.

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