Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans.

You want to get rid of the virus,. Then the us needs to stop letting people in who carry the variants. do you all not find it strange that all these illegal immigrants do not have to follow are covid rectriction rules?: The y are bunched together in cages, dumpster like housing, hotels and any other place a bunch of them is dumpsted in mass,. How many people living on the border are to find dead migrants on their property? I know texas is sick of it. How does dead people keep germs out? Eveyday we get news article about hundreds of these people coming through infected, with not only covid but monkey pox and every other creeping crud you can think of. the court has ordered trumps stay in mexico policy back. that is a start. biden is the worst presendent ever for indangering the citiziens lilke this and should be impeached. he doesnt give shit about anyone so dems stop being so proud you voted a nazi dictator in. he dont care about your asses anyway.
the means to mandate them Elmer, ever wonder why so many sorts are appearing before school boards questioning masks, or vaxxed teachers, but not vaxxed kids under 12?

The fucking vaccine hasen't been approved for children under 12, genius.

Why am I responding to a plant?
You want to get rid of the virus,. Then the us needs to stop letting people in who carry the variants. do you all not find it strange that all these illegal immigrants do not have to follow are covid rectriction rules?: The y are bunched together in cages, dumpster like housing, hotels and any other place a bunch of them is dumpsted in mass,. How many people living on the border are to find dead migrants on their property? I know texas is sick of it. How does dead people keep germs out? Eveyday we get news article about hundreds of these people coming through infected, with not only covid but monkey pox and every other creeping crud you can think of. the court has ordered trumps stay in mexico policy back. that is a start. biden is the worst presendent ever for indangering the citiziens lilke this and should be impeached. he doesnt give shit about anyone so dems stop being so proud you voted a nazi dictator in. he dont care about your asses anyway.
Looks like things didn't go too well with the third shot at the old GED exam did they?
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Stop lying. You're not going to wipe out covid. It's here to stay.

The Delta strain started in India. Stop with the fucking misinformation.
ask your dr or pharmacist for an insert of the covid vaccine. You wont get one. Why? because its experimental lmao.
ask your dr or pharmacist for an insert of the covid vaccine. You wont get one. Why? because its experimental lmao.
You are a stupid, freightened thing. As a human I hate to admit something as disgusting as you is a human.
Grow a couple and get the vaccine for the good of all. People, like you, do not give a dam about the common good.
You want to get rid of the virus,. Then the us needs to stop letting people in who carry the variants. do you all not find it strange that all these illegal immigrants do not have to follow are covid rectriction rules?: The y are bunched together in cages, dumpster like housing, hotels and any other place a bunch of them is dumpsted in mass,. How many people living on the border are to find dead migrants on their property? I know texas is sick of it. How does dead people keep germs out? Eveyday we get news article about hundreds of these people coming through infected, with not only covid but monkey pox and every other creeping crud you can think of. the court has ordered trumps stay in mexico policy back. that is a start. biden is the worst presendent ever for indangering the citiziens lilke this and should be impeached. he doesnt give shit about anyone so dems stop being so proud you voted a nazi dictator in. he dont care about your asses anyway.
Typical Trump minion. Blame it on someone else. You are too stupid and freightened to do anything yourself, so you blame it on immigrants on the border. They represent less than 1% of the US population.
Stupid and scared. Disgusting
Those that come into the ER and have not been vaccinated should be triaged at the end of the line. Their ignorance is causing those who really need help to suffer.

I have no use for those who are unvaccinated. They are a threat to us vaccinated.

fine..then stay away from the unvaxxed. I'm sure they'd appreciate it. You just don't have a right to touch anyone, say anything to anyone, prevent them from buying food, medicine, whatever or deny them their life, liberty pursuit of know...the thing. STay in your home if you're so frightened.
Libbies so vexed that taking care of themselves is not good enough unless they can force others to do exactly the same thing exactly the same way
Well the thing is JimH52...the unvaxxed are not coming INTO the ER. It's the Vaxxed.
You lying piece of crap. It is idiots like you spreading lies that are big part of the problem.
I could provide 20 more articles proving you are lying.

Libbies so vexed that taking care of themselves is not good enough unless they can force others to do exactly the same thing exactly the same way
You cannot be this stupid.
It requires at least 80% of the population to be vaccinated to beat the virus.
If it just effects you, do what you want.
But your cowardice is putting many other at risk. Especially children under 12 who cannot get vaccinated.

There is blood on the hands of all who do not get vaccinated without a good reason.
Those who think there are risks are the biggest cowards. Over 200 million people have taken the risk for the good of all.
Grow a couple and take the risks the rest of have for the good of all.

If this was WWII you would not fight for your country because you might get hurt.
Lockdown loons lack the courage of their own convictions. When one is solid with their beliefs then that’s sufficient for them and they don’t have to try and force others into identical behavior. Since they lack courage of their own convictions they must force others on board to reinforce their own weak contentions.
You cannot be this stupid.
It requires at least 80% of the population to be vaccinated to beat the virus.
If it just effects you, do what you want.
But your cowardice is putting many other at risk. Especially children under 12 who cannot get vaccinated.

There is blood on the hands of all who do not get vaccinated without a good reason.
Those who think there are risks are the biggest cowards. Over 200 million people have taken the risk for the good of all.
Grow a couple and take the risks the rest of have for the good of all.

If this was WWII you would not fight for your country because you might get hurt.
Lib hysteria and falsehoods 101
Love how lib pusses try to challenge “manliness” with their pearl clutching “get on board” name calling
You cannot be this stupid.
It requires at least 80% of the population to be vaccinated to beat the virus.
If it just effects you, do what you want.
But your cowardice is putting many other at risk. Especially children under 12 who cannot get vaccinated.

There is blood on the hands of all who do not get vaccinated without a good reason.
Those who think there are risks are the biggest cowards. Over 200 million people have taken the risk for the good of all.
Grow a couple and take the risks the rest of have for the good of all.

If this was WWII you would not fight for your country because you might get hurt.
Don’t you have a little brother that you can badger and force to take a nap?
If he does then your annoyances are resolved And you may very well then feel good about taking Your nap.

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