Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
When did Democrats say knock it off?
Biden did lately.....kinda a half assed stop it routine.....he was having trouble with the lines........Being Senile makes the acting hard for him.
That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
Are you one of the ""good people""
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.
That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
When did Democrats say knock it off?
Biden did lately.....kinda a half assed stop it routine.....he was having trouble with the lines........Being Senile makes the acting hard for him.
Biden has spoken out against the riots since May, Kamala said last week that the unrest will not cease as long as the issue is unresolved. I can link both if you need it.
That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
Are you one of the ""good people""
yup.........sure am..........I own weapons .......served ........worked my whole life.........never asked anyone for a damned thing..........

Never burned down people's homes............Never attacked people over a hat............Never attacked someone because of color............IMAGINE THAT.

Your ISM DOESN'T WORK on people here who are informed..............I'm saying exactly what needs to be said.........NO SUGAR COATING IT.......

What we need right now..........Martial Law..........Looters WILL BE SHOT.......and at least 3000 National Guard there doing it.
That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
When did Democrats say knock it off?
Biden did lately.....kinda a half assed stop it routine.....he was having trouble with the lines........Being Senile makes the acting hard for him.
Biden has spoken out against the riots since May, Kamala said last week that the unrest will not cease as long as the issue is unresolved. I can link both if you need it.
I have heard their fake ass comments.
I really don't get why conservatives are so concerned about Portland. It's an overwhelmingly left wing city, so if they want to live in that kind of Hell, let them. Who cares? It's not hurting me
You are evil for LAW and Order in this country.........allow it day they will bring it else where.

Had I been would want that job........Places like Portland would have been dealt with quick....even if I had to put the whole Battalions there.
They finally came out of the woodwork, they have been working behind the scenes,
white nationalist groups they are called.
If white Trump supporters gathered together are white nationalist groups
What are groups of black Trump nationalist groups
What are groups of Hispanic Trump supporters...hispanic nationalist groups

Darling, when we come out of the woodwork, you'll know
And, by 'we' I'm not talking about Trump supporters

You are 1 of 3 posters here that I would cherish the opportunity to punch in the face

It must really irritate you and your ilk that 600 white nationalist Trumps supporters
came and left without torching buildings and cars, looting stores, breaking windows,
vandalizing property and hunting down black folks to beat nearly dead, huh
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING
I just want to know one damn thing, do all the protests and counter protestors all have muffin tops?
They all bleed red..........only one side thinks they bleed a different color..........guess which one that is..........moony here is a fitting symbol of the ass party...........

Where is this party occurring, in yer head?

Well you are a Pain in the might give people a head ache messaging to you........good point.
I really don't get why conservatives are so concerned about Portland. It's an overwhelmingly left wing city, so if they want to live in that kind of Hell, let them. Who cares? It's not hurting me
THANK YOU, I'm not the one who got shot and killed
because I didn't comply with the police...who cares
That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
When did Democrats say knock it off?
Biden did lately.....kinda a half assed stop it routine.....he was having trouble with the lines........Being Senile makes the acting hard for him.
Biden has spoken out against the riots since May, Kamala said last week that the unrest will not cease as long as the issue is unresolved. I can link both if you need it.
I have heard their fake ass comments.
Then don't complain about Trump's fake ass comments.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

That' so sums it up,,,, People are up in arms over rioting but their big mouths are shut when cops are killing unarmed blacks When will all the ""good"" cops speak up?
In a Nation of 320 million a couple .........shove that BS.......that is a very small number.......and the DNC like always hyped it up til people are killed and maimed.........finally now as the polls go down they start saying knock it off after 3 months of the BS.

Cry me a river don't fool anyone.
When did Democrats say knock it off?
Biden did lately.....kinda a half assed stop it routine.....he was having trouble with the lines........Being Senile makes the acting hard for him.
Biden has spoken out against the riots since May, Kamala said last week that the unrest will not cease as long as the issue is unresolved. I can link both if you need it.
I have heard their fake ass comments.
Then don't complain about Trump's fake ass comments.
Stop telling others what to do........that is your major malfunction......and Portland major malfunction..........go into a restaurant and demand RAISE YOUR FIST........AND YELL BLM..........

Fuck them........they get their asses in body bags I don't care anymore.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

WRONG Patriot I did serve in the US Army and my best friends were black Not allowed in El Paso bars so we all went to Juarez and trump is holding all those racist cards Talk your shit to him
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

WRONG Patriot I did serve in the US Army and my best friends were black Not allowed in El Paso bars so we all went to Juarez and trump is holding all those racist cards Talk your shit to him

And the Portland mayor put it well Either trump comes here to help or stay the hell away
They need to kick all these outside groups out, enforce curfew and close down all protests for a week. Portland does not need armed outsider agitators.
Yes coyote what you say is right on I also believe if authorities would crack down on cops killing unarmed blacks violence would be minimal Need to show black folks there's not 2 justice systems in America One for white one for black
True...that has to be part of a solution but right now there can be no solution with out first stopping this escalation. It is no longer about racial justice.

It's never been about racial justice, it's always been about power and control. BLM has never cared about black lives, they are just another marxist tool to keep blacks dancing to the commiecrat tune and it''s working very well.

They need to kick all these outside groups out, enforce curfew and close down all protests for a week. Portland does not need armed outsider agitators.
Yes coyote what you say is right on I also believe if authorities would crack down on cops killing unarmed blacks violence would be minimal Need to show black folks there's not 2 justice systems in America One for white one for black
True...that has to be part of a solution but right now there can be no solution with out first stopping this escalation. It is no longer about racial justice.

It's never been about racial justice, it's always been about power and control. BLM has never cared about black lives, they are just another marxist tool to keep blacks dancing to the commiecrat tune and it''s working very well.

Commie ??? Bidens best pal is a russian murderer?? Russia going to help biden win an election ?????

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