Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

WRONG Patriot I did serve in the US Army and my best friends were black Not allowed in El Paso bars so we all went to Juarez and trump is holding all those racist cards Talk your shit to him

And the Portland mayor put it well Either trump comes here to help or stay the hell away

The portland mayor has blood on his hands and should be charged with sedition, if not treason.

And what should the POS trump be charged with for letting Russia help win his election????

There was no collusion between Uncle Pooty and The Donald in 2016 at all.

And B. Hussein O was the official in charge during the last election cycle- he was the chief law enforcement agent.

BTW, Obama was asked a couple of weeks before the 2016 election if it was on the up and up, or if it was rigged. Obama said it was IMPOSSIBLE to rig an American election, why would he have lied?
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

WRONG Patriot I did serve in the US Army and my best friends were black Not allowed in El Paso bars so we all went to Juarez and trump is holding all those racist cards Talk your shit to him

And the Portland mayor put it well Either trump comes here to help or stay the hell away

The portland mayor has blood on his hands and should be charged with sedition, if not treason.

And what should the POS trump be charged with for letting Russia help win his election????

There was no collusion between Uncle Pooty and The Donald in 2016 at all.

And B. Hussein O was the official in charge during the last election cycle- he was the chief law enforcement agent.

BTW, Obama was asked a couple of weeks before the 2016 election if it was on the up and up, or if it was rigged. Obama said it was IMPOSSIBLE to rig an American election, why would he have lied?

Not the first time I called Bull Shit on you
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?
And at least 12 have died across the country due to these "peaceful" protests.

At Least 12 Have Died In Nationwide Protests. Here’s Who They Were.

Oops, another link has it up to 17.

The 17 people who have died in the protests and riots so far

That's just since George Floyd. There have been more and there will be more, unfortunately.

What exactly is the point that you would like me to see?

Seems to be a few that are worked up over the one death in Portland, meanwhile dismissing all the other deaths that have occurred.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

Because those AH's are just pouring more oil on a fire

Coming from the left...........having the nerve to say that with all your whiny little bitch side has done.........

More BS from the ass's only ok if your side does it.........and BLM AND ANTIFA are on you........Your side created these Freaks of Nature.....and demand people do nothing as they kill rape and murder people...........

Up yours and the Terrorist DNC party

These people are Raghead terrorist now by another name..........OBEY ME......RAISE A FIST AND SAY BLM OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Americans have a serious problem with or ELSE.......The Police are the only thing in the way of a lot of pissed off Americans dealing with their sorry asses........FITTING SYMBOL of the DNC.......

'Complaints about calling the DNC out are being taken in the 3rd portolet to the right in the basement.

When you and your lilly white party comes to their senses and put down the KKK the white supremacists Qanon you might have a leg to stand on As of now your ah in the WH says nothing Also says nothing about his russian pal Putin

lilly white party............FUCK YOU.......I don't owe blacks a damned thing........x military and in the service we all bled red dick head...........

Your party is the one with the problem...........trying to justify all this BS every 2 years.

Why you do it in DNC areas......and not here.........BLM and Antifa are just Raghead terrorist by another name.

And I owe nobody .. You white supremacists kkkers or Qanons OR this russian ass kissing pos in our WH NOTHING

Fuck your white supremacy BS.............we all bleed red.......the only ones who are Racist are people like you.

You didn't serve did you...................because had you done that shit out there.......We would have calibrated your ass.

Play your dang Racism card to someone who cares.

WRONG Patriot I did serve in the US Army and my best friends were black Not allowed in El Paso bars so we all went to Juarez and trump is holding all those racist cards Talk your shit to him

And the Portland mayor put it well Either trump comes here to help or stay the hell away

The portland mayor has blood on his hands and should be charged with sedition, if not treason.

And what should the POS trump be charged with for letting Russia help win his election????

Russia was irrelevant. Your red baiting is silly.

The mayor ordering the police to stand down so the mob can rule the streets, in open insurrection and should be arrested.
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?

Well then I hope you're happy with this. One guy got killed so far.

Personally, I'd rather see less of these kinds of deaths.
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?
So you don't give a shit that Russia AGAIN is helping trump win??? Is that right ?? You don't give a shit as long as your scumbag wins?? A simple yes will suffice
And at least 12 have died across the country due to these "peaceful" protests.

At Least 12 Have Died In Nationwide Protests. Here’s Who They Were.

Oops, another link has it up to 17.

The 17 people who have died in the protests and riots so far

That's just since George Floyd. There have been more and there will be more, unfortunately.

What exactly is the point that you would like me to see?

Seems to be a few that are worked up over the one death in Portland, meanwhile dismissing all the other deaths that have occurred.

I don't think it's fair to argue that I'm dismissing those other deaths that have occurred. I'm just in a thread about this particular death so I'm naturally talking about this particular incident.

If you want my input on those other deaths, I'll say that all deaths suck. It's unfortunate that those other deaths happened as well.

C'mon, don't be shy. Which of you Trumpster Patriots are gonna be packing heat in Portland?
The silent majority has had enough

Trump supporters are generally full of shit save for a few crazies we’ve seen like that 17 year old moron. Sure, the idea of doing this gives them a false sense of toughness, but the reality is that they’re just pussies. They won’t do jack shit lol
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?

Well then I hope you're happy with this. One guy got killed so far.

Personally, I'd rather see less of these kinds of deaths.

I want to see the streets not ruled by mobs.

I want to see the police ordered to protect the citizens, not stand down as they are killed or terrorized.

Abe Lincoln has ant-draft riots in nyc in the early days of the Civil War, and had to send in the army.

The death toll numbers could be in the hundreds, or even the thousands.

This is the game you people are playing.
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?

Well then I hope you're happy with this. One guy got killed so far.

Personally, I'd rather see less of these kinds of deaths.

I want to see the streets not ruled by mobs.

I want to see the police ordered to protect the citizens, not stand down as they are killed or terrorized.

Abe Lincoln has ant-draft riots in nyc in the early days of the Civil War, and had to send in the army.

The death toll numbers could be in the hundreds, or even the thousands.

This is the game you people are playing.

Well you got what you wanted to accomplish. Someone died.

I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?
So you don't give a shit that Russia AGAIN is helping trump win??? Is that right ?? You don't give a shit as long as your scumbag wins?? A simple yes will suffice

Save your red baiting for someone that can't remember how you lefties kissed the soviet union's ass.

I made my point. Bloody mobs in the streets murdering people is a little more important to me, that a slight increase in the number of bad memes on the internet.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

STfU traitor. Everyone is a superior human being to you. Biden is ancient. And your point is subjective. I can objectively say that you spit on our ancestors graves.

Don't get angry with me because I love America Israel was never my home or my grandparents either Any country that supports that pos trump is my enemy And ancient? How many ancient Jews in Israel gov't?

Israel or America, we are still Jews and the Democrats hate that as they elect devout Muslim extremists to Congress. You are my enemy. I wish the worst possible life for you, why? You’re a disgusting traitor to our people. With all due respect, FUCK YOU.

I have bad news and good news for you correll and doggy The bad news is I have had a wonderful life with a great family I'm very proud of The good news is I don't have many years to go .. 10 would be a mitzvah

Whatever. You are traitor whether you have 10 or 70. You’re an embarrassment

Guess when my country called me I should have paid a Doc to give me a bone spur deferment Then you could call me a traitor along with the POS in our WH

You fought in Vietnam? Wow!

No I was in before that I was almost out when JFK was killed in Nov of 63

How embarrassed are you to be a Jew and did you want your kids to marry Jews or you don't care?
I'm not judging.
Most of my relatives are embarrassed and want their kids to intermarry.
Of course that produces grandchildren that are religiously observant anyway in whatever religion.

I married a catholic as probably my kids will marry outside their religion too There are more important things imho in a relationship than someones religion

It depends on one's individual point of view.
Given a Biden presidency, your grandchildren will most probably become Muslims.

LOL LOL are you trying to beat freak for joke of the day??

I'm talking about people like my relatives who flow with whatever is politically correct.

I sorta lean towards those who don't have much ,that just get by but are trying hard to do good for their families and put food on the table I think one party is superior in that regard I've got enough I don't need a tax cut Oh yeah Tell Azog my CPA is Jewish too

Yeah...and racists have black friends. You’re a traitor, plain and simple.
I'm not sure why anyone would think this was a good idea. Now somebody is dead because of it.

Hopefully there aren't any more.

Standing up to marxist mobs, as opposed to letting them rule our society, is a good idea.

Not sure what you think you’re going to accomplish. Now someone is dead over it.

You say it like he just died. He was murdered by one of yours, who thinks his actions were justified because of the nonsense that people like you are constantly putting out there.

What it accomplishes, is reveals that you people are vile murderers, and that you need to be opposed as such.

Well I hope you’re happy with his sacrifice since you got what you wanted to accomplish.

Personally I think it just shows that we’re divided and we shouldn’t be going out of our way to provoke each other.

Your side has demonstrated that it is prepared to use violence to get it's way.

The choice this gives the rest of US, is to let you or to fight you.

Your mobs and your sjws, are constantly attacking people in all manner of ways, from killing them in the streets to ruining their lives, to arresting them for no rerason, to refusing to hire them, ect ect ect ect.

We are so far past "provoking" that it just... are you serious?

Well then I hope you're happy with this. One guy got killed so far.

Personally, I'd rather see less of these kinds of deaths.

I want to see the streets not ruled by mobs.

I want to see the police ordered to protect the citizens, not stand down as they are killed or terrorized.

Abe Lincoln has ant-draft riots in nyc in the early days of the Civil War, and had to send in the army.

The death toll numbers could be in the hundreds, or even the thousands.

This is the game you people are playing.

Well you got what you wanted. Someone died.


Your side is the one that escalated to Brown Shirt Tactics.

You did realize that people would die because of it, didn't you?

I mean, this escalation has been obviously coming for years.

I reject your pretense that you did not see this coming from your side's actions. NO one is that dim.

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